A Quick Quiz to Qualify Quacks..

what does that mean Doc 2

According to Webster: qual·i·fy (in context) v. To be eligible for an office, a position, or a task.

A quiz is like a test to determine what an individual knows, or doesn’t know about a particular subject or person?

So let’s get started; …

For my initial question I would like you to “imagine” that you own a McDonald’s restaurant franchise.

McDonald's golden arches

It’s the day before your grand opening and you’re scheduled to interview several people for (employment) in your fledgling enterprise.

The first position you’re interviewing for is that of manager.

Your applicants in alphabetical order; …

Adolf Hitler - caricature 1a

Adolf Hitler

imagining yourself a God 1a

Barack Obama

imagining yourself a fool 1a

George W. Bush

Harry Reid - caricature 3a

Harry Reid

Hillary Clinton - caricature 1a

Hillary Rodham Clinton

judge Jeanine 3b

Jeanine Pirro

Nancy Pelosi - caricature 2a

Nancy Pelosi

take your time Doc 1a

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit Logo - COLOR 1a

Crusader Rabbit…


P.S. (and/or) Personal Sentiments..

the truth - I hate you 2

As an individual who truly enjoys communicating with others, today’s offering provides a (cross-section) of “attitudes” and “opinions” from readers on my “Shinola/Shark Tank” Quip.

Beverly wrote; …

I’ve been reading your blog for approximately eight months and have enjoyed every post because of your special talent with words. However, up until your last forum I wasn’t aware that you did standup comedy as well. Great job, keep it up.


James wrote; …

I nearly fell off my chair when I read your reply to the dweeb Francine in your Reader’s Forum.


Axel wrote; …

As a conservative and as an American who is totally fed up with Obama’s despotic rule, I salute you for voicing the truth in a universe of lies.

I also salute you for your jocular come back to Francine in your forum on Sunday, it was hilarious.


Henrietta writes; …

You should be ashamed for your blatant disregard for civility. Obamacare is structured to serve everyone equally and just as many white people get free phones as black people.

leave Barack along 2

Carla wrote; …

As a black woman and as an attorney who actually has a law license and a practice in New Jersey. I’m hereby serving you with notice that had I expired from your Shinola Skin Cream come-back on Sunday, my estate would be serving you with papers. 🙂

P.S., for the record, I think less of Barack Obama’s disdain for the law that you do.

I love your website, don’t change a thing, Carla.


Simon wrote; …

Hello dude, I’m a young black guy making a bid for a place in America’s comedy clubs, may I use your Shinola/Shark Tank bit?


Hello Simon, ..absolutely!

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit Logo - COLOR 1a

Crusader Rabbit…



According to Webster: “ac·count·a·ble,” adj. Answerable.

As an individual dedicated to providing information for, as well as interacting with those that visit my website, today’s offering is inspired by my friend and co-conservative Bob, who of late has become quite prolific with his comments.

Thank you Bob.

I take responsibility 2

For better or for worse, too many folks in America today are living their lives in a cloud…

living in cloud

According to Webster: “cloud,” (in context) n. Something that obscures.

who is Barack Obama 2a

A “cloud” of mystery, confusion, misinformation and blatant lies, provided both by corporate America and by the folks we employ to provide us the truth, and/or, “our” Government.

Obama care - Constitution 2a

Healthcare reform; …

According to Webster: “re·form,” (in context) v. A change for the better; an improvement.

Misleading; …

save $2500 2

Misleading; …

you can keep them

Actually; …

like your Dr 2

Misleading; …

no mortgage payments 2

Misleading; …

protect your wealth 2

Truth; …

if you're wealthy 2

Truth; …

if you need gold 2

According to Webster: “mis·lead·ing,” (in context) adj. To mislead; to defraud, to lie.

Truth; …

Free lunch for a friend 3

Actually; …

collecting restitution 2

Immigration reform; …

I have the authority 2

Truth; …

lying is reprehensible 2

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit Logo - COLOR 1a

Crusader Rabbit…


Anarchy and Obama..

anarchy in America 2

According to Webster: “an·ar·chy,” (in context) n. Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard, goal or purpose.

Barack Obama has indeed within the span of a calendar week displayed his disrespect for America and its Constitution beyond redemption. Thus, it is my (unequivocal opinion) that the Congress should extricate themselves from Mr. Obama’s butt and immediately initiate… 

impeachment proceedings 2

…to quash his tyrannical reign.

Obama is and has always been an individual consumed with his own ideology, ..a godless, “socialist/communist,” ideology that for all intents and purposes, is contrary to the ideals and principles that built America.

As a Christian I have long been insulted and outraged by the liberal medias analogy of Barack Obama as a Messiah.

Messiah Obama 1

According to Webster: “Mes·si·ah,” A leader who is regarded as or professes to be a savior or liberator.

Barack Obama is by no measure or any stretch of anyone’s imagination a savior or a liberator.

Obama Money

He is a selfish unrepentant tax and spend bigot.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit Logo - COLOR 1a

Crusader Rabbit…


It’s still not about Black..


Sharpton 1

It’s about greed, ignorance and a sense of entitlement!

Back in the news (currently), The New York Times (reported) Tuesday last, that the good “Reverend” Al Sharpton is again taking heat for his long-running “avoidance” of doing his due diligence, and/or, paying his taxes like the rest of us.

it's about the law 2

irs - graphic

..and decency, ..if indeed one is a law-abiding citizen and a decent person, (educated and aware), that the Government imposes taxes upon money earned and money spent.

I expounded about “charities and entitlements” most all last week, or at least (my opinions) of “charity and entitlements,” spirited by definitions from Merriam-Webster’s dictionary.

According to Webster: “en·ti·tle·ment,” n. (In context) The belief that you deserve to be given a special privilege;

mine mine mine

A “sense of entitlement,” is itself an entitlement associated with a moral or social doctrine…

According to Webster: “doc·trine,” (in context) n. A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief.


In high school dropout, and/or, layman’s terms; a doctrine or a principle is nothing more than what someone wants you to accept or believe for (their benefit), ..not yours.


welfare folks

I have no more sympathy for a “generational” (white) welfare recipient than I have for (any hue or color) of a “generational” welfare recipient.

invention 2


production 2

..are what make a society successful.

deceit and descent

Deceit and decline are “not” productive.

According to Webster: “de·ceit,” (in context) A stratagem; a trick; falseness.

decline 1

According to Webster: “de·cline,” (in context) v. A downward movement; approaching the end.

food stamps

Food stamps are “not” productive…

riot  in Ferguson 2

Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri was not productive.

the cold truth - graphic

..because Barack Obama is “not” productive.

Editorial: Once again a group of agenda driven individuals projecting that they were operating on the behalf of the black community issued a terrifying statement that if white people don’t get in line behind the concept that black folks are elite and deserving of entitlements, and/or, (a free lunch), what happened in Ferguson Missouri last night, (November 24), uncivil disobedience will continue until white people give in.

Going forward from this moment in time, anyone that doesn’t believe that Barack Obama and Eric holder were not aware that what took place, (would take place), is indeed a fool and undeserving to call themselves an American, “African” or otherwise.

It is no secret (via) the information provided both by the “broadcast media” and the Internet that Obama’s (closet) agenda is to grow the U.S. Government into a totalitarian enterprise that answers to no one.

Emanuel and Obama 1a

(Emanuel in Obama’s ear).

Rob Emanuel, the 23rd White House Chief of Staff worked at the pleasure of Barack Obama, from January 20, 2009, until October 1, 2010.

A quote from Barack Obama’s “good friend” and first White House chief of staff: …

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an “opportunity” to do things you think you could not do before.”

In closing, (in my opinion), Barack Obama and his ilk will stop at nothing to achieve their agenda.

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit Logo - COLOR 1a

Crusader Rabbit…



An Immigration Solution..

 bugs bunny - top graphic 3a

absolutely - Daffy 2

migration - Bugs Bunny 2

migration - Daffy 2

Mexico - Bugs Bunny 2

what would that accomplish 2

except to follow - Bugs Bunny 2

they would follow - Daffy 2

moths to a flame - Bugs Bunny 2

Who would leave in America - Da (2)

welfare recipients - Bugs Bunny

what would they do their 1a  - Daff

welfare recipients 2  - Bugs Bu

What would the others do - Daff (2)

Advantages of Obamacare - Bugs

What will Obama do 2

Who cares - Bugs Bunny 2

Michelle Sasha and Melia - Daff (2)

Today has been a fun day, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit Logo - COLOR 1a

Crusader Rabbit…


Readers Forum – my Way..

Readers Forum 2  - Stars and Strip

My Way Graphic 3

…I love you all, ..the thin, ..the wide and the tall.

Welcome - Finished

Rosalynn,                   (E-liminate the Negative).

I work as a coordinator for the most uncoordinated entity in America, you guessed it, the government.

I love everything you write about my boss and the idiots that voted for him, and like you, I’m lamenting every minute until he’s unemployed.

Your graphics are to die for, keep it up.

In my Opinion - Finished

Hello Rosalynn, thank you for visiting my site and thank you for your narrative and most of all for your accolades.

I do love playing with graphics, as unrealistic as it seemed to the coaches at the high schools I attended because I was six foot five and weighed 180 with my socks off.

I was an art major before I traded the frangible fantasies of academia for the reality of a steady paycheck.

My father spent the Lions share of his life chasing the dream of wealth, which he acquired for a number of individuals with his ideals, unscrupulous individuals that left my father behind when the profits materialized.

Folks that reap profits from the labor of others may be seen as wealthy, albeit in the real world only those that experience the wonder of creation and production experience fulfillment.

Welcome - Finished

Perry,                         (Myths and Misfortunes).

I not only love what you provide, I love the way you provide it, why don’t other websites make what’s happening as easy to understand as you do?

In my Opinion - Finished

Hello Perry, thank you for visiting my site and thank you for your comment.

The only intelligent explanation I can come up with for why other folks don’t present their material the way I do is; …

they are not me 3

Welcome - Finished

Wayne,                                   (Charity).

My girlfriend bought me a puppy for my birthday on Tuesday, an English bulldog with a pedigree.

I’ve never owned a Bulldog or a dog with a pedigree before, so I logged onto the Internet to learn a little bit about her and for whatever reason, the time and space continuum brought me to your website and your post for the eighteenth.

So my question for you is: do you have some kind of special connection with the twilight zone?

Because my least favorite person in the universe is Barack Obama, so thank you for the gift of your website. Wayne.

In my Opinion - Finished

Hello Wayne, thank you for visiting my site and thank you for your narrative.

Congratulations on your birthday and congratulations on the adventure you’re about to embark on with your new puppy.

Albeit I fully understand that puppies are not biblical, here’s a special verse from me to you…

Chuckariah; arf:arf …

Greater love hath no man than the love provided by “Canis lupus familiaris,” i.e., your new puppy, ..if ya treat her right.

B‘cuz if you don’t, ..ya better hope God gets to you before I do! 🙂

bulldog puppy

I am definitely partial to puppies.

Welcome - Finished

Jeanette, (The difference between Charity and Entitlement).

My mom cheated on my father with a charismatic black man who wore expensive clothes and drove a flashy car while my father was serving in Iraq, until she got pregnant.

My father sued for custody of me in the divorce, but was turned down because we lived in California. It took my father eleven years in the court system to get custody of me, so I spent my formative years growing up among black people.

Black people, to include President Obama, like to talk about how white people have historically mistreated black people.

My mother had four more black children with four different black men, all of whom molested me with impunity because when I told my mother, she told me that I had to keep it to myself or I would end up in a foster home, which of course was a frightening scenario for a seven-year-old, so I didn’t tell anyone.

The first time I got pregnant I was eleven years old, by one of my mother’s boyfriends. The second time I got pregnant I was thirteen when my brother and one of his friends got me drunk and didn’t use a condom.

In my personal experience, black people don’t just dislike white people, they hated us beyond words.

I’m nineteen now and in college, it’s taken me six months to get the courage to tell you my story and I’m hoping that you will consider it for your forum.

White girls and white women need to know that black men are evil and deceiving before they get pregnant and it’s too late.

Tell them if they don’t believe me, open any dictionary and check the thesaurus for black, …

Characterized by intense ill will or spite: …

Evil, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, venomous, vicious, wicked. (Slang) bitchy.

If anyone’s wondering if I hate black people, the answer is no. Hate is way too mild a word for how I feel.

In my Opinion - Finished

Hello Jeanette, thank you for visiting my site and thank you for your narrative.

As I can neither confirm nor deny anything in your narrative, I choose not to comment directly on your heralded plate, but rather, I choose to grant your request for publication and let my readers judge your story for themselves.

What I will do, (without reservation), is condemn anyone who molests anyone for any reason.

Horrific and despicable behavior, (in my considered opinion), is not localized or limited to any one group, religious, political or racial.

Immoral, unbecoming, and/or, violent behavior is not innate, it is taught and promoted by the idle and the ignorant.

Welcome - Finished

Grant,         (The difference between Charity and Bunco).

Great read, I’ve been trying to expose Mr. Nardizzi for more than a year, but like they say you can’t fight City Hall.

In my Opinion - Finished

Hello Grant, thank you for visiting my site and thank you for your comment.

Fighting City Hall is not and has never been my objective, I simply “provide information” and (my opinions) of right and wrong.

Folks in America, in opposition to the bandied about belief, (are not stupid). Lazy yes, but not stupid, they just need the proverbial straw to break the camel’s back before they take action.

Welcome - Finished

Stan,                         (The Simplicity of Reality).

I use to sweat bullets in mixed groups, (blacks and whites), for fear of uttering something that would offend someone.

Then I started reading your posts to finally learn what the word bigot really means. Now I wear a bright orange and white T-shirt and a baseball cap, both boldly bearing the words (proud bigot).

Thank you for the education, and I’ll be back tomorrow as well. Stan.

In my Opinion - Finished

Hello Stan, thank you for visiting my site and thank you for your narrative.

As to yer education, and/or Webster’s definition for the word bigot, you’re welcome.

And, since you’re open to education, let me enlighten you to a few other things I know about black people.

I fought shoulder to shoulder in Vietnam with black men and never once felt animosity from or towards any one of them.

I’ve said it before and I’ll continue saying it as long as I have breath, the color of a man’s skin neither adds to, nor detracts from his character.

Character is not innate, character is acquired.

Welcome - Finished

Francine,                         (That’s Not your Job).

No way in hell you’re going to convince me your post today isn’t racist.

Barack Obama’s job is to be the president of the United States and the commander of the armed forces and if you weren’t a dumb old white guy you’d know that.

Also if you weren’t a dumb old white guy you’d know that Cinderella and Annie are made-up people and you’d know that made-up people can be acted by anyone.

In my Opinion - Finished

Hello Francine, thank you for visiting my site and thank you for your narrative and for your opinion.

If I have offended you with my writing, I sincerely apologize and I’d also like you to know that if things work out for me, I’ll be closing up shop here soon to focus my energy full time on a new enterprise.

I have recently obtained an interview with the producers of the television show “Shark Tank” to display a new product of mine for consideration.


I am repackaging Shinola as a skin cream for “white” people so we’ll qualify for free cell phones and Obamacare. 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your day, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit Logo - COLOR 1a

Crusader Rabbit…


That’s Not your Job..

Obama do nothing 1a

Question: What is Barack Obama’s job?

caricature - Obama flag 1a

Is he the President of the United States?

commander-in-chief cartoon 1a

Is he the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces?

Obama Messiah 1a

Is he a Messiah?

In (my opinion) of course, by his actions, he is (none) of the above, as Presidents (serve) the nation they are “elected” to serve.

Question: Was Cinderella a black woman?

Cinderella - black 1a

Oprah Winfrey believes she was…

Currently, according to the trailers being “pushed” on my TV screen, “Little orphan Annie” and her new Daddy Warbucks, Benjamin Stacks are black folks as well.

movie poster - Annie

Traditionally, it is pretty well accepted that one picture is worth 1000 words. Therefore, at least in my opinion, the poster released to grab the public’s attention for Jay-Z’s and Will Smith’s new movie “Annie,” ‘sez it all.

In modern-day New York City, Annie is an orphan/foster child living under the cruelty of Miss Hannigan. Originally left by her parents as a baby with the promise that they’d be back for her someday, it’s been a hard knock life ever since.

But everything’s about to change when hard-nosed tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Benjamin Stacks, advised by his VP, Grace, and his shrewd and scheming campaign advisor, Guy, makes a thinly-veiled campaign move and takes her in.

Stacks believes he’s her guardian angel, but Annie’s self-assured nature and bright, sun-will-come-out-tomorrow outlook on life just might mean it’s the other way around.

deceive - graphic 1

A typical “all American” story for the 21st Century, a grinning black man surrounded by friends of undetermined pedigree cons his way into a job he’s not qualified for.

Olivia Pope

Question: Why didn’t savvy Benjamin Stacks choose Olivia Pope for his shrewd and scheming campaign advisor?

Olivia and the president 1a

To which of course everyone knows the answer, Olivia is preoccupied with being pursued by a (typical) philandering president in another (Hollywood), “black woman/white man” relationship on ABC.

Brad and Angelina 2a

Question: How do you think the “Black Community” would respond, if Hollywood came out with movies about “Martin Luther King” and “Rosa Parks,” featuring “Brad Pitt” and “Angelina Jolie?”

black Superman 1a

How about remakes of Superman, Batman or “The Life and Times of Wyatt Earp” featuring black folks?

destroying the Constitution 1

Is the line between fantasy and reality so blurred in the 21st Century that Barack Obama can actually get away with yet another blatant and egregious assault on our Constitution?

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit Logo - COLOR 1a

Crusader Rabbit…

The Simplicity of Reality..

simplicity of reality

Although I choose not to publish most of the gibberish from the minds of progressive liberals, I am still beset upon by it.

A communication from Henrietta; …

Henrietta 2

I visit your site because I believe in keeping my friends close and my enemies closer.

What you write is not true because you’re a bigot and bigots don’t see the world as it really is, your quickness to hate is an appalling impairment.

Henrietta then continues to belittle and chastise me with less than flattering accusations and adjectives.

Henrietta identified herself as a black woman and a teacher at an inner-city high school in New York City.

Henrietta is approximately thirty percent of America’s current population.

Henrietta voted for Barack Obama, ..twice!

Obama do nothing 1a

Henrietta believes that I am incorrect when I write that white people and black people are not the same.

From which of course I can only conclude that Henrietta has no understanding of nature.


Homo sapiens, and/or, human beings are an amazing, albeit “diverse” lot, we come in all sizes shapes and colors.

In Henrietta’s communication she cited the fact that I was wrong about children of mixed couples always being black.


Henrietta is correct as nature (is not infallible) as proven by deformity, and since nature is not infallible, I am not infallible.

My writing is not to dictate or to guide anyone’s life, I write to provide information and hopefully to inspire thought.

It is my belief that God did not create a diversity in mankind to be altered by mankind.

God also created the Oak the Sycamore, ..man has “spliced” the genes of many things to alter God’s work, still you cannot grow a Sycamore from an acorn.

Good and evil are based in reality, hope, love, hate and fear are based in emotion, emotions are how we feel about things we don’t fully understand.

scary guy 2a

Good and evil don’t need to be rationalized, they are innately understood, albeit sadly they are not innately acted upon.

God in his wisdom said; “Go forth and procreate,” ..not, “Go forth and deviate.”

black and white boy and girl 1a

God created mankind to duplicate himself, (the inconvenient truth), white people cannot duplicate themselves with a black person.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit Logo - COLOR 1a

Crusader Rabbit…


The difference between Charity and Bunco..

According to Webster: “bun·co,” n., A swindle in which an unsuspecting person is cheated.

project or extortion 2

According to Webster: “proj·ect,” (in context) n. A plan or proposal; a scheme. See Synonyms; …


Synonyms for Project; “idea, design, scheme, strategy and enterprise.”


According to Webster: “char·i·ty,” (in context) Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity.

New York lawyer - non-vet 2a

(Steven Nardizzi – New York lawyer – Non-Vet).

As a combat veteran of Vietnam with a patriotic heart as well as a Purple Heart, I feel that I’m more qualified to comment, and/or, provide (my opinion) on the effects, and/or, aftermath of military combat

On November 12, 1965, I was temporarily residing in a self designed hollow in a harvested peanut field thirty-five miles northeast of Saigon when my breakfast was interrupted by a barrage of mortar rounds directed in protest to my presence.

On that day I became a “wounded warrior,” for which I would sometime later be compensated with a…

Purple Heart

Question: Am I proud of my Purple Heart?

The truth; “not particularly,” and with that said, I would like to clarify. I am and have always been proud to be an American and I am proud of my service to America. Albeit as the reality of being wounded and taken “out of service,” and/or, having “lost” to my opponent is not (in my humble opinion), an event to brag about.

When my thoughts drifts to the things that I’m most proud of, I ponder my accomplishments, not my failures. Not that the Viet Nam war was my failure, that one, like our current fiasco in the middle east is one hundred and twenty percent on our inept “representatives” in Washington.

Obama - fool

(Barack Obama – President – Non Vet).

According to Webster: “in·ept,” (in context) adj. Displaying a lack of judgment, sense, or reason; foolish.

Being the responsible person that my parents raised, after a short sabbatical to take advantage of the free beers that my celebrity as a wounded Vet provided, I returned to work at my old job with Lockheed, bought a car and rented a place to take off my shoes after work without once pondering the ideal of participating in an anti-American group to protest the war as our current “Swift Boat” Secretary of State John Kerry chose to do.

But then I had no designs on becoming a politician, working for a living served my father well and who doesn’t want their father to be proud of them?

outside of politics 2

But enough about me and folks that were raised to believe that the world didn’t owe them a living, i.e., conservatives.

Let’s delve a bit into the folks that take advantage of others and I’m not just talking about the “Steven Nardizzi’s” of the world, I’m talking about the greed and self-serving folks that dominates our current society across the board.

The people that literally bet their lives in the New York Stock Exchange, the Dow and the NASDAQ.

Then we have the technoids in a race to destroy humanity.

According to Webster: hu·man·i·ty (in context) n., Charity and benevolence.

Moammar Qaddafi

Moammar Qaddafi did not meet his demise from a beating or a bullet, he met his demise from a cell phone.

Question: Do cell phones kill?

texting while driving

absolutely - positively 2

Question: So who’s responsible?

nobody 2

Our society under the guidance of irresponsible progressive politicians over the last sixty years has evolved from reason and common sense into anarchy in every sense of the word.

According to Webster: “an·ar·chy,” (in context) n., Political disorder and confusion.

corruption runs rampant 2

Question: What is corruption?

Better than my opinion, why don’t you continue reading and decide for yourself…

Controversy Surrounds Wounded Warriors, Lavish Salaries, and White House

By Ryan Schuette…

wounded warrior Obama

April 25, 2014.

Last week, President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki welcomed wounded veterans to Soldier Ride, one in a series of cycling events that the Wounded Warrior Project organizes every year.

The White House rollout was one of 19 the Florida-based nonprofit plans to hold with amputee veterans, whom it equips with adaptive bicycles specially made to fit each veteran’s specific handicap.

The South Lawn kickoff on Thursday was the fifth for the Wounded Warrior Project and represents its ascension to a place in the national spotlight that other charities can only covet.

Left unmentioned at the media-friendly reception with the president was a lawsuit in the works against a disabled Indiana veteran who claims the Wounded Warrior Project didn’t do much for wounded vets with the more than $150 million in revenue it raised in 2012.

The defendant, Ret. Staff Sgt. Dean Graham, a veteran of combat operations in Iraq with diagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder, first criticized the charity in a blog post he made last year, with claims the Wounded Warrior Project spent little on wounded vets and paid senior execs lavish salaries.

The post appeared on the now-defunct website for Help Indiana Vets, his own tax-exempt charity, which he says he had to shut down in the wake of the lawsuit.

That was a post heard around the world. Graham’s claims quickly ricocheted around the Internet, with numerous blogs including Veterans Today, a news website and benefits forum, publishing his article and amplifying a Google search that now pulls up 84,000 results for the phrase “Wounded Warrior Project scam.”

The charity subsequently filed charges against Graham in December that accused the vet of defamation and unfair business competition, alleging that his post confused donors and led to a $75,000 drop-off in contributions.

“I didn’t say anything false about them,” he maintained in an interview for IVN. “They want to send a message to every other person who wants to speak out against [the Wounded Warrior Project].”

Michelle Roberts, a spokesperson for the charity, said that Graham “had been saying things for quite some time. We ignored it until it got to a point where there was a final post… that was so egregiously false and defamatory that we began to get questions. It was creating confusion in the minds of the public.

“At that point we decided we couldn’t sit by and ignore it anymore,” she added.

IVN enlisted the help of three sources with years of experience in the nonprofit sector to conduct an in-depth review of the Wounded Warrior Project’s fundraising and expenditures over the time period in question.

To including a former controller for the United Nations Foundation and distinguished Columbia University professor went on the record.

A common claim that circulated in posts after Graham published his is that the Wounded Warrior Project spent just 3.5 percent of the whopping $154 million it raised on veteran programs and services in 2012.

Sources for IVN helped vet the tax filings to verify that this simply isn’t the case. The 3.5 percent comes from roughly $5.5 million the charity made in grants to nonprofits, but the bulk of its expenditures, more than $69 million, directly funded in-house programs and services in the course of that fiscal year.

Of the $69 million, the Wounded Warrior Project spent 27 percent on direct-assistance support that included representation for hard-to-get Veterans Affairs benefits, physical rehabilitation services, and combat stress recovery.

Another 19 percent funded educational and vocational programs that the charity says helped vets acquire IT skills, enroll in college, and learn to navigate the workforce.

That year, the Wounded Warrior Project allocated the rest of the $69-million in-house budget for the Soldier Ride (8%), caregiver support (6%), backpacks for recovering veterans (3.5%), and in-hospital visits by other vets that it says cultivates a “hospital buddy” system (2%).

The value was less clear with $17.4 million the charity fronted for an alumni association and $1.1 million for another initiative that it said helped vets “communicate effectively.”

Taken together, that brings the total amount spent by the Wounded Warrior Project on programs and services to roughly $75 million. The expenditures amount to roughly 48 percent of more than $154 million in revenue it counted for the 2012 fiscal year.

With $95 million in program-related expenditures, that brings the total amount that the charity spent on services for vets during the 2012 fiscal year to roughly 61 percent, less than 73 percent it said went toward vet assistance, (but much closer to 58 percent), a number the Tampa Bay Times reported in an independent investigation last summer.

That beats the claim that the Wounded Warrior Project spent only a small amount on veteran programs.

But that doesn’t end the criticism. Some point to the money left over by the end of the fiscal year as evidence that the charity could be doing more for beneficiaries, and that it’s using small donor contributions to put up lavish salaries and bonuses for senior executives.

‘A Beacon of Light’ …

Graham asked why the Wounded Warrior Project wound up with more than $90 million in net assets by the end of the 2012 fiscal year.

The charity’s net assets in fact skyrocketed by nearly 200 percent from about $30 million in 2011, benefiting a restricted endowment.

By the same token, the vet said he financed his own charity with more than $27,000 in Veterans Affairs benefits and gave nearly all of it to the 50 Indiana-based veterans he claims he assisted.

According to Graham, he provided cash assistance that came to include Wal-Mart and QuickPay gift cards and donations that he said helped struggling vets with rent.

“Everyone donates and thinks [their donations are] going to our wounded veterans, but when you have so much in net assets, it looks like they’re setting up an escrow account,” he told us.

Doug White, who teaches fundraising and board governance at Columbia University, dismisses the idea that charities should spend everything it brings in on beneficiaries.

He went on to praise the charity’s 109-percent jump in revenue from 2011 to 2012, going so far as to bill it a “beacon of light” in a still-limping post-recession giving climate for nonprofits.

The Columbia University professor found it striking that the charity had so much in net assets on hand by the end of the 2012 fiscal year.

“It’s a great thing on the face of it,” he added. Yet another accusation is that the nonprofit pays its executives salaries and bonuses that rival corporate sums. Records show that the Wounded Warrior Project paid 10 senior executives more than a combined $2 million in salaries, benefits, and incentive pay in 2012.

Less than a fourth of it came out to $400,520 in bonuses for those officers.

CEO Steven Nardizzi walked away with $311,538, a third of it in bonus pay, an amount Charity Navigator says comes out to less than 1 percent of total operating expenses in 2012.

The base pay for the execs didn’t bother Calvin Harris, a certified public accountant and former United Nations Foundation controller, now president of Maryland-based Change Management.

His own salary as onetime CFO for a vaccine-development nonprofit was roughly the same as the payout for the officer working in the same role for the Wounded Warrior Project.

What raised a flag for the consultant was the bonus pay, plus a $21-million payout to the charity’s 248-member staff, especially given that it paid more than $1 million to consult with a professional fundraising firm that year.

Impact Hard to Measure …

The Wounded Warrior Project justifies the compensation as equivalent to the salaries, benefits, and incentive pay comparable to what others receive for the same roles in the private sector, and all the more necessary to keep talent from shipping off.

But underlying all of that is a question that White calls the “holy grail” for nonprofits, businesses, and any service undertaking whatsoever:

What’s the real impact for beneficiaries, and can it be broken down into hard, verifiable numbers for the public?

“When we talk about charities and how effective they are, we have to think really quantitatively,” he told us. “We have to question what we mean by effectiveness.”

The Wounded Warrior Project doesn’t doubt its effectiveness. The charity’s website lays claim to supporting 398 vets and their caregivers, placing 320 wounded veterans in jobs, and bringing out 156 vets to Soldier Rides in 2014.

For a nonprofit that Guidestar reports brought in close to $235 million in revenue in 2013, numbers like those seem curiously low. Still another question is raised by just how some of the services that it funded actually helped veterans recover from post-traumatic stress or rehabilitate from combat-related wounds.

Close to a fourth of the nonprofits that received $5.5 million in grants used theirs for recreational activities like amputee surfing, kayaking, fishing, and horse therapy.

This follows lockstep behind $5.7 million for the Soldier Rides that netted so much publicity value at the White House South Lawn in April.

What’s unclear is what role, if any, cognitive therapy plays in activities like these likely to involve veterans with ongoing disabilities and therapy needs, a question made perhaps more urgent with a report by Forbes last year which found that approximately 22 vets commit suicide on average every day.

Asked whether recreational activities can benefit vets with debilitating disorders like PTSD, Carole Lieberman, a clinical faculty member with UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute, says yes, but with a caveat.

“Sports and outdoors events—especially when they are enjoyed with other vets—can be very beneficial to [the vets’] mental health,” she said. “However, these cannot take the place of psychotherapy.”

And with Carol Lieberman’s statement I conclude my reprint of Ryan Schuette’s article on the IVN website.


Anyone wishing to read more of Ryan’s article can do so at;



As for my personal take, and/or, (opinion), I direct you once again to Webster’s definition of charity.

According to Webster: “char·i·ty,” (in context) Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity.

The wounded warriors project sounds an awful lot like a (business) to me an being an individual who has managed a successful business more than once, I can “unequivocally” testify that (benevolence and generosity) towards others and towards humanity are not part of the equation in producing a profit.

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow

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