More Specifically..

According to Webster: spe·cif“i·cal·ly (in context)  Concerned particularly with the subject specified.

Barack Obama and his anti-constitutional agenda…

 Barack Obama's stand on the Con

Over the last 24 months and/or, two years I have researched Barack Hussein Obama from the bowels of cyberspace, and into the heart of his own published words, conclude that I have never encountered more of an enigma, ..even from the Masters, include Hitchcock and Serling.

 the Masters 2a

 Alfred Hitchcock                              Rod Serling

Question: How’m I doing so far? 

Barack Obama on domestic policy…

I want to work 1 

Barack Obama on foreign-policy…

 Obama foreign-policy 1

Barack Obama’s tax reform…

squeezing the public 1 

Barack Obama on urban development…

 homeless in America 3

Barack Obama on immigration…

 immigration policy 1

Barack Obama on protecting children…

drug deal at school 1 

Barack Obama on protecting American citizens…

 armed drone in America 1


For the lay-person, ..and/or, ..for those of you who (are not) “Dendrologist,” ..I offer “you” the following; The trees in the background in the image above are “Joshua trees,” ..Joshua trees are only found in (two locations) ..on the entire planet, the State of Israel, ..and the Mojave Desert.


The Obama administration and honesty…

 associate liars 1

The Obama administration on the National debt…

 national debt 2

..and of course my favorite;

Barack Obama on gun control…

 Barack Obama two-faced 1

Barack Obama

the Second Amendment 2a

  Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Happy Birthday to Pearls of Profundity..

happy second anniversary 1

According to Merriam-Webster: “an·ni·ver·sa·ry,” (in context) The annually recurring date of a past or special event., ..and/or, my website, (i.e. Blog), two years old today.

Question: A special day? Absolutely, especially since I have actually posted “more Blogs” the last ..(two years), ..than the last two years have had days.

Today’s offering is post number 732, do the math, even with leap year, .. and not posting every day, …

 Up by one 1

..I’m still up by one. 

But enough patting myself on the back, …

 fireworks 1

..this is a Day for celebration!

..and what better way to celebrate, ..than to “air” my favorite peeves?

 Barack Obama - College

Like, ..what happened to “original thought” in America?

Obama lapdogs 1 

Every day, ..from pretty much every media, ..the legends of ignorance and stupidity multiply, ..where is it going to end?

 Lady liberty and the flag 1

A hell-of-a-lot better Question: When is it going to end? The realistic, ..and only answer…

 we the people 9

When “We the People” ..once again come together…

 one nation under God 3

..and finally put an end to condoning avarice, arrogance, and corruption in the men and women that we hire, and/or elect to represent ( us ), ..two definable, ..and “very unique” letters from “our” alphabet, ..that not only represent ( us ), ..”We the People,” ..they also represent the “United States,” ..what use to be the greatest Nation on the planet. 

Think about it, more specifics tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Further clarification..

In my offering (March 5, 2013) entitled; “Adolf Hitler, in black and white.” I once again made reference to Barack Obama’s inadequacy as the leader of America…

 free stuff 2

..posting the image above to emphasize (my opinion) as to why Barack Obama was reelected.

Which inspired a reader to write; “As a student working part-time while going to school in an economy in which, as you have written, is circling the drain, government programs are necessary to ensure that the next generation is qualified to carry on.”

Assuming that the individual is serious and in college, to him or her I inquire; “What do you mean by “carry-on?”

 college party 5

(College students, drinking to their future.)

Having bypass the joys of college for the necessities of life, such as eating and in protecting myself from the elements and society by covering my body with weather appropriate attire purchased at a retail store by remunerations earned, I cannot speak directly about the advantages of a university education. Albeit I can speak directly about the advantages of self-reliance and personal responsibility.

 Hillary Clinton 2a

 Hillary Clinton, “wide-eyed and grinning” in front of the stars and stripes, attests to authoring a book in 1996, entitled; “It takes a village,” ..albeit reportedly, the (majority) of the book was written by ghostwriter Barbara Fienman.


The title of the book is attributed to an African proverb: (It takes a village to raise a child).


While were on the subject of African villages? Speaking for myself; I’m quite proud of my Segue.

According to Webster: “se·gue,”  To make a transition directly from one section or theme to another.

 Barack Obama's grandmother 4

Barack Obama’s 91 year old grandmother leads celebrations in his ancestral Kenyan village…

 Barack Obama's village 1

Nov 7, 2012 – Supporters rejoiced where Barack Obama’s late father – also named Barack … the tiny village in western Kenya where Obama’s 91-year-old grandmother celebrated his reelection win through the day on Wednesday with an unofficial holiday and people dancing in the streets, offering prayers of praise and slaughtering prize bulls.

Question: “So what does Barack Obama’s reelection have to do with a Kenyan village, ..Hillary Clinton’s book, ..and Adolf Hitler?

Great question, glad someone asked,…

 Cheshire Cat Smile 1

(Great large Cheshire Cat smile), .. 

Beginning with Adolf Hitler, a man that history has indicted as a monstrous reprobate…

According to Webster: “rep·ro·bate,” A morally unprincipled person. 2. One who is predestined to damnation. –


..a man who with purpose and forethought set about to…

 Change 4

…the world. Of course viewing Hitler in hindsight, it takes little stretch of the imagination to understand that Hitler’s ideology was flawed.

Nonetheless, in a nation suffering from a declining economy, Adolf Hitler was seen (at the time) as a Messiah.

According to Webster: “Mes·si·ah,” (in context) A leader who is regarded as a savior or liberator.


In Hillary Clinton’s book: “It takes a village,” ..her goal is to convince her readers that parents, (by themselves) are not enough, ..and/or, (inadequate) to raise a child in the modern world as if “nature” had somehow suddenly left the building.

Accordingly, (at least in my opinion) Hillary Clinton and her ilk, (popularly) referred to as progressive liberals, ..and/or, my favorite, (total idiots), have lost touch, not only with their own nature, but with nature in general.

According to Webster: “na·ture,”  (in context)  The forces and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world.

Question: What does that mean? Well, (in my opinion) ..and since this is my blog, it is (my opinion) always, that I will be providing today.

Over the last 24 months I have published (my opinion) of a (myriad) and (variety) of subjects, to include anthropology, religion, and of course my favorite, ..politics!

In the field of anthropology, is published that the ancestry of mankind dates back to 2,100 Million years, in Taxonomic rank, domain, (Eukaryota), ..and/or, ..identified as (cells with a nucleus).

Between “Eukaryota” ..and the genus “Homo sapiens” ..or, human beings, ..Neanderthals, ..Homo erectus, ..and their direct descendents, it is published that the development of Homo sapiens passed through twenty-two distinct divisions of development. Which of course, for my current purpose, I choose to bypass.

For my purpose today, which is not the (nature) of mankind, but the (nurture) of mankind?

According to Webster: “nur·ture,” (in context)  To educate; train; To assist in development.

My example for today’s offering, again, it has been so many times (my favorite) example; “Barack Obama.”

A controversial individual that, (unfortunately for America) during his formative years was predominantly influenced by communist grandparents, an atheist mother and an absent Muslim father.

All the ingredients any parent could ever wish for, if their dream for their child was to have him grow up prepared to strap a bomb on himself and take a bus ride.

Barack Obama is who he is, the problem with that is, at least for America, is that no one that voted to reelect him, ..knows who he is.

Albeit anyone who survives the next four years in America or on the planet earth, ..will know who he is.

I am your duly elected leader 2

..and they’re not going to like him. 

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Postscript: …

Mark twain quote 1



Questions American’s should be asking?

With Barack Obama auditioning over the past few weeks to ace…

 Tracy Morgan 1

..Tracy Morgan out of his job as host of the TV show scare tactics,…

 the five 1

 ..along with the listening to the carefree idiocy spewing from between the lips of (daytime) televisions (ultra mix-matched) talking heads about how “our” commander-in-chief needs to start considering the needs of the American people.

Day after day, every talking head on every network is issuing the same garbage…

Typical conservatives rhetoric; “When is Obama going to give up on political maneuvering and begin doing the job he was elected to do?”

Typical liberal rhetoric; “When are conservatives going to stop badgering the president and accept the fact that he knows what he’s doing?”

The answer to both questions of course is…

never 1a

 Barack Obama, although he has lived in the White House for more than four years now, ..and has drawn a salary from the U.S. Treasury for the same period, “sadly” ..(at least in my opinion), ..he has yet to begin performing the job of Pres. of the United States.

Question: So if Barack Obama hasn’t been performing the duties of the President of the United States, ..what the hell is he doing in the White House?

To which of course, (at least in my opinion), the short answer in a nutshell is…

  Barack Obama in a nutshell 2a

Barack Obama is in the White House because team Obama was better at (herding) ”simpleminded people,” ..than team Romney was…

simpleminded people 1

..and anyone who believes any differently, in (my considered opinion) simply a retard or a brain-dead liberal, and since the two are interchangeable, ..please chalk my revelation up as a public service.

Question: Can anyone name a commercial enterprise, ..or a corporation, ..where-in the “spouse” of the CEO, and/or, ..the boss ..(who is not employed by the company) provided a personal staff of twenty-two, assist her on the company’s dime, any manner which she sees fit?

Office of the First Lady of the United States..

Michelle Obama - thumbs Up 1a

The Office of the First Lady of the United States is accountable to the First Lady of the United States for her to carry out her duties as (hostess) of the White House, and is also in charge of all social and ceremonial events of the White House.


Correct me if I’m wrong, ..albeit after reading the Constitution more than a dozen times, I still can’t find anything written in its content describing the duties of a president’s wife.


The First Lady has her own staff that includes the White House Social Secretary, a Chief of Staff, Press Secretary, Chief Floral Designer, Executive Chef, etc.

The Office of the First Lady is an entity of the White House Office, part of the Executive Office of the President.


According to Webster: “en·ti·ty,” Something that exists as a particular and discrete unit.

Question: What is discrete about (tax funded) salaries for 16 individuals who work for an individual who; (at least to my knowledge) ..was neither elected or hired by the taxpayers of the United States of America.

A Much Better Question: (in two parts) ..if the first lady of the United States (is indeed) ..a government job? ..why then, (is it not) advertised and accessible to anyone seeking a job?

Ego and guile have always made interesting bedfellows, and with America’s proclivity for “creating” tradition to (mask) it’s youthful (smash and grab) heritage, I find no mystery in the wife of a powerful man taking advantage of an opportunity to add to her “our” purse.



First Lady Caroline Harrison could be widely considered to be the first First Lady to have a staff, whose niece served as social secretary.

Florence Harding had a “funded staff”, a social secretary and an assistant.

Grace Coolidge had a social secretary, Polly Randolph.

Eleanor Roosevelt had a staff of only two, her personal secretary and aide Malvina Thompson, and social secretary Edith Helm; at first, the three of them had a second-floor office in the Mansion, but later initiated the use of a first lady’s office in the newly constructed East Wing.

Bess Truman had a personal secretary and used Mrs. Roosevelt’s former White House sitting room while two other secretaries, plus the White House Military Aide, were located in the East Wing.

Mamie Eisenhower had Mrs. Roosevelt’s old desk placed in her bedroom. Mamie’s social secretary headed a small staff in the East Wing.

Jackie Kennedy had a staff of forty in the East Wing, directed by the social secretary; her unofficial office was the Treaty Room on the second floor of the Mansion.

Lady Bird Johnson and Pat Nixon both used a sitting room/dressing room adjacent to the bedroom as their offices; their staffs were in the East Wing.

Betty Ford used the Treaty Room as her office and also had a desk in her sitting room.

Rosalynn Carter broke tradition and set up an office for herself in the East Wing, and for the first time it was formally called “Office of the First Lady.” Her principal assistant was the first to hold a separately identified position with the title “chief of staff to the first lady.”

Nancy Reagan moved her office back into the center of the second floor of the Mansion, though her staff remained in the East Wing; she benefited from the 1978 statute Pub.L. 95–570 which authorizes “assistance and services . . . to be provided to the spouse of the President in connection with assistance provided by such spouse to the President in the discharge of the President’s duties and responsibilities.”

Hillary Clinton broke tradition even further: the President gave her an office on the second floor of the West Wing itself; her staff of twenty (plus another fifteen interns and volunteers) was divided between a suite in the EisenhowerExecutiveOfficeBuilding and the traditional locus of the East Wing.

First Lady Laura Bush had her office in the East Wing, and delivered the President’s radio address to the nation on November 17, 2001. She undertook many foreign trips on her own, meeting and talking with several foreign chiefs of state.


 new citizens 1

(I Pledge Allegiance)

Question: What’s the difference between a current American citizen, …

 domestic sheep 2


..and a domestic sheep?

Current first Lady, Michelle Obama’s…

Chief of Staff to the First Lady: Tina Tchen.

Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady: Melissa Winter.

Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady: David Medina

Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady: Kristina Schake.

Deputy Communications Director for the First Lady: Semonti Stephens.

Press Secretary for the First Lady: Hannah August.

Director of Policy and Projects: Jocelyn Frye.

Deputy Director of Policy and Projects: Trooper Sanders. 

Director of Scheduling and Advance: Franny Starkey Sanguin.

Deputy Director of Scheduling & Events: Jennifer Goodman.

Special Assistant for Scheduling &Traveling Aide: Kristen Jarvis.

Associate Counsel to the President and Counsel to the First Lady.

Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary: Jeremy Bernard.

Deputy White House Social Secretary: Ebs Burnough.

Deputy White House Social Secretary: Joe Reinstein.

Deputy White House Social Secretary: Samantha Tubman. (Source Wikipedia).

According to fact, Wikipedia seems to be coming up a bit short in its reporting…


The combined annual salaries for the 22 staffers we can specifically identify as working for Michelle Obama come to $1.6 million.

For the 18 we could identify as working for Laura Bush in 2008, the total is $1.4 million. (Source, fact

Question: With it currently, common knowledge, even among (the brain-dead “future citizens” in our universities),…

 brain-dead college student 1

..with America teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.

  bankruptcy next exit 1a long are “we the people” going to continue to allow the insanity concocted on a daily basis by both sides of the aisle in Washington D.C. to continue?

I may be a little old-fashioned and grossly out of touch with 21st Century technology, ..(albeit in my humble opinion), 1.6 Million dollars a year for a staff, (to carry) Michelle Obama’s water and wipe her butt, not “simply” a bit ridiculous, is totally outrageous.

According to Webster: “out·ra·geous,” Grossly offensive to decency and morality.

Solution: Eliminate the carpetbaggers and re-embrace the Constitution of the United States.


Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

The (unwritten) benefits in Obamacare..

Although I have not personally read any part of Barack Obama’s controversial (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), …

 Obama care side effects 1a

With new information coming to light, ..pretty much every minute, ..of every day in America, those of us with God’s gift of common sense are now able to conclude that Obamacare and Barack Obama’s agenda in general will indeed (save) many and possibly millions of lives over the next four years.

I know, ..I know, ..I have “literally” ..(a little play on words), been unequivocally skeptical, ..and in opposition to Barack Obama’s (ideology) ..and his (socialist agenda) for the last twenty-tree months in this blog.

 I have seen the light 3a

But I have now seen the light…

..I see a future, (at least for the next four years) where-in teenage fatalities from traffic accidents could be reduced up to 98% as it was announced last week that gasoline in the U.S. could reach eight dollars a gallon or above.

In which case, ..alluding to my immensely appreciated “God-given Common Sense,” with our economy in the toilet as it is under this president, ..the only folks in America that will have the (wherewithal) to use their automobiles will be the “CEOs of Fortune 500 companies,” ..politicians, ..and drug dealers.

Trivia… Duryea Motor Wagon

In March 1896, Charles and Frank Duryea offered for sale the first commercial automobile, the Duryea Motor Wagon. Two months later, New York City motorist Henry Wells hit a bicyclist with his new Duryea. The rider suffered a broken leg, Wells spent a night in jail and the nation’s first traffic accident was recorded. (Source

With doctors, ..hospitals, ..and medical care, destined to be (unaffordable) to (all) ..except for the “exceptionally wealthy,” and/or, the “elite,” under Barack Obama’s (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)…

Raising the price of gasoline in America, ..which of course in turn, ..will raise the price of everything else in the Nation, will serve to save lives.

Rationalization: …

If an American citizen can’t afford gasoline, it goes without saying that he or she would have no use for a motor vehicle.

 lighthouse 1a

A circumstance when considered in the proper light? Would not only reduce the number of teenage vehicle fatalities, ..a teenager without an automobile would also serve to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies.

 teenage pregnancy 1

After an exhaustive search on more than 20 sites promising statistics on teenage pregnancy, I have come up with zip for a (number) of how many teenage girls got pregnant in 2012.

More Trivia…

It would seem from my search, ..that (our society) ..and (our government) “every bit” as concerned with concealing the (truth) about the number of teenage pregnancies in America, as (they), ..”our society,” ..and ”our government,” ..are about concealing ..(the truth) ..about “our” Second Amendment.


Of course with the price of gasoline at eight dollars a gallon and America’s “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” providing for America’s healthcare to be (unaffordable), girls and/or, women of any age won’t be getting pregnant, ..and since the cost of shoes, eyeliner and hairspray, ..will be beyond their budgets as well.

 Rosie O'Donnell 1a

I mean, ..come on people, ..think about it, ..can you think of a more efficient method of birth control that woman without makeup?

Of course I know there is someone out there who is going to insist that: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

 Neanderthal man 1a

 So behold this; Neanderthal, lived 100,000 years ago.

Although no one will tell you the (actual truth) about why the (consistently unattractive) Neanderthal went extinct 100,000 years ago, ..I’ve personally decided to break the silence, the Neanderthal went extinct because they did not have access to makeup. 

Under the leadership of Barack Obama, is my fervent belief that the (retarded, ..and/or, ..brainwashed half) ..of the Nation, ..that reelected “our” (screw the next generation) ..I want to live large now, “commander-in-chief,” ..will without a doubt, have a thorough understanding how the Neanderthal lived and faced their extinction by 2016.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

What’s the most Powerful Word in the English language..

the and word 4A

According to Webster: (the “N” word). (n¹g“…r) n. Offensive Slang. 1.a. Used as a disparaging term for a Black person.

Turning to Wikipedia…

“The (“N” Word) is a “noun” in the English language. The word originated as a neutral term referring to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger (“color black”).

Often used slightingly, by the mid 20th century, particularly in the United States, its usage had become unambiguously pejorative, a common ethnic slur usually directed at people of Sub-Saharan African descent.

Etymology and History…

Main article: Negro;

The variants neger and negar, derive from the Spanish and Portuguese word negro (black), and from the now-pejorative French nègre (the “N” word).”


According to Webster: “pe·jor·a·tive,” 1. Tending to make or become worse. 2. Disparaging; belittling.


“Etymologically, negro, noir, nègre, and (the “N” word)  ultimately derive from nigrum, the stem of the Latin niger (black) (pronounced [ˈniɡer] which, in every other grammatical case, grammatical gender, and grammatical number besides nominative masculine singular, is nigr-, the r is trilled).

In the Colonial America of 1619, John Rolfe used negars in describing the African slaves shipped to the Virginia colony.

Later American English spellings, neger and neggar, prevailed in a northern colony, New York under the Dutch, and in metropolitan Philadelphia’s Moravian and Pennsylvania Dutch communities;

The African Burial Ground in New York City originally was known by the Dutch name “Begraafplaats van de Neger” (Cemetery of the Negro); an early U.S. occurrence of neger in Rhode Island, dates from 1625.

An alternative word for African Americans was the English word, “Black”, used by Thomas Jefferson in his Notes on the State of Virginia.

Among Anglophones, the word (the “N” word) was not always considered derogatory, because it then denoted “black-skinned”, a common Anglophone usage.

Nineteenth-century English (language) literature features usages of (the “N” word) without racist connotation, e.g. the Joseph Conrad novella The (the “N” word) of the ‘Narcissus’ (1897).

Moreover, Charles Dickens and Mark Twain created characters who used the word as contemporary usage.

Twain, in the autobiographic book Life on the Mississippi (1883), used the term within quotes, indicating reported usage, but used the term “negro” when speaking in his own narrative persona.

During the fur trade of the early 1800s to the late 1840s in the Western United States, the word was spelled “niggur”, and is often recorded in literature of the time.

George Fredrick Ruxton often included the word as part of the “mountain man” lexicon, did not indicate that the word was pejorative at the time. “Niggur” was evidently similar to the modern use of dude, or guy.

This passage from Ruxton’s Life in the Far West illustrates a common use of the word in spoken form—the speaker here referring to himself: “Travler, marm, this niggur’s no travler; I ar’ a trapper, marm, a mountain-man, wagh!”

It was not used as a term exclusively for blacks among mountain men during this period, as Indians, Mexicans, and Frenchmen and Anglos alike could be a “niggur”.

By the 1900s, (the “N” word) had become a pejorative word. In its stead, the term colored became the mainstream alternative to negro and its derived terms.

Abolitionists in Boston, Massachusetts, posted warnings to the Colored People of Boston and vicinity. Writing in 1904, journalist Clifton Johnson documented the “opprobrious” character of the word (the “N” word), emphasizing that it was chosen in the South precisely because it was more offensive than “colored.”

Established as mainstream American English usage, the word colored features in the organizational title of the (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), reflecting the members’ racial identity preference at the 1909 foundation.

In the Southern United States, the local American English dialect changes the pronunciation of negro to nigra. Linguistically, in developing American English, in the early editions of A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language (1806), lexicographer Noah Webster suggested the neger new spelling in place of negro.

By the late 1960s, the social progress achieved by groups in the United States such as the “Black Civil Rights Movement” (1955–68), had legitimized the racial identity word black as mainstream American English usage to denote black-skinned Americans of African ancestry.

In the 90’s, “Black” was later displaced in favor of the compound blanket term African American. Moreover, as a compound word, African American resembles the vogue word Afro-American, an early-1970s popular usage.

Currently, some black Americans continue to use the word (the “N” word) often spelled as nigga and niggah, without irony, to either neutralize the word’s impact or as a sign of solidarity.”(Source, Wikipedia).

 so what's the point 1a

That’s simple, the point is, ..there is (no point) when it comes to (the “N” word).

To quote Mama Gump;

stupid is as stupid does 2

stupid is as stupid does 1a

Question: How much longer are non-hyphenated Americans going to “Scrape and Bow” to (hyphenated) Americans in the name of political correctness?

When a black man refers to a white man, as (whitey) is that different from referring to a black man, ..utilizing (the “N” word)?

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Adolf Hitler, in black and white..

Adolf Hitler 1

Adolf Hitler, 20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Party).

He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany (as Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945.

Hitler was at the centre of Nazi Germany, World War II in Europe, and the Holocaust.

Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I. He joined the German Workers’ Party (precursor of the NSDAP) in 1919, and became leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923, he attempted a coup d’état in Munich, known as the Beer Hall Putsch.

Beer Hall Putsch…

Hitler enlisted the help of World War I General Erich Ludendorff for an attempted coup known as the “Beer Hall Putsch”. The Nazi Party used Italian Fascism as a model for their appearance and policies.

Hitler wanted to emulate Benito Mussolini’s “March on Rome” (1922) by staging his own coup in Bavaria, to be followed by challenging the government in Berlin.

Hitler and Ludendorff sought the support of Staatskommissar (state commissioner) Gustav von Kahr, Bavaria’s de facto ruler. However, Kahr, along with Police Chief Hans Ritter von Seisser (Seißer) and Reichswehr General Otto von Lossow, wanted to install a nationalist dictatorship without Hitler.

The failed coup resulted in Hitler’s imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf (My Struggle).


Early in his career Barack Obama wrote his memoirs; “Dreams from my Father.”


After his release in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, antisemitism, and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda.

 Adolf Hitler 2

After his appointment as chancellor in 1933, he transformed the WeimarRepublic into the Third Reich, a single-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology of Nazism.

 Cloward and Piven 2a

Barack Obama following the philosophy and ideology of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, set forth upon the Nation with (Cloward and Piven’s) “socialistic agenda” bankrupt America by overloading government programs, welfare application at a time.


Hitler’s aim was to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in continental Europe. To this end, his foreign and domestic policies had the aim of seizing Lebensraum (“living space”) for the Germanic people. He directed the rearmament of Germany and the invasion of Poland by the Wehrmacht in September 1939, resulting in the outbreak of World War II in Europe.

Under Hitler’s rule, in 1941 German forces and their European allies occupied most of Europe and North Africa.

In 1943, Germany had been forced onto the defensive and suffered a series of escalating defeats. In the final days of the war, during the Battle of Berlin in 1945, Hitler married his long-time partner, Eva Braun. On 30 April 1945, less than two days later, the two committed suicide to avoid capture by the Red Army, and their corpses were burned.

Hitler’s supremacist and racially motivated policies resulted in the systematic murder of eleven million people, including an estimated six million Jews, and in the deaths of an estimated 50 million people during World War II.

Editorial: War doesn’t work, history has proven, ..people killing each other is a lousy way to make friends.

Nor does socialism or communism work to fulfill mankind’s needs. Mankind, and/or, Homo sapiens, whether you choose God or nature as your measure, we are lifeforms that require ingenuity and ambition to survive as God in nature intended.

In Barack Obama’s press conference Friday morning, March 1, he explicated how (sequester) is going to impact America. The main theme of which was how; “The more well off, and more well-connected would be less likely to feel the impact.” Alluding in his manner (not to align himself) ..with “the more well off and more well-connected.”

Question: Does this president actually believe that the public in America, so (brain-dead) not to “understand” that currently, ..there is no one in America, “more well off or more well-connected, ..than he is.

Hummm, ..It would seem that (my question) morphed into a statement.

How about that? 

He also re-emphasized several times that the inevitable cuts from sequester are not his fault, …


..because he is simply the president, ..he is not a dictator.

Which of course, he then alluded to the fact that according to the Constitution, ..all men are created equal.

Which I believe as well, ..which is a large part of the reason that I write this blog. Because with all people being equal in the United States of America, since I, an individual who did not graduate high school, have supported myself adequately for 71 years without applying for government insistence, it is my fervent belief that, ..if I can do it, ..everyone can do it.

In which case? There is really no need for public welfare or any government assistance programs.

 free stuff 2

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

War of Wits..

war of wits 1ahalf wits 2a

Joe Biden Has More Gun Advice: ‘Just Fire the Shotgun Through the Door’

 Obama shoots foot 1a

Alluding to my (personal opinion), ..after researching Barack Obama’s experience with firearms? It is my genuine opinion that Barack Obama doesn’t possess the knowledge to shoot his way out of a wet paper bag! Whereas, ..again in my (personal opinion), Joe Biden, “our” (incredibly indescribable) Vice President, after going public with his with advising his wife (if frightened) at home, she should step out onto their patio with a double barrel shotgun and fired two shots into the air.

If frightened, ..what does that mean? (This individual is a heartbeat away from setting behind the desk in the Oval Office). Are you kidding me? If that wasn’t bad enough, according to a dozen major mainstream newspapers across this nation, Joe Biden is now advising American citizens to face hard prison time by firing a shotgun through a door.


 the judge 4

Question: Does the vice president of the United States not understand criminal law?

If you prefer to be armed, Vice President Joe Biden really wants you to get a shotgun. During an online town hall event recently, Biden advised women to get a “double-barrel 12-gauge shotgun” and fire “two blasts” outside if they feel threatened by a home intruder.

Well, now the vice president has some more gun advice.

During an interview with Field and Stream, Biden advised gun owners to “just fire the shotgun through the door.” He also doubled-down on his claim that most people can “handle a shotgun a hell of a lot better than they can a semi-automatic weapon.”


Question: Is Joe Biden’s IQ actually (high enough) to qualify him as a half wet?


Here’s a partial transcript of the interview via Field and Stream: …

Field and Stream: What about the other uses, for self-defense and target practice?

Biden: Well, the way in which we measure it is, ..I think most scholars would say, that as long as you have a weapon sufficient to be able to provide your self-defense.

I did one of these town-hall meetings on the Internet and one guy said, “Well, what happens when the end days come?

What happens when there’s the earthquake?

I live in California, and I have to protect myself.” I said, “Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”

Most people can handle a shotgun a hell of a lot better than they can a semi-automatic weapon in terms of both their aim and in terms of their ability to deter people coming.

We can argue whether that’s true or not, ..but it is no argument that, ..for example, ..a shotgun could do the same job of protecting you.

Now, granted, you can come back and say, “Well, a machine gun could do a better job of protecting me.” No one’s arguing we should make machine guns legal.”

In another interview; …

“A Texas gun shop owner who spoke to “TheBlaze” refuted Biden’s claim that a 12-gauge shotgun is easier to handle and use than a semi-automatic rifle like the AR-15, which is known for its ease of use and accuracy.”

“He said a 12-gauge shotgun can be difficult to use for some people. Having taught many women how to shoot, the 21-year gun industry veteran, said the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle is “better suited for a lady.”

“It would be better for all-around home defense and it’s one of the most accurate guns out there,” he added.”

In the same Field and Stream interview, Biden also said that anyone who needs a “clip” (actually a magazine) with 30 rounds in it is a “danger” to themselves.

“If you can’t get the bear or deer in four or five shots, you’ve got a problem,” he said.” (Source,

 US government is a management o 

The United States of America was not founded to “usurp” the (authority), ..or the (responsibility) ..of its citizens, include both (your) mother, ..and (your) father, …

 and especially you

Postscript: Not to be a scare monger, ..however, ..if you are employed by FedEx, ..or UPS, ..or if you are a member of a church that shares your message door to door, …

 Girl Scout cookies 1

..or even if you are a Girl Scout selling your cookies, ..please phone ahead, sadly, ..(in my considered opinion), ..with half of “our” nation now made up of (half-witted) progressive liberals, ..who blindly believe in “their” political leaders, there is a fifty-fifty chance (now) ..that you will be “obliterated” by a shotgun blast coming through the door.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Rothschild family tree..


The Rothschild family is a European family of German Jewish origin that established European banking and finance houses from the late eighteenth century.

 Mayer Amschal Rothschild 1a

Mayer Amschel Rothschild. 

The Rothschild family was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Wanting his sons to succeed on their own and to expand the family business across Europe, he had his eldest son remain in Frankfurt, while his four other sons were sent to different European cities with the mission of establishing a financial institution to invest in business and provide banking services. Endogamy within the family was an essential part of the Rothschild strategy in order to ensure control of their wealth remained in family hands. Through their collaborative efforts, the Rothschilds rose to prominence in a variety of banking endeavours including loans, government bonds and trading in bullion. Their financing afforded investment opportunities and during the 19th century they became major stakeholders in large-scale mining and rail transport ventures that were fundamental to the rapidly expanding industrial economies of Europe.

Five lines of the Austrian branch of the family were elevated into the Austrian nobility, being given hereditary baronies of the Habsburg Empire by Emperor Francis II in 1816. The British branch of the family was elevated into the British nobility at the request of Queen Victoria.

This article shows the family tree of some of the prominent branches of the Rothschild family.

 Rothschild family tree

Mayer Amschel Rothschild was born in 1744 in the ghetto in Frankfurt. At the age of 13, he went to Hanover to serve an apprenticeship with the bank of Wolf Jakob Oppenheim. At the age of 19, he returned to Frankfurt. There he joined his brother Calmann’s money-changing business. He became a dealer in rare coins and won the patronage of Wilhelm IX of Hesse, gaining the title of “Court Factor”. Rothschild’s coin business expanded through the provision of banking services to Wilhelm IX. His bank became one of the biggest in Frankfurt.

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Salomon Mayer von Rothschild

Salomon Mayer von Rothschild, the second son, went to Austria and established S M von Rothschild in Vienna. He married Caroline Stern, with whom he had two children (a daughter and a son).

Nathan Rothschild 1a

 Nathan Mayer Rothschild

Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the third son, went to England and settled in Manchester but then moved to London. He first established a textile jobbing business in Manchester and from there went on to establish N M Rothschild & Sons in London. He married Hannah Barent Cohen in 1806, with whom he had seven children (three daughter and four sons).

Carl Meyer Rothschild 1a

 Carl Mayer von Rothschild

Carl Mayer von Rothschild, the fourth son, went to Naples and established C M de Rothschild & Figli. He married Adelheid Herz in 1818. With her, he had five children (a daughter and four sons), all of whom married within the family.

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Jacob James Mayer de Rothschild 

Jacob James Mayer de Rothschild, the fifth son, went to France and established de Rothschild Frères in Paris. He married Betty Salomon de Rothschild, his own niece in 1824. With her, he had five children (a daughter and four sons), four of whom married within the family.

Rothschild Name Meaning…

German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): habitational name from a house distinguished with a red sign (Middle High German rot ‘red’ + schilt ‘sign’, ‘shield’), the earliest recorded example dating from the 13th century. The famous banking family of this name took it from a house so marked in the Jewish quarter of Frankfurt-am-Main, but the name has also been adopted by many Ashkenazic Jews unrelated to the family. In Britain the surname is normally given the spelling pronunciation ‘Roths-child’; the original pronunciation is ‘Rote-shilt’. (Source Wikipedia).

If experience is indeed a qualifying factor in an individual’s, or a group of individual’s ability to function in their chosen profession, then I would agree that the Rothschild family is well-qualified, ..if not overqualified in the world of banking.

Of course, with that said, and with no disrespect to the Rothschild family, (in my humble opinion) America has a constitution that not only dictates by (article 1, section 8) that the Congress is: …

“To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.”

There is no article in the U.S. Constitution to authorize a (private for-profit) corporation to: “Coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.”

The Federal Reserve Bank is a system of 12 banks privately owned and for-profit corporations registered in twelve states from Oregon to Rhode Island.

The federal reserve banking system initiated in 1913 by then President Woodrow Wilson for a campaign contribution of $80,000. The Federal Reserve has never been audited nor is there any verifiable knowledge as to the identity of the six hundred registered shareholders.

As a matter of public record, the U.S. taxpayers paid the Federal Reserve system $286 Billion dollars in interest on money borrowed from the Federal Reserve.

The money borrowed by the United States government from the federal reserve was issued from the U.S. treasury. The United States treasury is maintained by taxes received from U.S. citizens.

Question: Any of you college graduates out there starting to get the picture?

If not, ..I would appreciate it, ..if everyone reading today’s offering would send me $100, which I will immediately return to you as a loan at only 3 ½% interest.

Thank you for your attention, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Family Trees..

family tree with Apple

Question: What is a family tree?

A family tree could be a tree growing in your front yard or in your backyard, however for my purposes today, ..the term; (a family tree) will represent someone’s genealogy.

A family tree, ..or (pedigree) chart, a chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure.

The more detailed family trees used in medicine and social work are known as genograms. (Source, Wikipedia).

According to Webster: “ped·i·gree,” A line of ancestors; a lineage.

As not to confuse me with someone who “actually” knows what he’s talking about when it comes to genealogy and family trees, I should begin by confessing that although throughout my life I have crossed paths with a number of individuals with whom I share my surname, ..albeit, outside of my immediate family, not once was I able to make a family connection.

Accordingly, for my offering today I choose a well known and better representative family to analyze.

 Donald duck family 1

(The Donald Duck family).

Family history representations…

Genealogical data can be represented in several formats, for example as a pedigree or ancestry chart…

 Donald Duck family tree 2

Family trees are often presented with the oldest generations at the top and the newer generations at the bottom. An ancestry chart, which is a tree showing the ancestors of an individual, will more closely resemble a tree in shape, being wider at the top than the bottom. In some ancestry charts, an individual appears on the left and his or her ancestors appear to the right.

 Donald duck family 3

A descendancy chart, which depicts all the descendants of an individual will be narrowest at the top.

 Donald Duck 6

Family trees can have many themes. One might encompass all direct descendants of a single figure,

On the serious side…

 A notable example…

 Confucius 1

The longest family tree in the world today is that of the Chinese philosopher and educator Confucius (551–479 BC), and he is the descendant of King Tang (1675–1646 BC).

 Confucius family tree 1

The tree spans more than 80 generations, and includes more than 2 million members. An international effort involving more than 450 branches around the world was started in 1998 to retrace and revise this family tree. A new edition of the Confucius genealogy was printed in September 2009 by the Confucius Genealogy Compilation Committee, to coincide with the 2560th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese thinker. This latest edition is expected to include some 1.3 million living members who are scattered around the world today. (Source Wikipedia).

Bugs Bunny - that's all folks  

Have a great day, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

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