America, ..the Beautiful.

Currently mismanaged, from sea to shining sea…

And/or, ..from one coast…

Big Sir, California the other.

Cape Cod, Massachusetts 

From Sea to Shining Sea…


Taken from a line in ‘America the Beautiful’, the patriotic song written by Katharine Lee Bates in 1893. (She wrote other versions later, in 1904 and 1913).

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

Pikes Peak, Colorado

Katharine wrote the song following an inspirational visit to Pikes Peak, Colorado, USA, which she later described thus:

“One day some of the other teachers and I decided to go on a trip to 14,000-foot Pikes Peak. We hired a prairie wagon. Near the top we had to leave the wagon and go the rest of the way on mules.


Although I was extremely tired, when I saw the view, I felt great joy. All the wonder of America seemed displayed there, with the sea-like expanse.”

The phrase is also frequently associated with Canada. The Canadian national motto – “A mari usque ad mare”, translates as “From sea to sea”. Which has a biblical origin:

“He shall have dominion from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth.” (Psalm 72:8).

(Sidebar) ..with “he” referring to God, ..not Mohammed.

As for myself, ..being a transplanted South Dakotan, ..the eyes of this beholder enjoys beauty everywhere I Iook, ..our many rivers, ..Lakes, ..and tributaries, ..the Black Hills, ..the Badlands, ..our almost endless prairies, with the history of America’s infancy and struggle. A history of men and women that put it all on the line in their time to build a nation second to none. A nation of great men as depicted by the magnificent life’s work of Gutzon Borglum, ..and/or “Mount Rushmore.”


Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

I voted against Barack Obama in 2008, because he was a nobody from nowhere. Barack Obama is still a nobody from nowhere.

Barack Obama’s narrative, and/or ..rhetoric in 2008 wanted me to believe that all that is needed to be the President of the United States, ..and/or America, to win an election.

Barack Obama was wrong then, and Barack Obama is wrong now. Take a good look at the faces above on Mount Rushmore, ..each man in his time performed a great service for “our” great nation.

In order to provide a great service, (at least in my humble opinion) must be a great person.

Barack Obama has provided no unobjectionable, ..and/or, admissible service to America, great or small. He is not the man to save the Nation’s economy, ..nor is Obamacare the device to heal America.

Barack Obama is a divider…


 Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

2016 Obama’s America, ..the Movie.

About 2016: Obama’s America…

2016 Obama’s America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world’s most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man’s past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, “If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?”

Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to America’s ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn’t know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him–who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world.

Immersed in exotic locales across four continents, best selling author Dinesh D’Souza races against time to find answers to Obama’s past and reveal where America will be in 2016. During this journey he discovers how Hope and Change became radically misunderstood, and identifies new flashpoints for hot wars in mankind’s greatest struggle.

The journey moves quickly over the arc of the old colonial empires, into America’s empire of liberty, and we see the unfolding realignment of nations and the shape of the global future.

Emotionally engaging, 2016 Obama’s America will make you confounded and cheer as you discover the mysteries and answers to your greatest aspirations and worst fears.

Love him or hate him, don’t know him.

About the Filmmakers…

Gerald R. Molen..

Gerald Molen has produced many of the most memorable films in the last three decades including blockbusters like Jurassic Park, Twister, Days of Thunder, Hook and Minority Report.

He was a producer for the Academy Award winning film Schindler’s List and co-producer for Rain Man which won the Oscar for Best Picture.


Dinesh D’Souza…

Born in Mumbai, India Dinesh D’Souza has truly lived the American Dream. He moved to the United States to attend Dartmouth College and upon graduation he went to work in the Reagan White House as a policy analyst.

He has been a fellow of the Hoover Institute at Stanford University and the American Enterprise Institute.

He is also the author of the New York Times Bestseller The Roots of Obama’s Rage. His other book titles include the popular What’s So Great About Christianity, Letters to a Young Conservative, and The End of Racism. He is a popular speaker and has appeared on Hannity, The Colbert Report, Glenn Beck and Politically Incorrect.



Double Click, ..and pay close Attention.



In 2010 he released The Roots of Obama’s Rage which is the basis for the film “2016: Obama’s America.” It has been described as the most influential political book of 2010 and has proven to be yet another best seller.


In the same year, he was named the president of The King’s College, in New York City. Dinesh brought a distinguished 25-year career as a writer, scholar, and public intellectual to The King’s College. Prior to this appointment, Dinesh also served as John M. Olin Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and the Robert and Karen Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

Called one of the “top young public-policy makers in the country” by Investor’s Business Daily, Dinesh quickly became known as a major influencer on public policy through his writings. His first book, Illiberal Education (1991), publicized the phenomenon of political correctness in America’s colleges and universities and became a New York Times bestseller for 15 weeks. It has been listed as one of the most influential books of the 1990s.

From here he went on to write the popular books What is So Great About America (2002) , What is So Great About Christianity (2008), The End of Racism (1995) and Letter to a Young Conservative (2003).

His latest book, God Forsaken was released in April of 2012.

D’Souza’s articles have appeared in virtually every major magazine and newspaper, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic Monthly, Vanity Fair, New Republic, and National Review. He has appeared on numerous television programs, including The Today Show, The Colbert Report, Politically Incorrect, Nightline, The News Hour, The O’Reilly Factor, Moneyline, and Hannity. (Source Wikipedia).

D’Souza’s credentials run-on for a distance that would challenge even Kenenisa Bekele.

(Sidebar) Kenenisa Bekele is the current World record holder in the Ten Thousand Meter track and field event.

Of course once again, ..I can’t speak for anyone except myself, ..however, (for me) ..the Movie can’t hit the theaters quick enough.

Have a great day, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

You’re still missing the point..

I’m 70 years old and extremely patient, so I’m going to go over it for you again.

I get up every morning and write what I write, because I believe in America, myself, and the public’s “need” to know their “right” from their “left.”

(Note) In my foregoing narrative I was particular about using the word (need) instead of the media’s more popular and traditional word (right) to know, ..when speaking to what’s happening in the world.

Submitted on 2012/08/21 at 10:36 am

beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Offline Netspace thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me

(A personal note) To the author of the foregoing comment, and/or spam, ..and/or solicitation?


Dear Sir or Madam, your first challenge is either to learn to spell, ..or learn to use your spell checker.

Although I am a “high school dropout,” ..or more correctly, I should elaborate, ..(because) ..I am a “high school dropout,” throughout my life when composing a letter or even filling out an application, (before spell checkers) I carried a Webster’s dictionary. As there is nothing (short of the expression on a child’s face when caught with his or her hand in the cookie jar) that defines an individual’s character more than shoddy handwriting and a misspelled word.

Accordingly, to any future solicitors; I did not start writing my blog to make money, I do not write my blog to make money, I have no desire to make money writing my blog.

My course of action in the arena of increasing my personal wealth, ..(for those who may be interested?)


I write my Blog (simply) ..because I love America, ..which probably sounds pretty silly to the smart phone generation?

I spent 46 years in the job market and performed my assignments as prescribed by the individual who signs my paycheck.

Exciting? Not so much, ..but then excitement, ..fame, ..glory or celebrity wasn’t why I got out of bed in the morning.

As I have said time and time again, I am just an ordinary person, ..albeit an ordinary person from a generation taught respect and self-reliance, although I understand the concept of a (free lunch) I do not support its implementation.

According to Webster: im·ple·ment (in context) to put into practice, effect; carry out.

The men and women who founded America, (fleeing) the “rest of the world,” (search of an opportunity) to be free of tyranny and make a better life for themselves and their families didn’t come to America to fill out an application for welfare and food stamps.

I do not argue against progress and technology, ..I simply argue against what has become the definition of progress and the use of technology.

Without distinction, I champion the…


Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

Windows to the Soul..

Who first said” The eyes are the windows to the soul?

Research provides an amalgamation of response from Shakespeare’s “A Midnight Summer Dream,” a list of urban legends as long as your arm.

With the best result, (at least in my opinion,) derived from

“A person’s thoughts can be ascertained by looking in his or her eyes. The proverb has been traced back in English to ‘Regiment of Life’ (1545). But the proverb was known much earlier.

Cicero (106-43 B.C.) is quoted as saying, ‘Ut imago est animi voltus sic indices oculi’ (The face is a picture of the mind as the eyes are its interpreter). The L*tin proverbs, ‘Vultus est index animi’ or ‘Oculus animi index,’ are usually translated as ‘The face is the index of the mind.’ The French say, ‘Les yeux sont le miroir de l’dme, ..and /or, (The eyes are the mirror of the soul).

‘The eyes are the window of the soul’ is a variant form of the proverb, ..(Source, “Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings” by Gregory Y. Titelman, ..Random House, New York, 1996).

Accordingly, keeping all of that pertinent and wonderful information in mind as we go forward with today’s offering, I would appreciate it if everyone would also keep in mind that it is my purpose with my writing to convince as many people as possible to judge America’s (current clash of ideologies) with your ..(common sense) opposed to what you see and hear in the media.

Because, (the truth be known,) in the species, genus (Homo Sapiens,) ..evolution and education, ..have both provided for human beings to be one of the (easiest fooled) creatures on the planet.

 Canis Lupus Familiaris 

(Canis lupus familiaris): ..and/or, The domestic dog, is a subspecies of the gray wolf (Canis lupus), a member of the Canidae family of the mammilian order Carnivora.

The term “domestic dog” is generally used for both domesticated and feral varieties. The dog may have been the first animal to be domesticated, and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and companion animal in human history.

The present lineage of dogs was domesticated from gray wolves about 15,000 years ago, ..although remains of domesticated dogs have been found in Siberia and Belgium from about 33,000 years ago, none of those lineages seem to have survived the Last Glacial Maximum.

Nevertheless, mDNA testing suggests a split between dogs and wolves around 100,000 years ago, no specimens prior to 33,000 years ago are clearly “morphologically” domesticated dog.

According to Webster: mor·phol·o·gy, The branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms without consideration of function.


Look into a dog’s eyes and you will see a range of character and emotion equal to any Homo sapiens on the planet.

Look into your own dog’s eyes, ..and you will be greeted with “trust,, ..and loyalty.”

Look into this guy’s eyes, ..and if you’re human, ..a cold chill should run up your spine

Albeit, even more frightening…



..the thought of funding four more years of Michele’s ravenous appetite for family vacations and world travel. 

 ..and counting….

Question: Can we, “We the People” ..afford another?

In closing…

This morning, while consuming my Cheerios and my banana to stoke the old furnace, I was audience to an FNC talking head that earned her stipend this morning by elaborating on the positive aspects of Bill and Hillary.

Particulars included Bill’s popularity and renowned around the world and Hillary’s investment in current world strife.

Concluding her droll drivel with declaring that “Bill,” (a perpetual womanizer,) ..and “Hillary,” ..present Secretary of State, ..and Barack Obama’s (disheveled doormat,) ..”to be one of America’s great love stories.”

..talking heads, and/or, (Meatheads) ..teleprompter reading buffoons all, ..really need to get better writers.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

“Much to Do” ..about America.

Andrew C. McCarthy III is a former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. A Republican, he is most notable for leading the 1995 terrorism prosecution against Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others. The defendants were convicted of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and planning a series of attacks against New York City landmarks. He also contributed to the prosecutions of terrorists who bombed US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. He resigned from the Justice Department in 2003. He is currently a columnist for National Review. (Source. Wikipedia).

In a forward, ..and/or, (junk e-mail) ..currently circulating in cyberspace, Columnist Andrew McCarthy is credited with sounding the alarm to warn America of impending doom if Barack Obama is elected to a second term.

In the forward, ..and/or (junk e-mail) McCarthy emphasizes the fact that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia just turned 78 and that Justice Kennedy will turn 78 later this year. McCarthy also brings to attention that Justice Breyer will be 76 in August and that Justice Ginsburg turned 81 about a week ago.

Question: So why are the ages of these four Supreme Court justices important, ..and/or, ..of interest?

Simple: Because the next president of the United States will most likely appoint three or more Supreme Court justices in the next eight years.

Accordingly, the election in November will undoubtedly set the agenda, and/or, direction that America will move in for the next several decades.

According to Webster: dec·ade,  A period of ten years.

Justice Stephens has already said he would retire and is just waiting for Obama to be reelected.

Accordingly, this election is about so much more than food stamps and ObamaCare. It’s about the very survival of America, (or at least,) ..about the survival of the America I know, ..grew up in, ..and put myself on the line for in Vietnam.


Barack Obama, a man renowned for leading from behind and apologizing to the world for America’s conduct, (has to my knowledge) ..never stepped forward for anything more dangerous than to accept a campaign donation.

Barack Obama is not the “man,” (a term I use loosely) ..that true patriotic (common sense) Americans want to lead “us” forward into prosperity and away from bankruptcy and insanity.

If you’re one of those folks that doesn’t think it matters if the person making those calls is Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, please, ..think again!

If you’re thinking about (not voting) because your favorite candidate didn’t get nominated, ..or wasting your vote on a third-party candidate who can’t win, ..think about this:


Because when you get to the bottom line, ..Barack Obama knows no boundaries, ..and then there’s the reality that he condones and reveres a doctrine that allows;


According to Webster: Re·vere, (in context) To regard with awe, deference, and devotion.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

Freedom of Choice Two, (not the sequel).

In publishing more than 550 offerings in the past year and a half, (as computers are infallible, ..and/or, ..magnificent when it comes to memory). I have discovered that the most difficult part of blogging, coming up with a “title” to identify what I write on any given day.

I received an (urgent message) from “Rand Paul & company” this morning urging me to click on the provided (click here) to sign a petition to once and for all, (banish) abortions, and/or, a woman’s right to choose.  

What an offer, ..and a privilege? That Rand Paul & company would select me to decide what a (free born) or naturalized citizen of the United States of America, ..can, ..or, ..can’t do.

I also get a boatload of inquiries as to why I use Webster to define almost everything I write?

And the..

                , ..because, ..since initiating my blog, (sadly) has been my experience that (to few people) in America, ..(to include “our” (government) public servants, ..and/or, politicians) not (correctly) ..understand the (meaning of the words) ..that they use.


As example: Barack Obama, ..the (current) President of the United States, ..educated at both “Harvard” and “Columbia Universities,” ..believes that the word (reduction) means: “to spend as much money as possible, quickly as possible, and as silly and frivolous as possible.

Over the past few years (our government) ..has proven time and time again, ..that if we, “We the People,” ..(the rank and file tax payers) ..give them, (the government) inch, ..they (our employees) ..will “streeetch” that “inch” to the ..(moon and back) an effort to maintain, ..and/or, .. more frightening, ..increase the power they have come to enjoy, ..(whether or not) ..the power they have come to enjoy (is granted) “our” Constitution.

Americans takes a lot of pride and satisfaction in advertising that we, (Americans) in the “Land of the Free, ..and the Home of the Brave.”

Yet just this morning, while surfing for something worthwhile to watch on my flatscreen, ..I was confronted by an ominous ad (an urgent ominous ad) call the number on the screen and voice my opinion against the U.N. arms treaty that  ‘our” aesthetically uncapped Secretary of State “Hillary Clinton” is trying to push through Congress.

Again, as I’ve said many times before in this publication, ..I cannot speak for you, ..albeit I can’t speak to you.

If you fit into a category close to or above mental retardation, pay (very) close attention! Because I’m only gonna say this a couple a thousand more times before November 6th. “Our” Government is totally out of control, ..Barack Obama, albeit an attractive well spoken young man, ..he is (not yours, ..or my friend,) ..nor is he your benefactor if you are unemployed and living in poverty.

Barack Obama’s agenda is to increase ..and/or (enlarge) the size (parameters) of government, and the size, (parameters) of entitlements, ..until the government is your taskmaster.


According to Webster: slav·er·y, (in context) The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.

Editorial: I’m 70 years old living on social security, ..which of course is nothing to brag about, ..being seventy years old is okay as long as I can still get around without to much pain. Not an easy accomplishment after four back surgeries and a heart attack, but I’m hanging in there. As for living on Social Security, I’ve always made do with what I have.

I have never applied for an (entitlement) as I personally don’t believe such a thing exist. Nor do I harbor the belief that someone “deserves” something or anything simply because they are a product of biological creation.

A government, (especially a Democratic Republic) ..such as America, not your momma or your daddy, ..the American government is an “organization” implemented to manage the business of the nation. It is not an organization implemented to promote the agenda of an individual.


Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

What is a Synapse?

While enjoying a little face-to-face with some friends a few days ago, our conversation (not unusual) turned to politics and America’s upcoming election.

And of course with South Dakota being as bright a shade of red as a shade of red can be, no one in the group was shy about bashing Obama, to include (yours truly).

And of course since the majority of the group was aware that I write a daily blog, my friends usually expect me to provide them with something that they didn’t already know? Albeit the community’s population is only 4,565, my knowledge none of the residence here were plucked from a pumpkin patch.

Nevertheless, there is the occasional individual who may have (in his youth) ..spent more time with a head of cabbage than one might consider appropriate? As I was asked by a young fellow in his mid-40s,  ..why I write a Blog?

And of course, ..being that, 70, ..the only “quick” thing I have left in my repertoire is my wit, ..I promptly replied; “Because my synapses haven’t quit firing yet.” Which of course promptly got me; “What the hell in a synapse?

     Synapse Firing

According to Webster: syn·apse, The junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, a muscle cell, or a gland cell.

In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another cell (neural or otherwise). Santiago Ramón y Cajal proposed that neurons are not continuous throughout the body, yet still communicate with each other, an idea known as the neuron doctrine.. The word “synapse” comes from “synaptein”, which Sir Charles Scott Sherrington and colleagues coined from the Greek “syn-” (“together”) and “haptein” (“to clasp”).

Synapses are essential to neuronal function: neurons are cells that are specialized to pass signals to individual target cells, and synapses are the means by which they do so. At a synapse, the plasma membrane of the signal-passing neuron (the presynaptic neuron) comes into close apposition with the membrane of the target (postsynaptic) cell. Both the presynaptic and postsynaptic sites contain extensive arrays of molecular machinery that link the two membranes together and carry out the signaling process.


In many synapses, the presynaptic part is located on an axon, but some presynaptic sites are located on a dendrite or soma. Astrocytes also exchange information with the synaptic neurons, responding to synaptic activity and, in turn, regulating synaptic transmission.


Synapses Interfacing

 There are two fundamentally different types of synapses:

In a chemical synapse, the presynaptic neuron releases a chemical called a neurotransmitter that binds to receptors located in the postsynaptic cell, usually embedded in the plasma membrane. The neurotransmitter may initiate an electrical response or a secondary messenger pathway that may either excite or inhibit the postsynaptic neuron.

In an electrical synapse, the presynaptic and postsynaptic cell membranes are connected by special channels called gap junctions that are capable of passing electric current, causing voltage changes in the presynaptic cell to induce voltage changes in the postsynaptic cell. The main advantage of an electrical synapse is the rapid transfer of signals from one cell to the next.

Synaptic communication is distinct from ephaptic coupling, in which communication between neurons occurs via indirect electric fields. (Source, Wikipedia).

And thus concludes our science lesson for today…

Question: Why do I present (stuff) like this on my Blog?

Simple: Because I had occasion to cross paths with an individual that didn’t know what a Synapse was.

Question: So why is it important that everyone knows what a Synapse is?

Stepping out of bounds for a moment and answering a question with a question…

Question: Why is it important to teach the child to walk, and/or, ..why is it important to teach a child to talk?

Answer: Because, (at least in my opinion) it is important, (in order for an individual to be competent to make an informed decision,) individual must first be informed.

A task, that due to the fact (at least in my opinion) America’s colleges and universities are failing their responsibility. So I have taken it upon myself, (yours truly) ..a (bona fide) ..high school dropout with (credentials) from the “School of Hard Knocks,: include (regret) ..that I didn’t stay in school and do it right.


Someone in America has to tell the truth, why not me?


Barack Obama ..(in my humble opinion) not an asset to America, ..the world, ..or the human race.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

Vote Smart.Org..

I get a lot of e-mails from a lot of people, and occasionally I get an occasional e-mail from a select friend.

Such as the e-mail (not a forward) that has inspired me to write this morning’s blog.

As you know, (if you are a regular reader) of my blather, I’m not really happy with anyone that is applying for the job to be “my” President, run “my” country.

Politics in America have always been competitive, however in the last decade, and/or ..decade and a half, ..politics have gone beyond competitive into the realm of mean, nasty and vicious, which is unacceptable.

Or more correctly, the current tone and/or temper of politics is unacceptable to me.

Which of course brings into Question; “Who the hell am I?”


I’m Charlie Citizen, ..better known to my friends as Chuck. I’m 70 years old, ..retired from an hourly job journey through life that provided me with the (wherewithal) to own several mortgages, more automobiles that I could even come close to recalling the particulars of and I’ve never been hungry.

Well there was that one time 🙂


I served this country as (frightened) every other (lying bastard) ..that denied being scared while strolling through the jungles of South Vietnam. Although I came home with a Purple Heart, I did come home. (Which traditionally), ..that and five dollars will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

I don’t, ..and never have expected (Kudos) for what I, ..and five hundred thousand other Americans did in Vietnam. Putting yer ass on the line (at least in my opinion) for your home, (for an America) is a given.

Or at least it use to be…

Barack Obama, (at least in my humble opinion,) not an American. As I explicated a few days ago, ..I don’t care if Barack Obama was born in the (blanking) ..”Rose Garden,” delivered by “Dolly Madison on the Fourth of July,” ..he is not an American.

To be an American, ..a true “Bona Fide” ..real ..(died in the wool) American, takes a (hell of a lot) ..more than a geographical/biological event, ..being an American is a state of mind, honor ..and a commitment.

So what do I think of Mitt Romney? …Honestly? I think we should cut to the chase,  ..and start calling him Mitt “Duba.”

As Shakespeare once said; “A carpetbagger by any other name, ..will rob you just as blind.”



..or did he say; “A carpetbagger is a carpetbagger is a carpetbagger?”

Although I have been advocating for the last 40 years that if just one time, the American public, ..not blacks ..or whites, ..or Hispanics, ..or Asians, ..or any combination of any combination of the foregoing would vote to eliminate every incumbent at every level of government, the politicians might begin to understand who this country belongs to.

But of course that’s not going to happen, because politicians understand that if they can keep a divide between ..blacks, ..whites, ..Hispanics, ..Asians and ..the combinations of combinations that make up America, ..they can do as they damn well please.


Time for my introduction; “Richard Kimball.” (not) David Janssen, ..from the “Fugitive.”

Richard Kimball is an American politician, and president of the nonprofit organization Project Vote Smart.


Double Click and take a look !


In 1986, after serving in the Arizona Legislature and the state’s Corporation Commission, Kimball ran as a Democrat against John McCain for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Barry Goldwater.

His campaign was subject to negative press from the Arizona Republic and Phoenix Gazette, both owned by McCain benefactor Darrow Tully.

One Gazette columnist described him as displaying “terminal weirdness.” McCain ultimately won the election by a margin of twenty percent, and is now Arizona’s senior Senator.

In his 2002 memoir Worth the Fighting For, McCain described the race and his opponent: My first race for the Senate was pretty close to a foregone conclusion. I led in the polls from start to finish. My eventual opponent, Richard Kimball, was a tall, good-looking guy who shared his name with the hero of a popular 1960s television drama, The Fugitive.

He was a nice man and a well-intentioned public servant. But for all his fine qualities, he was not the first-tier candidate the Democrats had hoped to field.

According to the Project Vote Smart web site, during his closing remarks at a debate, Kimball decided to forgo an attack on McCain in favor of this speech: …

Understand what we do to you; we spend all of our time raising money, often from strangers we do not even know. Then we spend it in three specific ways: first we measure you, what it is you want to purchase in the political market place — just like Campbell’s Soup or Kellogg’s Cereal.

Next we hire some consultants who know how to tailor our image to fit what will sell. Lastly, we bombard you with the meaningless, issueless, emotional nonsense that is always the result. And which ever one of us does that best will win![

Kimball commented on the campaign to a reporter from the Arizona Daily Star: “I was enormously depressed, ..not because I lost. It was because I spent all my time collecting money.”

Kimball spent the months after the election traveling through Mexico, and has not sought public office since. (Source, Wikipedia).

Our founding fathers were not a ragtag bunch that hung out at the waterfront, ..albeit they were familiar enough with the ragtag bunch from the waterfront to know the difference between Rum and Rye…

..and when they solicited recruits to fill the boots needed to free America from the tyranny of King George…

..the man that would eventually become the first president of the United States stood with his ragtag recruits at Lexington and Concord until the smoke cleared.

I mean, ..think about it, ..if Pete Seeger had been at the battle of Lexington and Concord, ..we’d be singing the words to a hell of a song.

..and while you’ve got your thinking cap on, ..think about this, (nothing Rhymes with Obama). ..except ..”drama” and “trauma.”

Once again, thank you all for your participation and if you enjoyed reading today’s blather as much as I enjoyed writing it, can thank April as I did.

I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…


According to Webster: se·ques·tra·tion, (in context) 1. The act of sequestering; segregation. 2.a. Seizure of property. b. A writ authorizing seizure of property.

The following “literary component” has been (sequestered,) and/or (seized) from Barack

Sequestration and national security: What you need to know.

When you’re faced with someone who misrepresents the truth, you can find all the facts you need right here,…


(Sidebar); ..meaning – (Barack Obama dot com).  🙂


..along with ways to share the message with whoever needs to hear it.

Mitt Romney and Republicans are attempting to mislead Americans by attacking President Obama for ensuring “massive defense cuts.” They’re basing this false attack on a “sequestration” passed by Congress last August—a policy that is supposed to force Congress to reach a deal to reduce the deficit. Here is what you need to know about the sequester and where each candidate stands on preventing the cuts:

What is sequestration?

If Congress cannot reach a deal to reduce the deficit by the end of the year, a “sequester” will trigger $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts evenly split between defense and non-defense spending. Democrats and Republicans in Congress created this mechanism in order to pressure its members to reach a compromise on deficit-reduction. The potential defense cuts, which passed Congress with a majority of Republican support in both the House and the Senate, will only go into effect if Congress cannot agree on a deficit deal.

Why is this plan in place?

After House Republicans refused to support President Obama’s deficit-reduction proposal—a compromise that could have cut the deficit by $4 trillion over ten years—Congress had to find a way to address our country’s rising levels of debt from two wars, the Bush tax cuts, and the effects of the worst recession since the Great Depression. To reach a long-term deal, Democrats and Republicans in Congress reached an agreement with President Obama: $1 trillion in spending cuts and a pledge to reduce the deficit by an additional $1 trillion. Congress established the threat of sequestration as an enforcement mechanism: the automatic and indiscriminate spending cuts were designed to be so damaging that Congress would have no choice but to reach a deficit-reduction deal in order to prevent their implementation.

What are the consequences of the sequester for national security?

Congressional Republicans are risking serious consequences in order to launch a political attack. President Obama understands that the effects of such massive spending cuts would undermine our national security. The reductions would indiscriminately slash the Pentagon’s funding by nearly 20% over the next decade, threatening to undermine America’s military. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta noted that sequestration would drastically shrink the military and diminish its ability to keep us safe.

What is President Obama’s plan to avoid these cuts?

President Obama made it very clear that Congress “can and must act to avoid the sweeping impacts of the sequester” and provided several blueprints for balanced deficit reduction to avoid these cuts. His deficit reduction package, for example, offered more than $4 trillion in deficit reduction while making sure we continue to invest in education, job creation, and long-term economic growth. The package “would achieve more than enough deficit reduction to avoid the sequester,” and would provide our military the support they need to keep America safe. Fiscal commission co-chairs Erksine Bowles and Alan Simpson both called the President’s plan “a balanced, comprehensive approach to deficit reduction.” But Republican leaders “walked away from negotiations” because they refused to accept any revenue increases.

Does Mitt Romney have a plan that would prevent these cuts?

No. Romney has refused to support any proposal that would include additional government revenue, saying “I don’t believe that raising revenues is the right answer to balancing our budget.” He even backed Congressional Republicans who refused to raise revenue as part of a deal to avoid government default. Romney said that he didn’t want Congress to take any actions that might prevent these cuts before inauguration day in January 2013, even though the country faces looming defense cuts.

Why hasn’t Congress voted to pass a solution yet?

Republicans in Congress have apparently decided to stall legislation and “put off striking deals on major legislative issues” like deficit reduction in hopes that Romney wins the White House. Republican leader Rep. Jim Jordan even said that some Republicans were willing to see major fiscal decisions postponed until next year, because they are bullish about Mr. Romney winning.

In fact, with buy-in from the Romney campaign, Congressional Republicans have laid out month-long plans “in painstaking detail” that attack the President on defense cuts rather than attempting to find a solution.

As Politico notes, “the main goal” of these attacks is “to boost the party’s prospects on Election Day.” (Source, Barack team).


According to Webster: se·ques·tra·tion, (Pure and simple) The act of sequestering.

According to Webster: se·ques·ter, 1. To cause to withdraw into seclusion. 2. To remove or set apart; segregate. 3. Law. a. To take temporary possession of (property) as security against legal claims. b. To requisition and confiscate.

(Special Note): To remove or set apart; “segregate.”

According to Webster: seg·re·gate, To separate or isolate from others or from a main body or group.

(Sidebar) If my knowledge of American history is still valid, segregation is a word painfully understood by the black community. Accordingly, (at least in my humble opinion) if Barack Obama who fervently claims an affiliation with the black community is valid? First; “Why in the hell would he have agreed to entitle (name) a program that will devastate hundreds of thousands of American citizens, (sequestration,) and/or (segregation?) ..and second; Why in the hell would any American president jeopardize the security and safety of the American public, by eviscerating the military?

And then I recall the ending definition of sequester; …

(To requisition and confiscate.)

To “requisition and confiscate” ..pretty much says it all, (at least in my humble opinion) ..when (realistically) describing Barack Obama and his far left Marxist regime.

Barack Obama, an individual who (at least in my opinion) is nearing the capture of the Guinness book of World Records; (for misleading the American public and the world at large,) has just added to his compost pile of misleading information by explicating that the preceding article is related to the truth.

According to Webster: truth, Conformity to fact or actuality.

The following provided by; (

Q. Which defense funds face sequestration cuts?

A. Sequestration under the 2011 Budget Control Act is slated to begin Jan. 2, 2013, with automatic budget cuts of about $55 billion each in the first year from defense and nondefense accounts. The sequestration cuts for defense apply to “total budgetary resources,” according to the law. These resources include funds appropriated for fiscal 2013 and previous years which are not yet committed to contracts. Nondefense funds from previous years are not subject to sequestration.

Q. Are any funds exempt?

A. The president has the authority to exempt personnel funds; most are for military pay. Personnel funds total $135.1 billion in President Barack Obama’s proposed non-war budget for fiscal 2013.

In November, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta wrote that Afghanistan war funding was exempt from sequester. The Pentagon reversed this position in a May 30 e-mail to Bloomberg Government. War funds no longer are exempt. The non-personnel portion of these funds totals $74.4 billion in the 2013 budget proposal.

Both “unobligated balances” from 2013 funds and previous years become exempt when they are committed to contracts, or obligated. Funds appropriated by Congress for fiscal 2013 and obligated prior to January 2, 2013, are “not subject to sequestration,” Defense spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Elizabeth Robbins said in a June 8 e-mail.

Q. What are unobligated balances?

A. Congress appropriates money for agency programs whose managers obligate some or all of the funds by hiring companies to do the work. Unobligated balances occur when funds appropriated in one fiscal year are not put on contract during that year. The unobligated military balance will be $83.5 billion by September 30, the last day of fiscal 2012, according to an Office of Management and Budget estimate.

Q. How much fiscal 2013 money is subject to cuts?

A. Fiscal 2013 funds subject to sequestration probably will include the non-personnel portion of the proposed 2013 base defense budget, or about $390.3 billion. The non-personnel portion of war funding, about $74.4 billion, would be added, bringing the total to $464.7 billion.

If the Pentagon spends its proposed fiscal 2013 budget evenly throughout the year, it probably will obligate about 25 percent, or $116.2 billion, by January 2, the second day of the second quarter of fiscal 2013. All obligated funds are considered exempt from sequestration, leaving about $348.5 billion in fiscal 2013 funds subject to sequestration.

Q. How will unobligated balances affect results?

A. Bloomberg Government estimates that about $432 billion will be subject to sequestration. That’s $83.5 billion of previous years’ unobligated balances plus $348.5 billion in fiscal 2013 funds available on January 2. (Source, New Priorities

Last, ..but not least…

Republicans, ..and Obama budget chief trade blame for sequestration cuts…

Republican lawmakers and the Obama administration’s budget chief blamed one another for sequestration.

Wednesday as a top Pentagon official warned the automatic spending cuts would lead to an “unready, hollow” military force. The hearing of the House Armed Services Committee had the air of a partisan fistfight, with Obama budget chief Jeffrey Zients and GOP lawmakers frequently talking over each other.

Zients, the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), chided Republicans for not proposing realistic solutions to stop the sequester cuts.

“The root cause of the problem here is the Republican refusal to acknowledge that the top 2 percent have to pay their fair share,” Zients said, repeating a common Democratic argument that higher taxes on the wealthy are needed to replace sequestration.

Republicans fired back that President Obama has done nothing to try and stop the cuts, and frequently interrupted Zients when he tried to say that Obama’s budget fixes sequestration, countering that no one in Congress voted for that proposal.

(Sidebar) At the risk of speaking out of turn, I would like to inject the fact that in the (three and a half years) that Barack Obama has been “President, ..and/or Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces,” ..the “Congress” ..”our” Congress, ..due to the Democratic dominated Senate, ..the Congress, ..has (not passed) a budget.

So what (blanking) budget is Barack Obama’s director of the (Office of Management and Budget) ..”Jeffrey Zients” talking about?

For those of you out there that may not be aware?

The U.S. and/or Federal Government of the United States, “our” government has a legal process in place for providing “us” in fact, ..the “United States Government” belongs to the citizens of the United States.

It does not belong to Barack Obama, ..or any member, ..or any combination of members of the House or Senate.

A good read…

The Federal Budget Process-Resolution, Reconciliation, Authorizations, and Appropriations. 

The Congressional Budget Process, as set out in the 1974 Budget Act, provides Congress with a procedure establishing appropriate spending levels and revenue sources for each year. The process is a method for coordinating decisions on the financial behavior of government as Congress prepares for the upcoming fiscal year.

The President initiates the annual budget process by presenting his budget proposal to Congress on or before the first Monday in February of each year.

Congress is free to adopt or reject any of the President’s recommendations in its concurrent resolution, which imposes overall constraints on revenues and spending and distributes the overall constraint on spending among groups of programs and activities.

The House and Senate Budget Committees formulate their respective budget resolutions and report them to the floor for a vote. After each chamber passes its resolution, Congress forms the Budget Resolution Conference Committee to reconcile differences between House and Senate versions. After deliberation, the conference committee reports the concurrent resolution on the budget to the floor and the House and Senate must each vote to approve the concurrent resolution without amendment.

The concurrent resolution is nonbinding, is not signed by the President, and does not have the force of law. After Congress has completed action on a concurrent resolution on the budget for a fiscal year, however, it is generally not in order to consider legislation that does not conform to the constraints on spending and revenue set out in the resolution.

The concurrent resolution may contain language instructing House and Senate Authorizing Committees to determine and recommend changes in existing law in order to achieve the spending reductions or revenue increases that the committee must attain in order to conform to spending caps outlined in the budget resolution.

The budget resolution leaves to the discretion of the committee the specific changes that must be made to accomplish such spending levels. In each chamber, committees make these specific changes and submit them as recommendations to the Budget Committee. These recommendations are combined into an omnibus reconciliation bill and reported by the Committee on the Budget for consideration by the entire chamber.

The House and Senate send their respective reconciliation bills to conference, where the Budget Reconciliation Conference Committee holds sub-conferences with authorizing committees and reports an Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. Both chambers must pass the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act without amendment.

The President signs or may veto the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. The signed act becomes a law.

Under the rules of both houses, the appropriation for a program or agency may not be considered until its authorization has been considered. Authorizers stipulate terms and conditions under which specific government programs or agencies act, and authorize the enactment of appropriations.

After authorization, each of the thirteen appropriations subcommittees divide the funds allocated to it by the budget resolution among the agency programs within its jurisdiction. The House and Senate must vote on each of the 13 bills separately and send each to conference. Each appropriations bill is reported from conference for a vote in both chambers and must be approved or rejected without amendment.

The President signs into law or may veto each of the 13 Appropriation Conference Reports.

The budget process must be completed by September 30, the end of the fiscal year. In recent years, not all of the appropriations bills have been signed into law by that date, requiring Congress to enact supplemental appropriations to provide funding in addition to that previously designated for the current fiscal year. Similarly, Congress often passes rescission bills to revoke money appropriated (but not yet spent) for the current fiscal year.

Breaches of the budget resolution are remedied by sequestration, or, automatic cancellations of spending authority. Sequestration results when the statutory criteria for the deficit, discretionary spending, or the Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) requirement has been exceeded. PAYGO requires that tax reductions or entitlement increases must be offset by tax increases or entitlement reductions.

(Please Note) This U.S. budget procedure is law, ..when the Congress of the United States cannot produce a yearly fiscal budget, ..they are breaking the law.

When the President of the United States, ..regardless of who the individual is, ..cannot, ..does not, ..or will not, ..sign the budget presented into law by September 30 of each year, he or she is breaking the law.

(A personal observation) if you live in America, whether you are a natural born citizen or a naturalized citizen, get to know the people that work for you in Washington DC.

Albeit more importantly, you need to get to know what the men and women in our government are actually authorized to do and what they are (not authorized) to do?

Our founding Fathers scribed nothing in the original U.S. Constitution about presidential signing statements.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…


According to Webster: of·fen·sive, Disagreeable; Causing anger, displeasure, resentment; – an affront.

It would seem that my narrative, ..and/or ..”accolade,” identifying Mitt Romney ..and (wealthy people) as the (salt of the earth) ..has offended some of you…  (wrongheaded) and/or (common sense deprived) liberals.



 The word (salt) comes from the “Latin” (salarium) ..or “sal,” meaning (salt). Salt, one period in history was paid as wages, ..and/or, a (salary) to soldiers in the early Roman salt trade. In those days, ..salt, (regular ordinary table salt) ..was a prized and valuable commodity. Consequently, the phrase “you are the salt of the earth” ..and/or, ..the phrase, ..“worth your salt”, ..refer to the high value of salt. (Source, 50 years of interest in world history and trivia).


America is not measured by the rest of the World, ..and real Americans want to keep it that way!

America is not a socialist, ..communist, ..or tyrannical Nation.

America is a “Free” Capitalistic, ..Christian Nation, it or leave it.


You and..

Barack Obama… 

..are so determined to live in a socialistic, ..communist, ..or Dictator led Nation, ..there are scheduled flights leaving America every day.

Think about it Fools, ..I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

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