Cause and Effect..

..continuing to simmer (and fester) on the front burner this week, ..the Question, ..and/or Questions, ..concerning “Barack Obama’s”  Justice Department’s, ”Fast and Furious.” ..debacle.


Project Gunrunner is an operation of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico, in an attempt to deprive the Mexican drug cartels of weapons.

In early 2011, the operation became controversial when it was revealed that “Operation Fast and Furious” ..and other probes under Project Gunrunner had allowed guns to “walk” into the hands of Mexican drug cartels since as early as 2006 (Source Wikipedia)

(Sidebar) How do you deprive a drug cartel of (weapons) by delivering (weapons) to them?

A Question to ponder: Are there any adults in Washington D.C.?

I’ve had Barack Obama and his idealistic liberal ilk pegged as unequivocally “dim-witted” from day one, ..albeit (Project Gunrunner), include (ATF) ..and it’s “Operation Fast and Furious,” ..diminishes “simpleminded” to a new low.

What’s next? Are we going to discover Michelle smuggling donuts and French fries to fat kids?


A barrel of apples can survive one or two rotten residence, albeit after that, ..anyone with “God-given common sense,” is going to discard the decay to recover the vessel.

Come on people, date, “Barack Obama and his ilk” have proven to be as (trustworthy) as a “herd of aardvarks” in an ant colony.


 Number one,  ..I’m going to close Guantánamo.


I’m going to level the playing field.


I am going to create jobs.


It’s all somebody else’s fault. 

As I pointed out yesterday, human beings have a large brain and an opposing thumb, ..we deserve better.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

Skin: Thick or Thin?

 Skin cells magnified.

According to Webster: thick, (in context) In a close, compact state or arrangement; dense; Impenetrable.  

According to Webster: thin, (in context)  Lacking force or substance; flimsy.

When the threat is (indirect) Barack Obama has no problem emulating his forbearers; and/or (the men who occupied the Oval Office during armed conflicts) prior to his occupation. Men such as; Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard M Nixon, George H.W. Bush, and of course, Bush 43, a.k.a., George “Duba.” A man, (if memory serves?) That our current “Commander-in-Chief” ..chastised seven ways from Sunday for his brutality and irresponsibility during his reign in the White House.

In his (rhetoric) during his campaign for top banana, Obama eloquently explicated how he would rescind the policies of George “Duba” ..close Guantánamo, ..cease inhumane practices such as waterboarding! (which of course, ..from all “available information,” ..he did). Of course the irony here, “at least in my opinion,” ..when you replace splashing and pouring water over a man’s face, ..with “shooting” him in the face, ..I (personally) view that as an (escalation,) ..not a (concession) ..or an (advantage.)

According to Webster: rhet·o·ric, (in context) Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous.

According to Webster: es·ca·late, To increase, enlarge, or intensify.

According to Webster: con·ces·sion, (in context) Something previously claimed in an argument, that is later conceded.

According to Webster: ad·van·tage, (in context) A relatively favorable position.

As a bona fide member of the United States Army during the Vietnam conflict, I’ve witnessed members of the human race after being shot in the face, believe me when I say; both my “considered” ..and in my “humble” opinion, ..none of the recipients were pleased with the result.

Statement of fact: “There are no benevolent warlords.”

Killing a man with a drone controlled by a man a hundred or a thousand miles away, “at least in my opinion,” one who has been there, no more acceptable, ..than shoving an ice pick into his eyes socket.

Mankind? Although by the rules, ..the “word” ..does not qualify as an (oxymoron,) ..think about it.

According to Webster: kind, (all) 1. Of a friendly, generous, or warm-hearted nature. 2. Showing sympathy or understanding; charitable. 3. Humane; considerate. 4. Forbearing; tolerant: 5. Generous; 6. Agreeable.

Of course in reality, there is no animal or creature on the planet earth to compare with the potential for violence that exists within the anthropological genus Homo sapiens.

With our large brain and our opposing thumb, ..we Homo sapiens, captured fire and invented tools to transition from being an “ordinary” animal, being an “extraordinary” animal. We moved from living in trees and caves to building tools and structures and invented amenities…

According to Webster: a·men·i·ty,  (in context) Something that contributes to physical or material comfort.


..beyond the capacity of any other creature. We invented language and the capacity to communicate.

We are “indisputably” (amazing creatures,) why do “we,” (mankind) ..find ourselves both “confused and disenchanted” fifty thousand years later in the 21st-century?

Question: Who screwed up?

Because even with my lack of a Harvard education, I am unequivocally certain, i.e., positive, ..that life in a country where a man or a woman will unflinchingly spend tens of millions of dollars to acquire a job that pays four hundred thousand dollars a year, (life) has got to have “more to offer” ..than what is available to the men and women who hire, i.e., elect the fool.

Not that I’m suggesting that our present Commander-in-Chief is a fool. A thin-skinned moron perhaps, ..but not a fool.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

When in Rome..

 Racing Chariot

A cliché that is as cliché as clichés get…

..and since it’s a (cliché) ..that fits into (politics) like a (glove,)  when I received an e-mail, i,e,. (forward) from my cousin “Big Bill D,” ..(who lives on the west coast,) ..yesterday, ..I, (being the blatant opportunist that I am, ..I couldn’t resist using ( it ) to prosecute my agenda…

According to Webster: a·gen·da, A list or program of things to be done or considered.


..while at the same time providing the extremely interesting information and history that my cousin’s e-mail offered…

..I hope to (relate) that the more things “change,” ..the more they stay the same.

 Railroad Tracks 

Back on track, (literally,) the information and history provided in my cousin’s e-mail was in fact about tracks, railroad tracks, wagon tracks and most importantly, chariot tracks.

 Wagon Tracks

Chariot Tracks

Question: So what do ..(railroad tracks,) ..(wagon tracks,) ..and (chariot tracks) ..have to do with how me do business in America?

Glad you asked; …

According to my cousin’s e-mail and a good deal of research on my own, ..(as I don’t rely on cyberspace and those that participate within, ..for what I provide).



The U.S. Standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That’s an (exceedingly odd) number. Why was that gauge used? Because that’s the way they built them in England, ..and since English “expatriates” designed the U.S. Railroads. ..(Duh!)

Question: Why did the English (expatriates) build “them” like that?

Because the first rail lines (were built by the same people) who (built the pre-railroad tramways,) ..and that’s the gauge they used.



Question: Why did ‘they’ use that gauge?

Because the people who (built the tramways) used the (same jigs and tools) that they had used for building (wagons,) ..which used that wheel spacing.


Question: Why did the wagons have that particular odd wheel spacing?

Because if they tried to use any other spacing, (anywhere inEurope) ..the wagon wheels would break on some of the old, (long distance) roads in “England,” ..because that was the spacing of the wheel ruts.

Question: So, who built those old rutted roads?


Portrait of Julius Caesar with his Legions

Imperial Rome built the first (long distance) roads in Europe (including England ) for their legions, ..and those roads have been used ever since.

Question: What caused the ruts in the roads?

 Roman War Chariots 

Roman war chariots formed the initial ruts, which everyone else had to match for fear of destroying their wagon wheels.

Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome, they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing.

Therefore, the United States standard railroad gauge of (4 feet, 8.5 inches) derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman war chariot. In other words, ..when a (bureaucrat) ..has (his or her hands) in the “creation and/or design” of something? “Originality, and/or Invention” not a consideration.

Historical fact: “Imperial Roman Army Chariots” ..were built just wide enough to accommodate the rear ends of two war horses.

And further…


When you see a Space Shuttle sitting on its launch pad, you will notice that there are two big booster rockets attached to the sides of the main fuel tank.

These are solid rocket boosters, or SRBs. The SRBs are made by Thiokol at their factory in Utah.

The engineers who designed the “SRB’s” would have preferred to make them larger, ..however since the SRB’s had to be shipped by (rail) ..from the factory to the launch site, ..and America’s railroads from the Utah to Florida, i.e., “Cape Kennedy” run through a number of tunnels in the process, ..the SRB’s had to be designed to fit through those tunnels.

The tunnel is slightly wider than the railroad track, and the railroad track, as you now know, about as wide as “two horses” behinds.

So, a major Space Shuttle design feature, ..a vehicle that is arguably the world’s most advanced piece of transportation, was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of a horse’s ass.

And of course, speaking of (horse’s asses) ..Barack Obama is continuing to decline in the polls.

Have a great day, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

Show me the Money..

..and/or the current Battle-Cry of the Obama administration. 

According to Webster: mon·ey,  The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government.

Never in the history of the United States, ..or in the history of the world, ..or in the history of mankind, ..has any (one man,) and/or, ..individual, ..of any (political persuasion,) (ideology,) and/or, (sexual orientation,) ..spent as much (money,) as (short a period of time,) our current commander-in-chief, Barack Obama. (Not even th proverbial “Drunken Sailor”).

..and to what end?

During the past three and a half years, ..and/or, ..the Obama Administration, ..unemployment has risen, (by their stats) (double) ..what (unemployment) was when George W. Bush took office.

In the real world, (the truth) when (you count “everyone” that is not working,) ..under Barack Obama, ..unemployment has tripled or quadrupled.

(Sidebar) Fact, in some metropolitan areas of the United States, (minority unemployment) up as high as 40%.

Reality Check: “$1.00 in 2008 had the same buying power as $1.07 in 2012.

Annual inflation over this period was 1.81%.

Numbers don’t lie, ..albeit (sadly) politicians do.

Question: How many of you reading this, (assuming that you are not mentally ill) ..and (restricted to using common sense as your guide) ..would spend a half $1 billion, ..yes, ..Billion, with a capitol “B,” acquire a (job) that pays $400,000 a year?

According to Webster: gov·ern·ment, The act or process of governing, especially the control and administration of public policy in a political unit.

(Sidebar) “Note:” (the act or process) …

According to Webster: act, (in context) The process of doing or performing something.

According to Webster: proc·ess, (in context) A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result.

(Sidebar) “Note:” (administration of public policy)

..albeit completely self explanatory…

According to Webster: ad·min·is·tra·tion,  (in context) The activity of a sovereign state in the exercise of its powers or duties.

According to Webster: public policy, The basic policy or set of policies forming the foundation of public laws, especially such policy not yet formally (enunciated.)

According to Webster: e·nun·ci·at·ed, To pronounce; articulate.

Cutting to the chase, ..the (wealthy and the elite,) ..are, has always been the case, ..are doing extremely well. While the (have-nots) and the (disenfranchised) are doing as they have always done, ..(without).

So what’s new? Why is America in such turmoil? Why do we, “We the People,” ..need to send Barack and Michelle Obama back to Chicago?

 Barack and Michelle Obama 

Outwardly, they seem like a great couple. Devoted, ..loving and ..dedicated.

Question: So why do you suppose that a couple of devoted loving and dedicated individuals like Barack and Michelle haven’t been able to find a moment in the last 3 1/2 years to work on fulfilling their obligations to the voters that provided them with the utopian lifestyle they enjoy?

Three little words, ..”ideology, ..indifference ..and bigotry.”

According to Webster: i·de·ol·o·gy, The body of ideas reflecting the (social needs and aspirations of an individual.)

According to Webster: i·de·al·ist, One whose conduct is influenced by (ideals that often conflict with practical considerations.) 2. One who is (unrealistic and impractical.)

According to Webster: in·dif·fer·ent,  Not mattering one way or the other.

According to Webster: big·ot, One who is (strongly partial to one’s own group,).. (religion,) .. (race,) .. (or politics) ..and is (intolerant of those who differ.)

Quote: (from Michelle Obama) “For the first time in my adult life, ..I am proud of my country.

In context, ..out of context, ..sideways, ..upside down, (they) tried to clean it up, ..but, ..East is East, ..and West is West, ..there isn’t any room for confusion. The sun rises in east and sets in the west, ..accordingly, least for those of us who live (north) of the equator, ..moss grows on the north side of a tree, ..and for me, ..I have absolutely no recall of ever (not being proud) to be an American.

The election, fast approaching, is not about Barack Obama, or about Mitt Romney. It is about us, ..(you and I,) ..we, ..”We the People.” We have dutifully and robotically been paying the bills (with our taxes) ..while (stealthily and deceitfully) our “employees” in Government have been sheering us to the bone to (provide themselves) with more and more amenities and luxuries. While to many of us, ..the (rank and file) “clock punching” citizen’s wages ..(and Social Security benefits) ..have diminished to a level of poverty equal to an average (third world) nation.

If Barack Obama were truly interested in providing American citizens with jobs, American citizens would have jobs.

From the Center for immigration studies; “”The U.S. Census Bureau showed that the nation’s immigrant population (legal and illegal) reached nearly 38 million in March 2007, one-third of which are comprised of illegal immigrants.”

From Numbers; “”In October 2008, the illegal immigrant population stood at 11.9 million according to the Pew Hispanic Center.”

From Numbers; “”There are approximately 7.7 million illegal aliens employed in U.S. jobs in 2008.”

According to the U.S. Labor Bureau; “There are more than 27 million (unemployed) American citizens.

I’m not making this stuff up people, these are the stats and numbers provided by the folks that work for us.

Statement of fact: in a videotaped report to the nation yesterday morning Barack Obama looks straight into the camera and stated that “the private sector in America was doing fine.”


Question: “Do you trust any part of what comes out of Barack Obama’s mouth?

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…


(Interesting note) Coulrophobia is not defined in my Merriam-Webster dictionary.

According to Wikipedia: Coulrophobia is a fear of clowns.

(Sidebar) The term is of recent origin, probably dating from the 1980s, and according to one analyst, “has been coined more on the Internet than in printed form because it does not appear in any previously published, psychiatric, unabridged, or abridged dictionary,”

However the author later notes, “regardless of its less-than-verifiable etymology, coulrophobia exists in several lists”. The condition is a specific phobia (DSM-IV Code 300.29).

The prefix “coulro-” may be derived from the Ancient Greek word κωλοβαθριστής meaning “stilt-walker”, although the concept of a clown as a figure of fun was unknown in classical Greek culture. (Source Wikipedia)

Question: Wasn’t that fun?

If I were gonna take a stab at it, I believe I’d have to go with explaining the word, (coulrophobia) a word (coined) in a smoke filled room behind closed doors by a gathering of self-proclaimed nonpartisan politicians, and/or Clowns.

At the age tender of six, while residing in the (at the time,) predominately agricultural community of Oxnard California, an, (at the time) scheduled stop for the Barnum and Bailey Circus, I discovered the personal joy of being a clown. Albeit the experience leading up to my discovery was anything but joyful. Due to the fact that, (at the time) the predominate heroes of the hour were, ..Roy Rogers, ..Gene Autry and…


William Boyd, and/or “Hopalong Cassidy.” With Hopalong Cassidy leading the list.

Anyway, to inject a little (brevity) into what could otherwise easily become a “Epic Novel,” ..the morning of the circus’s arrival, was traditional, ..a parade through the center of town was scheduled to gather the townsfolk, ..and kick off what would hopefully be a profitable day for Barnum & Bailey, followed by a (Best Costume) contest.

Which of course I was bound and determined to avoid as one of my older brothers, (name withheld for privacy) and several of his friends had (all) decided to be “Hopalong Cassidy, ..and as there was only (one black hat) our house, ..there was no black hat available to me. Matter of fact, when the pickin’ was done, ..there was little to nothing available to me, ..and had I been left to my own devices, I would have been content to hate my brother and his friends from the curb.

Albeit sense my mother was one of (those) mothers that couldn’t leave well enough alone, ..she entered, (at the last possible moment) ..with a (borrowed costume), ..borrowed from a neighbor that I was at the time at odds with. Which was bad enough in itself, ..but then the costume, ..was a “Clown” costume, Bozo the clown. Talk about adding insult to injury, I was beside myself. No way could I be a clown in the midst of 200 Cowboys.


 Bozo the Clown

Returning to brevity; at the end of the parade, to include my brother and his friends, there were more than 200 Cowboys, with more than half emulating Hopalong Cassidy.

Question: How many clowns were there in the parade that day?

Answer: One.

Question: Who was the Grand Marshal of the parade that day?

Answer: Bozo the Clown.

Question: Who took the “Blue Ribbon” for (best costume) home that day?

Answer: Me.

Okay, I’m not accomplished when it comes to brevity.

Question: So what do clowns have to do in the theme of politics?

Barack Obama 

 Answer: Sadly, ..way to much!

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

D.U.C.S., and/or (don’t use common sense) People..

As Webster’s role in our lives is to define real words, and I began this morning’s offering with an (acronym,) Webster is on the shelf for the moment…


According to Webster: ac·ro·nym, A word formed from the initial letters of a name,…

..such as this morning’s title, D.U.C.S., and/or, ..the “don’t use common sense” people…

The (Don’t Use Common Sense) people, (D.U.C.S) opposed to DUCKS (Mallards and such) ..that Quack, ..feed in lakes and ponds, ..and fly south in winter.


Mallard Duck

The Mallard, or Wild Duck (Anas platyrhynchos), is a dabbling duck which breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and has been introduced to New Zealand and Australia. (Source Wikipedia)

The Mallard, ..albeit not considered on any intellectual scale that I am aware of. The Mallard understands life and it’s part in the overall scheme of things. In spring, hatches from an egg, ..follows its mother to acquire what it needs to know to be a responsible adult, ..and then goes about following the rules, (Nature’s Rules, and/or, Nature’s Constitution) ..until it ends up on someone’s dinner table as “Duck al la Orange, and/or ..(carrion) ..for a family of foxes or weasels.

According to Webster: car·ri·on, Dead and decaying flesh.

  The “Don’t use common sense” and/or (D.U.C.S.) People. 

A.K.A. “Mushroom People,” ..and /or, ..those simple (wrong headed) souls that voted for Barack Obama in 2008.

Question: Why is it that when faced with foreign aggression, this Nation, “America,” ..comes together with a solidarity and a bond unequaled anywhere on the planet, ..yet when faced with (an enemy) from within, (motivated by political ideology or religious beliefs, we digress into tribes of ants committed to the annihilation of those in our species that don’t think the way we do?

During his historical twenty-two month marathon campaign in 2007 and 2008, Barack Obama’s rhetoric was dominated by his assurance that he was the man to bring America (together,) ..he would (unify) the parties, ..he would (level) the playing field, ..and he would (redistribute) America’s wealth.


(As if it belonged to him)

Three and a half years later and a “Mountain” ..of “legislation” that (nobody wants) ..and America (can’t afford,) ..Barack Obama is (urging, ..and/or begging) ..the American people to reelect him by “dividing”America into as many (increments) as “he and his wrongheaded advisors” can come up with.

According to Webster: in·cre·ment, (in context) A positive or negative change in the value of a variable.

No President in the two hundred and thirty-six year history of this Nation has ever publicly offended the leader, ..the “Prime Minister of Israel” to the depths that Barack Obama has offended Benjamin Netanyahu.

No President in the two hundred and thirty-six year history of this Nation, “America” ..has ever (egregiously) challenged the “Constitutional Guarantee” of the (First Amendment) over (religious doctrine,) ..except Barack Obama.

According to Webster: e·gre“gious·ly, Conspicuously bad or offensive.

And I could go on and on and on, however, ..since I’m not a (news outlet,” ..but a simple conservative voice with a lawn to mow and a cat to feed, I will leave you today with this to ponder…

Since we, “We the people,” ..are the (foundation) and the (benefactors) of the U.S. Government, ..the next time you go to the polls to elect someone, “anyone,” ..City, ..County, ..State, ..or Federal, might want to hire, ..and/or, for, individual, (man or woman,) ..who is smarter than the chair he or she is setting in.

Or you might even want to consider someone who does not spend as much time in a chair as our current leader?




 Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

Valarie Jarrett..

Valerie Bowman Jarrett (born November 14, 1956) is a senior advisor and assistant to the president for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs for the Obama administration. She is a Chicago lawyer, businesswoman, and civic leader. Prior to that she served as a co-chairperson of the Obama-Biden Transition Project.


Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman. Her father, a pathologist and geneticist, ran a hospital for children in Shiraz, as part of a program where American doctors and agricultural experts sought to help jump-start developing countries’ health and farming efforts. When she was five, the family moved to London for one year, returning to Chicago in 1963.

In 1966 her mother, Barbara T. Bowman, was one of four child advocates that created the Erikson Institute. The Institute was established to provide advanced knowledge in child development for teachers and other professionals working with young children.

As a child she spoke Persian and French. Jarrett graduated from Northfield Mount Hermon in 1974. She earned a B.A. in Psychology from Stanford University in 1978, and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the University of Michigan Law School in 1981.

In 1983 Jarrett married Dr. William Robert Jarrett, son of famed Chicago Sun-Times reporter Vernon Jarrett. She attributes her switch from a private to a public career to their daughter Laura’s birth and her own desire to do something that would make the daughter proud.

To one reporter’s e-mailed question about her divorce, she replied, “Married in 1983, separated in 1987, and divorced in 1988. Enough said.” In a Vogue profile, she further explained “We grew up together. We were friends since childhood. In a sense, he was the boy next door. I married without really appreciating how hard divorce would be.” William Jarrett died of a sudden heart attack in 1993.

Chicago Politics…

Jarrett got her start in Chicago politics in 1987 working for Mayor Harold Washington as Deputy Corporation Counsel for Finance and Development.

Jarrett continued to work in the mayor’s office in the 1990s. She was Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Richard Daley, during which time (1991) she hired Michelle Robinson, then engaged to Barack Obama, away from a private law firm. Jarrett served as Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development from 1992 through 1995, and was Chair of the Chicago Transit Board from 1995 to 2005.

Business administration…

Until joining the Obama Administration, Jarrett was the CEO of The Habitat Company, a real estate development and management company which she joined in 1995. She has been replaced by Mark Segal, a lawyer who joined the company in 2002, as CEO. Daniel E. Levin is the Chairman of Habitat, which was formed in 1971. Jarrett was a member of the board of Chicago Stock Exchange (2000–2007, as Chairman, 2004–2007).

She is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago Medical Center, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago and a Trustee of Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry. Jarrett serves on the board of directors of USG Corporation, a Chicago based building materials corporation.

Jarrett’s previous year’s income, in a 2009 report, was a $300,000 salary and $550,000 in deferred compensation from The Habitat Executive Services, Inc. The Wall Street Journal also reported she disclosed payments of more than $346,000 for service on boards of directors that reflect her political ties, and work in Chicago real estate and community development. She was paid $76,000 for service as a director of Navigant Consulting, Inc. a Chicago-based global consulting group with governmental clients. She received $146,600 from USG, and $58,000 to serve on the board of Rreef American REIT II, a real estate investment trust based in San Francisco. The Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc., paid her $34,444.

After she left city hall, Jarrett became CEO of Habitat Executive Services, where she earned $300,000 in salary and $550,000 in deferred compensation.

Jarrett is one of President Obama’s longest serving advisors and confidantes and was “widely tipped” for a high-profile position in an Obama administration.

On November 14, 2008, President-elect Obama selected Jarrett to serve as White House Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Relations and Public Liaison.

Jarrett is one of three Senior Advisors to President Obama. She holds the retitled position of Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, managing the White House Office of Public Engagement, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of Urban Affairs, and Chairs the White House Council on Women and Girls, and White House Office of Olympic, Paralympic, and Youth Sport. She said that the 2011 report Women in America which the administration produced for the Council on Women and Girls would be used to guide policy-making.

Relationship with President Obama…

 Close, ..Mama Close.

In 1991, as Deputy Chief of Staff to Mayor Richard Daley, she interviewed Michelle Robinson for an opening in the mayor’s office, and offered her the job immediately.

Michelle Robinson asked for time to think and also asked Jarrett to meet her fiancé, Barack Obama. The three ended up meeting for dinner. After the dinner, Michelle took the job with the mayor’s office, and Valerie Jarrett reportedly took the couple under her wing and “introduced them to a wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own,” and taking Michelle with her when she left the mayor’s office to headC hicago’s Department of Planning and Development. (Source Wikipedia)

Albeit I give Valerie Jarrett full credit and kudos for her rise and her accomplishments, my heart and mind are set on returning America, theAmerica that I grew up in, ..I am unequivocally unappreciative of Valerie Jarrett influence on Barack Obama.

In my personal research to understand Barack Obama and why a man of any ethnicity would endeavor to burn the house he lives in, I have formed many opinions, albeit the most prevailing; “Barack Obama is a mama’s boy!” Albeit, (at least in my opinion) ..that’s a fact that he will deny with his dying breath,, (at least in my opinion,) ..his narcissism outweighs his ideology by a minimum of 10 fold.

A genuine appeal; “Please help me rescue America by sending Barack Obama back to Chicago in November.

Thank you, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

The amateur..

A book review by Bob Adelmann

This book is more about the man — his hubris, his arrogance, his naiveté — than it is about his ideology because the author, a member of the insider Council on Foreign Relations, an influential group that promotes the diminishing of our country’s constitutional structure and the ceding of U.S. sovereignty to a transnational global government such as the United Nations, no doubt (shares that ideology.)

Klein is a certified member of the establishment elite, having graduated from Columbia University with two degrees and having been a foreign affairs editor at Newsweek magazine and a former editor of the New York Times Magazine. It was the latter position that allowed him the opportunity to interview nearly (200 individuals) who are acquainted, some of them intimately, with the current White House occupant while protecting Klein and his book from attack by the Obama “Kool-Aid drinkers” as he calls the mindless, witless journalists and historians who have supported Obama from the beginning.

Klein takes his reader into a private, off-the-record dinner meeting at the White House early in the Obama administration, attended by nine liberal historians, each of whom supported the new President and were celebrating his victory. During that dinner the President spelled out his expectations for his new administration. Obama, noted Klein, (intended) to bring the Israelis and Palestinians to the negotiating table and create a permanent peace in the Middle East.

He would open a constructive dialogue with America’s enemies in Iran and North Korea and, through (his powers of persuasion,) help them see the error of their ways.

He’d pass legislation in Washington to revolutionize the country’s healthcare system and energy policy.

And he’d inject the regulatory hand of the federal government into the American economy in an effort to create “a more just and equitable society.”

When several of the historians brought up the difficulties that Lyndon Johnson had faced trying to wage a foreign war while implementing an ambitious domestic agenda, Obama grew testy. He knew better. He could prevail by the (force of his personality.) (He could solve) the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, put millions of people back to work, redistribute wealth, withdraw from Iraq, and reconcile the United   States to a less dominant role in the world.

It was, by any measure, (a breathtaking display of narcissistic grandiosity) from a man whose entire political curriculum vitae consisted of seven (undistinguished) years in the Illinois Senate, two mostly absent years in the United States Senate, and five months and ten days in the White House.

Unintentionally, Obama revealed the characteristics that made him totally unsuited for the presidency and that would doom him to failure: his extreme haughtiness and excessive pride; his ideological bent as a far-left corporatist; and his astounding amateurism.

The next good service performed by Klein is answering the question: Who is Valerie Jarrett? Describing her as Obama’s “eminence grise” — French for “gray eminence having vital influence” — he says that Jarrett “is ground zero in the Obama operation, the first couple’s first friend and consigliere.” She is equivalent, then, to Tom Hagen as (Vito Corleone’s consigliere in The Godfather.)

The analogy to the mafia boss and his henchmen is appropriate, if unintended by Klein, for Jarrett is a true-blue Chicago politician, having worked for Chicago Mayor Harold Washington and then as Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Richard Daley. Her track record is about as one would expect, (as Klein pointed out) in an article for the Daily Caller:

Despite her impeccable social credentials, Jarrett’s record before she went to Washington was spotty at best. After Mayor Daley made her commissioner of planning, she became embroiled in a massive screw-up in the city’s public housing revitalization plan, which cost Chicago millions of dollars in overruns. Daley fired her without explanation.

After she left city hall, Jarrett became CEO of Habitat Executive Services, where she earned $300,000 in salary and $550,000 in deferred compensation. She managed a federally subsidized housing complex that was seized by the government after inspectors found crime-infested slum conditions and widespread blight.

Obama became acquainted with Jarrett while in Chicago. While working for Daley, Jarrett hired Michelle Robinson away from a local private law firm to serve in the Mayor’s office. After meeting with Michelle and her fiancé, Barack Obama, Jarrett (offered her the position immediately.)

Jarrett previews all of Obama’s decisions, and she has a free pass to attend every meeting held at the White House. Writes Klein:

One day she’ll show up at a National Security Council meeting; the next day she’ll sit in on a briefing on the federal budget. When Oval Office meetings break up, Jarrett is often the one who stays behind to talk privately with the president.

At 6:30 on many evenings, Jarrett can be seen slipping upstairs to the Family Quarters, where she dines with the Obamas….

She is the only member of the White House staff who goes on vacations with the Obamas.

She also determines who’s in and who’s out. When Oprah Winfrey got too close to Obama for Jarrett’s comfort she torpedoed the relationship with customary Chicago grace: She turned Michelle against Oprah:

Oprah was too close to the president…. Oprah was acting like she was the first lady…. Oprah didn’t know her place…. Oprah was a bad influence….

Valerie advised Michelle to “distance herself” from Oprah and cut her out of the White House inner circle.

When Oprah went to visit the White House to talk with Michelle about an interview on her TV show, Oprah had to pay for her own fare from the airport, had to wait at the security gate to be cleared, and then wait again after being shown to the Yellow Oval Room.

And again, when Oprah invited Michelle to talk about her plan to fight childhood obesity, she was given the cold shoulder. The White House responded: “That wouldn’t fit into the First Lady’s plans,” according to one of Klein’s sources. When Oprah was turned down she raged: “Michelle hates fat people and doesn’t want me waddling around the White House.”

Michelle made certain that the rift was permanent by telling her staff: Oprah, with her yo-yo dieting and huge girth, is a terrible role model. Kids will look at Oprah, who’s rich and famous and huge, and figure it’s okay to be fat.

Klein’s book is similarly revealing when it comes to the bribe offered Rev. Jeremiah Wright to keep his mouth shut during the President’s campaign in 2008, and the list goes on.

James Delingpole, a columnist for the Daily Telegraph and author of his own book, (Welcome to Obamaland,) said that Klein’s book “illustrates just how ideological, arrogant and hapless Obama and his administration really are.”

(It is) an outstanding demolition job on the most overrated president of our time.” This reviewer couldn’t have said it better. (Source, the new

If you are a common sense man or woman with the ability to read and the intellect to understand what you’ve read, you need to read this book.

Currently news is offering Mr. Klein’s book for only $4.95, ..URL below

Albeit my usual “Aloha” is; …

“Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow.

I leave you this morning with; …

“Don’t think about it, (spend the $4.95,) then join me in November to send Barack, Michelle, and Valerie Jarrett back to Chicago, ..or Hell, ..which ever is closer.

Crusader Rabbit…

Eye of the Tiger..

According to Webster: ti·ger, (out of context, and/or in reality) A large carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera tigris) of Asia, having a tawny coat with transverse black stripes.

(in context) A person regarded as (aggressive,) (audacious,) or (fierce.)

According to Webster: ag·gres·sive, (in context) Assertive, bold, and enterprising: an aggressive young executive.

According to Webster: au·da·cious,  (in context) Fearless, daring, bold; adventurous and brave. 2. Spirited and original.

According to Webster: fierce, (in context) Extremely intense or ardent: resolute.


 Sarah Palin

America had a Tiger in Sarah Palin…

..albeit America’s collective ignorance couldn’t deal with electing a women President.

Women are fine to birth and raise America’s children, ..but not to lead the Nation.

Question: Who do you (ignorant lot) ..think America is?

America is (in fact) the next-generation (birthed and raised) by the women, ..the (ignorant chauvinistic citizenry) deem as inadequate, ..and incapable.

An American woman is intelligent and trustworthy enough to raise a (man) to lead the Nation, ..”they” just aren’t intelligent or trustworthy enough to spend taxpayer dollars.

Question: Sticking strictly to what you know about Barack Obama’s spending habits, ..and “your” God-given (common sense,) ..who do you think, ..(and/or believe,) (in charge) of balancing the Obama’s personal checkbook, ..Barack, ..or Michelle?

Back on track…

And the reality that America (does not) and (will not) ..have a Tiger opposing Barack Obama in November. America has chosen a “pussycat,” ..and, ..(at least in my opinion,) ..I’m being generous.

When it comes to reality, (again in my opinion,) ..Mitt Romney is a deer caught in the headlights.

Mitt Romney may very well be a good businessman, ..albeit, “in my opinion” he lacks the quality of being in touch with the people that will be paying his salary, and I.

Nevertheless, considering the fact that four more years with Barack Obama and his socialistic ideology will unequivocally (eviscerate) America beyond recognition, ..I will vote for Mitt Romney, ..and I will champion his campaign, ..for (no other reason) ..than to send Barack Obama back to Chicago, ..or Kenya?

According to Webster: e·vis·cer·ate, To remove the entrails of; disembowel.

One more Question: Who is the stupidest, (and/or,) ..the biggest coward? ..the “man” ..who (won’t vote for a woman for President,) ..or the “woman” ..who (won’t vote for a woman for President?)

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…


According to Webster: slave, (in context) One who is abjectly (subservient) to a (specified) person or (influence.)

Albeit I can’t speak for you, in “my humble opinion,” Webster is right on the mark for my purpose.

In Barack Obama’s own words, (in his book,) “Dreams of my Father,” ..he, ..Barack Obama, ..makes it abundantly clear that he, ..Barack Obama, ..idolized his father.


Barack Hussein Obama Senior

Albeit, “public and common knowledge,” I reiterate, Barack Obama’s father was a bigamist, who deserted his wife and son to provide for his own ambition. Barack Obama’s father is documented as an abusive individual and a drunk.

According to Webster: sub·ser·vi·ent, Useful as a means or an instrument; serving to promote an end.

Again, in “my humble opinion,” Webster is right on the mark, albeit in this instance, Webster’s definition cuts both ways.

Barack Obama, “in the real world,” (is and has been used) by the powers that be? The elite, ..arrogant, ..and wealthy (left) thinking ilk that occupy (time and space) ..within the U.S.A.

To name a few…

George Soros, ..Warren Buffett,  ..Bill Ayres, ..Richard Cloward, .,Frances Fox Piven, ..Derrick Bell, ..Carl Popper, ..Van Jones, ..Karl Marks, ..and of course, the liberal ilk in Hollywood…


Those “Grand” (behind closed doors) folks that produce epics depicting mayhem and slaughter with everything from a paperclip to intercontinental ballistic missiles with their right hands, ..the (ones) they take our money with. While their left-hands funnel portions of their profits to the dismantling of the Constitution and America’s guaranteed right to keep and bear arms.

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

According to Webster: spec·i·fied, Explicit or in detail.

In his 22 month marathon campaign (2007 -2008) for the office he now holds, Barack Obama was explicit and detailed about his intentions. So how many of you either didn’t hear; “I’m going to fundamentally “Change the way America does business?” ..or worse, ..”How many of you didn’t understand what he said?”

Brothers in Mind

Barack Obama by his words and by his actions is a socialist, it’s that simple. He is not a Christian.

Once again, let’s see what Webster has to say…

According to Webster: Chris·tian,  (in context) One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Not that I am a Christian of any standing, ..albeit I do understand that Jesus proclaimed that lying, greed and hypocrisy are sins.


According to Webster: in·flu·ence, The power affecting a person, thing, or course of events, ..especially one that operates without any direct or apparent effort.

Not once during my childhood, ..or during my adult life did either of my parents (instruct or inform) me that there was something that I could not do or that there was something that was not accessible to me because of the color of my skin.

Nor have I ever met or associated, briefly, or otherwise, with an individual of (African Heritage) ..who did not relate to me at some point, ..during our (brief, ..and/or long) ..relationship that there were opportunities and situations (unavailable) to them because of the color of their skin.

In my opinion, both “considered and humble,” ..if a man or a woman (is instructed from birth) ..that they are (deficient or inferior) ..because of (the color of their skin,) ..that man, ..or that woman, indeed a slave, ..not to another, ..but rather to themselves.

Barack Obama may very well be content as a (slave) to his past and his ideology? ..that’s his (Cross to bear.)

As an adult (Common Sense Conservative) ..I see no future for “America” ..or for myself, helping him carry it.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

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