Question of the Day – Conformity.

conformity 2a

According to Webster: “con·form·i·ty” Similarity in form or character.

Can anyone explain America’s (obsession) with conformity?

obsession - Obamacare 2

According to Webster: “ob·ses·sion,” Preoccupation with a fixed idea.


Question: How many of you (Obama disciples) understand the definition of ingenuity?

Henry Ford - ingenuity

(Henry Ford understood ingenuity).

According to Webster: “in·ge·nu·i·ty,” Inventive skill or imagination; cleverness.


Question: How many of you (Obama disciples) understand the definition of labor?

determination 1


According to Webster: “la·bor,” Something produced by work.


Question: How many of you (Obama disciples) understand the definition of allegiance?

Pledge of Allegiance - conformi

According to Webster: “al·le·giance,” (in context) Loyalty to God and Country.


Question: How many of you (Obama disciples) understand the definition of exploration?

space shuttle - exploration

(Obama defunded NASA – and increased food stamps).

According to Webster: “ex·plo·ra·tion,” (in context) Open to new ideas, frontiers and original thought…

Barack Obama - Carl Marx

(Not warmed over Marxism).


Question: How many of you (Obama disciples) understand the definition of independence?


 The U.S. Constitution – guarantees independence). 

According to Webster: in·de·pend·ence (in context) self-reliant.

Fact: If Americans ever submit “our” Second Amendment to the progressive liberal ilk, America will fall to the (one world government) advocates and you and every last man woman and child in America will pay homage and allegiance to the Rothschild family.

Fact: The Rothschild family and the Bank of England own more than 50% of the Federal Reserve Bank (which feeds from the U.S. Treasury), i.e., (American tax dollars).

how clear can I make it 1a

The Rothschild family has owned and controlled “our” money for 100 years now, if you give them “your” gun, they will own your soul.

Soul Deed 1a

Fact: Barack Obama and the Lions share of our elected officials in Washington D.C. belong to the CFR, (The Council on Foreign Relations), an agenda driven think tank, and/or, advocates for a “One World Government.”

Fact: If the progressive elitists in the world achieve their goal of a one world government, there will be (no) America, there will be no (U.S. Constitution), there will be no (Bill of Rights), there will be no (First Amendment) to protect your “freedom of speech and freedom of the press,” ..nor will there be a (Second Amendment) to protect “you and your family” from anyone who does not enjoin respecting the law, there will be no (Fourth Amendment) to protect your person or your home from “search without a warrant,” ..there will not be a (Fifth Amendment) to protect “you from incriminating yourself” in a court of law, and most important, there will be no right for an American citizen to vote for “their governments representatives,” as there will be no American government! Which of course with (reality) being a fact of life, “guarantees” ..NO MORE WELFARE!

Question: How many bankers do you know with a generous heart?

Irrefutable fact: A bankers interest, interest.


Question: How many of you (Obama disciples) understand the definition of adventure?

Disneyland - adventure 1a

According to Webster: “ad·ven·ture,” An exciting experience.

Fact: The American taxpayer deserves better than corruption and deception…

conflict and deception

 (Americans deserve better than constant conflict).


Believe it or not, …

people 22  don't trust monkeys with 

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

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