In the light of Day – Comfortable

Question: What’s the difference between comfort, and comfortable?

comfort 1


According to Webster: “com·fort,” A condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment. 

comfortable 1


According to Webster: “com·fort·a·ble,” Free from stress or anxiety; at ease.

God Bless - Page Break 1a

Yesterday, I was pleased to receive a (long awaited) email from a friend who I hadn’t heard from in a period exceeding two months. My friend, and “somewhat” loyal reader of my profundity, (not always in agreement), ..yet open-minded and comfortable enough to be honest with me when assessing my opinions.

miracle of birth 2

Without going into details, my friend was occupied with the completion of another friend’s journey that began with the joy and miracle of birth.

A joyous time to be sure, at least for those fortunate enough to experience the wonder and amazement of a new life, …

a new generation 1a

..a new generation,

new people 1 people.

Page Break - Page Break 1

Albeit, as God’s plan (in my biased view) is for new people to progress and grow into adults, “older and wiser people” …

older and wiser people 2

 ..people who understand,

comfortable 4

unconditional love 1

..and unconditional love. 

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

In the light of day – Seven..

what burns my ass 3

Question: Would you like to know what burns my ass – other than a flame about 3 feet high?

stupidity 2

oblivious - then and now 4a

According to Webster: “stu·pid,” Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.

fire - page break 3a

Bashar al-Assad 1a

(Bashar al-Assad).

President Bashar al-Assad is the head of state of the Syrian Arab Republic. He is vested with sweeping powers that may be delegated, at his (sole discretion), to his Vice Presidents.

He also appoints and dismisses the Prime Minister and other members of the Council of Ministers and military officers.

Hooray for Assad 1

..born (11 September 1965) He has served as President of Syria since 2000, when he succeeded his father, Hafez al-Assad, who led Syria for 30 years prior to his death.


In the light of day…

in the light of day - sun and c

According to Webster: “dy·nas·ty,” A succession of rulers from the same family or line.

Factoid: A dynasty neither represents a Republic or a democracy.

According to Webster: “re·pub·lic,” A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.


Al-Assad graduated from the medical school of the University of Damascus in 1988, and started to work as a physician in the army. Four years later, he attended postgraduate studies at the Western Eye Hospital, in London, specializing in ophthalmology.

In 1994, after his elder brother Bassel, the heir apparent to their father, was killed in a car crash, Bashar was promptly recalled to Syria to take over Bassel’s role. He entered the military academy, and took charge of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon in 1998.

In December 2000, Assad married Asma Assad, née Akhras. Al-Assad was reconfirmed by the national electorate as President of Syria in 2000 and 2007, after the People’s Council of Syria had voted to propose the incumbent each time.

According to Webster: “dic·ta·tor·ship,” Absolute or despotic control or power.

Which of course is great for the throne, but not so much for those required to kneel before it.

History is abounding and overflowing with men like Bashar al-Assad which is not flattering to history nor to the human race.

Question: Speaking as a God-fearing Homo sapien; does a man, a.k.a. monster, ..sleigh and slaughter hundreds of thousands of men women and children, ..and justify it, not to himself, ..but to God and to a world who believes in God?

Personal appraisal: Even if Assad is able to whip his people back into plowshares, at this point he will never ever be able to walk down any street in any City in Syria without at least a Battalion of well armed soldiers to assure his safety, ..and even then, ..I “personally” ..wouldn’t place and (even money) bet on his chances of survival.

fire - page break 3a

Nadal Hasan 1a

(Nidal Hasan – murderer, terrorist, traitor).

Currently in the news, Nidal Malik Hasan (born September 8, 1970) was a United States Army Medical Corps officer who fatally shot thirteen fellow service members and injured more than thirty others in a November 5, 2009, FortHood “Islamic Jihadist” shooting.

Judge in murder trial

 (Judge Col. Tara Osborn).

His trial began on August 6, 2013, with Judge Colonel Tara Osborn is presiding over the case. A case which is currently (via public demand) being covered by all the major networks and cable news outlets, albeit only a few are painting Hasan with a brush that Barack Obama wouldn’t approve.

Fort Hood murder trial 1

As example: The rhetoric again this morning was whether or not to allow Maj. Hasan to defend his actions as a soldier of Allah protecting fellow Muslims.

the flag and Apple pie 1a

As a God-fearing “common sense” patriot who served this Nation in Vietnam to preserve the flag, moms and Apple pie, I take a fervent categorical exception to any man shooting an American that is serving this nation.

With that said, I personally don’t care if they “hang” Major Nidal Hasan for murder, ..or “shoot” him for treason.

I’ve said this before, however I don’t mind saying it again as many times as need be? War, (in my considered opinion) is the stupidest, most abhorrent and unnecessary device that mankind has ever sponsored to settle a grievance.

did Syrian children 1a

Question: How many of you God-fearing Homo sapiens that have read this far, ..believe that Bashar’s mother condones these killings?

fire - page break 3a

Barack Obama - Islamic Muslim

Fact: There are a tremendous number of photos to be found on the Internet of Barack Obama wearing Muslim, ..and/or, Middle Eastern attire. Most of the photos are Photoshopped, this image is not!

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

In the light of Day – Six..

liar liar - 3

In the past I have example such Americans as Pete Seeger and the lyrics to his song; “where have all the flowers gone,” in my quest to wake American voters up to the fact that…

cutting off lamb 1a

“they” ..are (physically) ..setting on the limb that they are sawing off.


Oscar Wilde 1

(Oscar Wilde).

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish writer and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London’s most popular playwrights in the early 1890s.

Today he is remembered for his epigrams, his only novel (The Picture of Dorian Gray), his plays, and the circumstances of his imprisonment and early death.

Wilde, who opined in his 1889 essay; “The Decay of Lying.” that, “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life.” Wilde would have undoubtedly enjoyed the company of…

Charles Caleb Colton 2a

 (Charles Caleb Colton).

Charles Caleb Colton (1780–1832) was an English cleric, writer and collector, well known for his eccentricities and his quotation: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”

According to Webster: “im·i·ta·tion,” (in context) 1. The act of imitating. 2. Something derived or copied from an original.

page break - Boulder 1A

From this point on, holding the definition of imitation in your mind, try to come up with something that Barack Obama has done, or has even talked about doing? That someone else hasn’t already done, ..or tried to do…

Hillary Clinton while First Lady of the United States tried to implement universal healthcare in America, it didn’t work…

Mitt Romney, while serving as governor of Massachusetts tried to implement universal healthcare in his state, it hasn’t worked…

Americans, although charitable almost to a fault, (in the cold light of day), ..few “if any” ..are ready, .. willing, ..and able to make their neighbors mortgage payment…

Nevertheless, Barack Obama with nothing more going for him other than his (time worn) charismatic smile and ability to read eloquently from a teleprompter, has with the input of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi (behind closed doors) ..pinned a 20,000 page plus (unconstitutional) document entitled; …

“The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.”

Possibly the most abhorrent piece of legislation and larceny ever passed by the most abhorrent and larcenous Congress in the history of America.

According to Webster: “ab·hor·rent,” Disgusting, loathsome, or repugnant.


political combat 1

Which has literally divided America into a combative state not witnessed since brother fought brother in the Civil War.

Obamacare - - Constitution 1a

and for what 2A

So that the bankers and moneylenders will have a piece of meat to hang in their windows while explaining to America’s dismayed population, ..why it was (necessary) ..for “them,” the bankers and money lenders to take control.

Which, in the event that you have never thought about it, I will enlighten you. Politicians (with damn few exceptions) are and have always been a pompous arrogant group with few morals and even fewer scruples. They lose and waste money as directed by their personal ideologies and lack of concern for anyone other than themselves…

Barack and Michelle partying

All of those who wish to continue down the road behind Barack Obama and his quest to socialize America know this and know it well, (bankers and moneylenders), although as immoral and unprincipled as politicians, bankers and money lenders are not unmindful of the money in their vaults.

Believe me when I tell you that they keep a running count to the mille…

Scrooge counting his money 1

Bah Humbug 


The mill or mille (₥) (sometimes mil in the UK, …

Costa Rican Mil colones - curre

..when discussing property taxes in the United States, or previously in Cyprus and Malta) is a now-abstract unit of currency used sometimes in accounting.

In the United States, it is a notional unit equivalent to 11000 of a United States dollar (a tenth of a cent). In the United Kingdom it was proposed during the decades of discussion on the decimalization of the pound as a 11000 division of the pound sterling. Several other currencies used the mill, such as the Maltese lira.

The term comes from the Latin “millesimum”, meaning “thousandth part”.  (Source, Wikipedia).

page break - Boulder 1A

Question: When you describe America, what words, phrases and rhetoric do you allude to?

For myself, being a dedicated patriotic conservative America who hasn’t lost touch with who I am or, ..with my God-given (common sense), my description would be as follows; …

“First and foremost, America is my home. America is “One Nation Under God,” God, ..the one and only Christian God as depicted in Holy Bible and the 10 Commandments…

first commandment 2a

America is a Nation of laws, ..and a Nation of Freedoms and Rights beyond any other Nation on the planet.

American citizens have a guaranteed inalienable right to free speech and freedom of the press, ..freedom of religion and the freedom to keep and bear arms. American citizens also have the right to peacefully assemble for the redressing of both personal and public grievances.

Albeit, these rights and freedoms are not granted without cost, American citizens also have “a duty” to protect America against all enemies, (Foreign and domestic), (to include “our” omnipotent arrogant government employees).

page break - Boulder 1A

monopoly game 3

Question: When playing a parlor game such as Parcheesi or monopoly with your family or friends, ..does your “family and your friends” let you change the rules so you can win?

America has rules, ..inalienable rules that were set in stone by our founding fathers, a precious document that all true Americans, ..dutifully, ..and affectionately referred to as our

Constitution flag and liberty

(U.S. Constitution).

..and those rules don’t change for anyone, ..especially for a socialist/communist progressive liberal food stamp huckster like Barack Obama.

According to Merriam-Webster: “huck·ster,” One who uses aggressive, showy, and sometimes devious methods to promote or sell a product. 

page break - Boulder 1A

Editorial: Barack Obama, (in my considered opinion) is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon the American public, he is neither “art imitating life, or, life imitating art, …

monkey see monkey do 1

..he is however without a doubt an imitation of Karl Marx, his mother, Frank Marshall, his grandparents, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Pevin and every other anti-American individual, “man or woman” who participated in his programming.

In closing, I allot the final thought for today to Charles Caleb Colton…

Charles Quot 1

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Sunday Morning Trivia – cliché..

Obama - hope and change poster

A cliché or cliché, is an expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning, or effect, and even, to the point of being trite or irritating, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel.

In phraseology, the term has taken on a more technical meaning, referring to an expression imposed by conventionalized linguistic usage. The term is frequently used in modern culture for an action or idea that is expected or predictable, based on a prior event.

yes we can - page break 1a

Typically pejorative, “clichés” are not always false or inaccurate; a cliché may or may not be true.

Some are stereotypes, …

cops eating donuts 1

Like cops eating doughnuts, ..or

blondes are bimbos 1a

(Marilyn Monroe).

but then, ..some are actually truisms and factual.

yes we can - page break 1a

Clichés often are employed for comic effect, typically in fiction.

Obama birth certificate - 1

Like announcing that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is valid…

Columbia University 1

..pretty much the same with his attendance at Columbia University where according to a classmate. “Wayne Allyn Root; …

Wayne Allyn Root 2a

 (Wayne Allyn Root).

“Obama may have been registered at Columbia, may have graduated from Columbia, but he was rarely (if ever) seen for the two years in-between. It’s a strange, mysterious and frightening story.”


Maybe it was at a time when Barack was shy, ..before he discovered his capacity for eloquent public oratory?


Obama - yes we can 1

Most phrases now considered clichéd originally were regarded as striking, but have lost their force through overuse.

yes we can - page break 1a

In this connection, David Mason and John Frederick Nims cite a particularly harsh judgment by Salvador Dalí: …

“The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; ..the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot.”

Gérard de Nerval 1

Gérard de Nerval

In making this statement, Dalí was appropriating the words of French poet Gérard de Nerval: ..and/or, the original…

rose poem 1

yes we can - page break 1a

A cliché is often a vivid depiction of an abstraction that relies upon analogy or exaggeration for effect, often drawn from everyday experience. Used sparingly, they may succeed, however, the use of a cliché in writing, speech, or argument is generally considered a mark of inexperience or a lack of originality.

yes we can - page break 1a

To which of course, ..I take (fervent exception), without repetition, (220 Million to 350 Million) human beings would still be troglodytes…

caveman with bird 3

(A troglodyte).

According to Webster: “trog·lo·dyte,”(in context) A member of a prehistoric race of people that lived in caves, dens, or holes; out of date, or brutish.

According to Webster: “brut·ish,” Crude in manner; Rough; uncivilized.

my bad 1A

indigenous people 1

 (Indigenous people). 

Because currently, 250,000,000 to 350,000,000 citizens of the earth are indeed still considered to be (troglodytes), or more commonly known as indigenous people.

continuing 2B

Indigenous peoples are peoples defined in international or national legislation as having a set of specific rights based on their historical ties to a particular territory, and their cultural or historical distinctiveness from other populations that are often politically dominant.

The concept of indigenous peoples defines these groups as particularly vulnerable to exploitation, marginalization and oppression by nation states that may still be formed from the colonising populations, or by politically dominant ethnic groups.

As a result, a special set of protections and political rights in accordance with international law have been set forth by a number of…

(in my personal opinion) – (agenda driven) organizations such as the United Nations, the International Labour Organization and the World Bank.

The United Nations have issued a Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to.. (guide member-state) ..”national policies” to collective rights of indigenous peoples – such as culture, identity, language, and access to employment, health, education, and natural resources.

Although no definitive definition of “indigenous peoples” exists, estimates put the total population of post-colonial indigenous peoples who seek, (or more correctly – are force fed the policies of dominating organizations) – “theoretically” human rights and discrimination redress for the 220 to 350 million such categorized.

Hope and Change - Page Break 1

Question: Is hope and change viewed the same by everyone?

Which of course, (at least in my opinion), is a question that would be answered differently by each individual asked…

So let’s ask someone, about Jenny?

(Jenny at the head of the Class). 

By Jenny’s analysis, (at least in my opinion) conservative Americans will suffer…

America's empty suit 1a empty suit in the Oval Office for another 1252 days. 

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Wisdom from History – Questions..

Questions 1

questions questions questions 1A

Questions: Like the question that one member of the “Sons of Liberty” in Boston ask another member in reference to the British parliament’s “Tea Act,” of 1773…

“What the hell does King George and the fools in parliament think they’re doing?

just between you and I - 1

The Tea Act was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain. Its principal overt objective was to reduce the massive surplus of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company in its London warehouses and to help the struggling company survive.


(Special attention)…

smugglers 1a

A related objective was to undercut the price of tea smuggled into Britain’s North American colonies.

hostile takeover 1A

scratch my back 2a

Via the good ‘ol “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours,” policies too often throughout history used between politicians and select big business.

government motors 1

This was supposed to convince the colonists to purchase Company tea on which the Townshend duties were paid, thus implicitly agreeing to accept Parliament’s right of taxation.

The Act granted the Company the right to directly ship its tea to North America and the right to the duty-free export of tea from Britain, although the tax imposed by the Townshend Acts and collected in the colonies remained in force.

It received the royal assent on May 10, 1773, colonists in the Thirteen Colonies recognized the implications of the Act’s provisions, and a coalition of merchants and artisans similar to that which had opposed the Stamp Act 1765 mobilized opposition to delivery and distribution of the tea. The company’s authorised consignees were harassed, and in many colonies successful efforts were made to prevent the tea from being landed.

In Boston proper, this resistance culminated in the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773, when colonists (some disguised as Native Americans) boarded tea ships anchored in the harbor and dumped their tea cargo overboard.

Parliamentary reaction to this event included passage of the Coercive Acts, designed to punish Massachusetts for its resistance, and the appointment of General Thomas Gage as royal governor of Massachusetts.

Minuteman - war of independence

These actions further raised tensions that broke out into the American War of Independence in April 1775.

abstract page break 1a

Parliament passed the Taxation of Colonies Act 1778, which repealed a number of taxes (including the tea tax that underlay this act) as one of a number conciliatory proposals presented to the Second Continental Congress by the Carlisle Peace Commission.

return to sender 1a

The commission’s proposals were rejected.

The Act effectively became a “dead letter”, but was not formally removed from the books until passage of the Statute Law Revision Act 1861.

abstract page break 1a

The Boston Tea Party (initially referred to by John Adams as simply “the Destruction of the Tea in Boston” was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, a city in the British colony of Massachusetts, against the tax policy of the British government and the East India Company that controlled all the tea imported into the colonies.

Boston tea party 1773

On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor.

abstract page break 1a


21st century tea party 1

Today’s 21st-century tea party, is concerned about exactly the same tyrannical dictatorial policies of Barack Obama, as the tea party participants in 1773…

21st century tea party 2

..the rhetoric has been updated, nevertheless the message that Americans are sick and tired of picking up the tab for omnipotent do-nothing tax and spend politicians is the same.

continuing 2B

The incident remains an iconic event of American history, and other political protests often refer to it.

The Tea Party (1773) was the culmination of a resistance movement throughout British America against the Tea Act, which had been passed by the British Parliament in 1773.

Edenton 2  womens tea boycott - 17


Colonists objected to the Tea Act because they believed that it violated their rights as Englishmen to “No taxation without representation,” that is, be taxed only by their own elected representatives and not by a British parliament in which they were not represented. Protesters had successfully prevented the unloading of taxed tea in three other colonies, but in Boston, embattled Royal Governor Thomas Hutchinson refused to allow the tea to be returned to Britain.

The Boston Tea Party was a key event in the growth of the American Revolution. Parliament responded in 1774 with the Coercive Acts, or Intolerable Acts, which, among other provisions, ended local self-government in Massachusetts and closed Boston’s commerce. Colonists up and down the Thirteen Colonies in turn responded to the Coercive Acts with additional acts of protest, and by convening the First Continental Congress, which petitioned the British monarch for repeal of the acts and coordinated colonial resistance to them.

piper fife and drum 1

The crisis escalated, and the American Revolutionary War began near Boston in 1775.

continuing 2B

Obama Spending2

Currently, (in my humble opinion) ..the government, ..and/or, the “Obama administration,” out of control, the deep end, (or whatever other cliché anyone wishes to lead with…

America will not survive until 2016 if conservatives don’t pick up seats in 2014…

impeach the government 1a

rebuild the dream 1a

kick out the Commies 1a

who doesn't love my grin

charismatic grin 1A

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

In the light of Day – Five..

unequal people 1

Question: Are people, as proclaimed in the preamble of the Declaration of independence, actually “all” created equal?

lets look closer 1a

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, (that all men are created equal), that they are endowed by their Creator (with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness)…

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, (deriving their just powers) from (the consent of the governed), …

That whenever any Form of Government becomes “destructive of these ends,” it is the (Right of the People to alter or to abolish it), and to institute new Government, laying its (foundation on such principles) and (organizing its powers in such form), as to them shall seem most likely (to effect their Safety and Happiness).

Prudence,” indeed, (will dictate) that “Governments long established” should (not be changed for light and transient causes); and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when (a long train of abuses and usurpations), pursuing invariably the same Object evinces (a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism), “it is their right,” – “it is their duty,” to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

America land of opportunity - p

Barack Obama, an individual who both truth and history bear out to be the child and grandchild of men and women fixed in their fervent belief that there is no Christian God…

the holy cross 2a

..and that Marxists communism is a superior path in life over capitalism.

Except of course, when it comes to…

in God we trust 2a

..cut paper upon which is inscribed the above.

At which point, without hesitation or inclination, communists, socialists and atheists are all in line for their share, ..if not for (more) than their share.

America land of opportunity - p

burnt - house 2

Question: To God-fearing Americans who voted for Barack Obama, (common sense required), ..would you buy a house and then burn it to the ground?

If your answer was anything but yes, please continue…


Second Question: Why are you behind Barack Obama in his efforts to destroy the U.S. Constitution?

Third question: Are you so confident in Barack Obama and the progressive liberal ilk in Washington D.C. that “you” are willing to sacrifice your future, your children’s future and your grandchildren’s future?

America land of opportunity - p

Obamacare may be the most imposing “Red Herring” ever unleashed upon the world, ..albeit, ..a definite “Red Herring it is, ..without question.

red Herring 4

A red herring is an English-language idiom that refers to a logical fallacy that misleads or detracts from the actual issue.

Obama - burning Constitution

(Hazardous to America’s health).

Barack Obama,, ..and has been since his first inauguration, dissecting and destroying America’s Constitution.

America land of opportunity - p

Indisputable truths; “America was not founded by socialists, communists, or Muslims. America is a God-fearing Christian nation, America was not nurtured and shaped by, socialists, communists or Muslims. America has never been defended by socialists, communists or Muslims.

Obama in traditional dress 1a

..which are unequivocally “The big three,” (in my opinion) in Barack Obama’s life.

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

In the light of Day – Four

human cannonball 4

In my offering yesterday, ..I elaborated about “shooting people,” ..not shooting people per se, (with bullets), ..but rather, ..shooting people, (instead of bullets).

As a transplanted “pea-picker,” ..and/or, (an individual born in California), where throughout my formative years I recall the slogan; “As goes California, goes the Nation.”

Which I suppose, “in truth” (is a great part) of why I moved from California to Western South Dakota.

California, without a doubt is one of the most beautiful and diverse States in the United States, ..however with that said; (I feel an obligation) to America, ..and to America’s (common sense) folks to follow with: “California, (at least in my humble opinion), also home to, ..and governed by, ..some of the dumbest Homo sapiens on the planet.

God bless America page break 2a

Case in Point…

Diane Feinstein - anti-American 2a

 (Diane Feinstein).

The individual above does not want American citizens to own or possess firearms, because (in her opinion), firearms are dangerous…

people tube 1

Nevertheless she is ready and willing to spend $10 billion, (Billion) ..with a capitol (B) ..of taxpayer’s money to (shoot), and/or, (scoot) Americans through a tube, ..and/or, (barrel) between Los Angeles and San Francisco at 1026.6 feet per second, ..faster that a Colt 1911-A1 pistol dispenses a .45 caliber bullet.

Colt 45 ACP A-1

(Colt M-1911-A1 – .45 caliber Pistol).

Question: When are Americans going to wake up to the fact that the current majority mindset and political agenda of the progressive liberal wing of the Democratic Party is anti-law, anti-Constitution and anti-American. 

God bless America page break 2a

Constitution - page break 1

There is no provision in the U.S. Constitution to change the U.S. Constitution. There are provisions in the Constitution to add to the Constitution, ..there are no provisions to “delete” anything (most notably) ..the Second Amendment, ..or any part of the Second Amendment.

don't shoot I want to grow up 1

Intellectually, (it is my belief) that there isn’t anyone over the age of six in America who doesn’t understand that there is a growing (ugly) perception in the “black community” ..that the world (white people in particular) ..are out to get them.

Question: Why are “black people” ..unequivocally the most (singled out) people in America?

welfare line 1

Question: Why do “black people” need so much public assistance?

 angry black people 1a

Could it be because there are angry black people in America whose livelihood depends on (black folks) ..believing that the world (white people in particular) are out to get them?

panhandler 1

 Question: Why are there no successful black people in America?

 made you think 1a

According to Webster: “suc·cess·ful,” 1. Having a favorable outcome. 2. Having obtained something desired or intended. 3. Having achieved wealth or eminence.

Question: Can anyone in attendance today, think of a “black man, or a black woman,” (off the top of your head), ..who has achieved a favorable outcome in their life, ..or obtained something desired, ..or achieved wealth and eminence?

looking closely 1a

Oprah Winfrey 1

(Oprah Winfrey).

Oprah Gail Winfrey (born January 29, 1954) is an American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist.

Oprah Winfrey show - Logo

Winfrey is best known for her multi-award-winning talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show which was the highest-rated program of its kind in history and was nationally syndicated from 1986 to 2011.

Oprah has been ranked the richest African-American of the 20th century, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, and was for a time the world’s only black billionaire.

Oprah - influential

She is also, according to some assessments, the most influential woman in the world.

Oprah has hosted most everyone from…

Oprah Winfrey show - Foolfools 1 

Oprah Winfrey show - Obama'sthe first family 1a

OMG - theyre black 1a

Question: If the most influential woman in the world is black, and the president of the United States is black, why in God’s name, are there any homeless black people in America?

Truth begs for understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

In the light of Day – Three

in the light of day - sun and c

Unbeknownst to Barack Obama and his “progressive ilk,” the United States Constitution is the foundation of America. It is the (unalienable) law that sets the standards for America.

According to Webster: “un·al·ien·a·ble,” Not to be separated, given away, or taken away; inalienable.

scales of justice - bronze  1

According to Webster: “stan·dard,” (in context)  1. A measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value; a criterion. 2. A requirement of moral conduct.

When our courageous ancestors, both the men who pinned the Declaration of Independence and the men who validated it’s content by volunteering to serve in the Continental Army.

Continental Army 1

They didn’t stand against King George’s redcoats to provide a future for politicians and money lenders, they stood against King George’s tyranny, establish “freedom” and provide a future for themselves and their families, a cost of fifty thousand Americans, dead and wounded.

distraction - page break 2

Weapons Squad - 1965

Editorial: From personal experience, (war at its very best) categorically stupid, horrifying and appalling….

In Vietnam, neither myself, ..nor the men who stood beside me, ..risked “our” lives for an “unjust” tea tax, ..we risked our lives in the guise of defeating communism.

For the record, between November 1, 1955 and April 30, 1975, 58,220 Americans died, with 303,644 wounded. Total dead from the Vietnam conflict, 480,538,807,564.

Wars, “recent or historic” are the ultimate blight on humanity and a disgrace to every decent God-fearing man woman and child on the planet. 

..yet we currently not only “elect” communists and socialists into our political offices, we employ them in all walks of life and allow them to walk the streets of America with impunity.


Question: Is there anything in man’s history worse than war?

absent frigate lewdly 2

A society that condones “war or killing” for a purpose other than defense of itself or defense of its allies.

Between WW I, ..WW II, ..Korea, ..Vietnam, ..Iraq I, ..Iraq II and Afghanistan, an astronomical number of Homo sapiens have been slain and slaughtered for (greed) in the name of one ideology or another?

distraction - page break 2


California transportation syste

Earlier this a.m., ..while catching up on what’s going on in America, ..and around the world. I was privy to a narrative depicting California’s hankering to construct a high-speed transportation system that would propel people through a sizable tube via compressing air.

Question: (alluding to your God-given common sense) what is the merit and value to the common folks in California, ..a State on the verge of bankruptcy, spending tens of billions of taxpayer’s dollars to provide transportation between Los Angeles and San Francisco in 30 minutes?

people are not bullets 1a

Question: What could be so important to anyone to want to travel through an overland tube faster than a .45 ACP bullet travels through the barrel of a Colt 1911-A1 model pistol?

people tube 1

California proposes that it’s (proposed) transportation system will travel at 700 mph, which equates to 1026.6 feet per second.

bullet ignition 2

A Colt model 1911-A-1 pistol chambered in .45 ACP caliber, (like the one I carried in Vietnam to protect the world from communism), will discharge a projectile through it’s barrel at a rate of 800 feet per second…

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human cannonball 2

beyond the scope of Hollywood 1a

human cannonball 1apeople are not bullets 2A

Nor do people fare well when targeted by bullets, ..or when they stop against a solid object when traveling at the speed a bullet.

distraction - page break 2

Transportation and the availability thereof has always been a tremendous benefit to mankind in his never-ending “perceived” need to get (somewhere) just a little sooner.


 (Wells Fargo stagecoach – circa 1880).

Amtrak train 1

(Amtrak train – mid-20th century).

current jumbo jet 1

 (Current Jumbo Jet).

Currently an individual can fly from Los Angeles to San Francisco in an estimated 57 minutes (at 500 miles an hour) or vice versa for a fee ranging between $435 and $572.

Question: Can anyone, (who is not mentally impaired) justify spending from $10 Billion to lessen the transportation time between Los Angeles and San Francisco to thirty minutes?

Better Question: What will a Homo sapien be required to pay to be shot through a tube at a staggering 700 miles an hour, and or, 1026.6 feet per second and how many of California’s welfare recipients will be able to afford a ticket?

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Factoid: “California’s taxpayers are the benefactors to one-third of all of America’s welfare recipients, …

welfare recipients 2a

..nevertheless California is home to only one-eighth of America’s total population.” Do the Math! (Source, national

to the rescue 1a

Obama drops work requirement 1

With Barack Obama’s penchant for enslaving America via dependence on the government, ..and/or, ..more correctly, (his) administration, California taxpayers are now feeding…

food stamps surfer 1a

(Jason Greenslate – the Food Stamps Surfer).

..twenty-nine year old Jason Greenslate, and according to a Fox News interview, ..several of his sushi and lobster loving friends.


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concept 1areality is not a concept 1A 

reality - realityreality is reality 1A

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

In the light of Day – Two

 Sun Bunny 1

Preface: If you read my offering yesterday and your back for more today, ..thank you. Not for myself, but for America and the rest of the world.

Because if you live on the planet earth, regardless of your heritage, the color of your skin, your faith, or your ideology, you are in trouble.

If you’re not from the earth, ..please, ..let me be the first to welcome you and seek your opinion concerning the turmoil on my…

perfect landscape 1

..beautiful planet. 

Yesterday I began with “Volume One” of a series of offerings to convey my opinions as to what must be done, if this Great Big Beautiful Blue Planet of “ours” is to have a future?

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The Preamble to the United States Constitution is a brief introductory statement of the Constitution’s fundamental purposes and guiding principles. It states in general terms, and courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of, the Founding Fathers’ intentions regarding the Constitution’s meaning and what they hoped the Constitution would achieve as it pertains to all of the people of the United States. As the phrase, “we the people” suggests that the new government originates from the people of the United States and it sets into motion a question as it pertains to that vast population concerning the individual rights and equality among all people; this can be seen most broadly in the divide between republicanism and social democracy.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

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(Sidebar); So what does that mean?

The Preamble serves solely as an introduction, and does not assign powers to the federal government, nor does it provide specific limitations on government action.

Due to the Preamble’s limited nature, no court has ever used it as a decisive factor in case adjudication, except as regards frivolous litigation.

According to Webster: “in·ter·pre·ta·tion,” The act or process of interpreting. 2. A result of interpreting. a. An explanation or a conceptualization by a critic of a work of literature, painting, music, or other art form; an exegesis. b. A performer’s distinctive personal version of a song, dance, piece of music, or role; a rendering. –in·ter”pre·ta“tion·al adj.

According to Webster: “in·ter·pret,” To explain the meaning of: construe.


As long as I am doing preambles this morning, ..I can’t think of a solitary reason why I shouldn’t throw in the preamble our distinguished forefathers composed for “our”  Declaration of Independence…

preamble 123 - declaration of indep

Question: What do the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution have in common?

They both lean heavily on…

rights and inequality 1a

Question: What is an “unalienable” right as allotted by the U.S. Constitution?

A guaranteed privilege. 

Question: What did “our” founding fathers mean when they wrote; “that all men are created equal?” 

Did they intend that all men were equal in height and weight,

or did they intend that all men were equal in the eyes of God and equally privileged and responsible to abide by the law?

in the light of day 1a  - little bo

 (The future).

Question: Why is a nation that is great enough to provide its citizens with privileges and freedoms unavailable anywhere else on the globe, not wise enough to appreciate and protect those privileges and freedoms for future generations?

young eager minds 1

 (Young eager minds).

Question: Which path will you take on your journey to the future?

to educate 1

According to Webster: “ed·u·ca·tion,” (in proper context) An enlightening experience.

organized minds 1

(Organized minds). 

According to Webster: “or·gan·ized,” (in context) To arrange systematically for harmonious or united action.

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Editorial: When I was young it was my understanding that to take part in America and succeed, an individual had to learn the three “R’s,  ..reading, ..righting, ..and rithmetic. Albeit, in (current) America, young people are threatened to believe that without a university education (he or she) hasn’t got a snowballs chance in hell of achieving the American dream.

A philosophy that I take great exception with as an American who not only understands the value of “hard work,” ..and/or, “labor,” I truly appreciate it. As “without the labor” of the man or woman who serves your latte in the morning, or the clerk at your local grocery who inquires; “Did you find everything you needed?” The America I reside in would have collapsed into ruin a hundred years ago. America is not held together by politicians and money lenders,’s held together by you and I.


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Question: Why does Barack Obama and every politician in this nation, (regardless of his or her party affiliations), treat American citizens like children?

A much better Question: Why do American’s allow politicians to treat them like children?

Because when a politician…


..that his or her constituents don’t think for themselves, ..the politician, ..(he or she) can do whatever they please without fear of recourse.

Obama - not working

Which of course, (at least in my opinion,) is the reason why Barack Obama and others in Washington spends so much of their time (not) doing their jobs.

Because, again (at least in my opinion) Barack Obama fully understands that it’s easier to provide America with a…

distraction - kitten 1distraction 1a - blue background


men working sign 1results 2a

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missiles and the launchers

In a socialist, and/or communist, America, weapons of mass destruction will be replaced by the teleprompter…

Obama and Teleprompter 2

..Obama’s weapon of mass deception and distraction.

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow

Postscript: Yes, ..the image I opened with today is indeed a representation of a bunny.


Crusader Rabbit…

In the light of day..

light of day 1


If you’ve logged on to my website this morning (on purpose, and/or, ..simply by chance?) You need to know that today’s offering, ..or more correctly,’s thoughts, ..and advice (cannot) be adequately conveyed in one article.

As my fundamental purpose (is) and has always (been) to simply make people (think) for themselves, instead of blindly (accepting) the thoughts and ideologies of others.

the thinker 4

..and yes, ..I’m fully aware that (you) are the “one person” on this planet that doesn’t fall into that category.

Nevertheless, as a personal favor, ..I would appreciate your continuing participation.

Soon after injecting myself into the world of “blogalogy” I had a conversation with one of my brothers who is less than an avid reader, during which, my brother informed me that my offerings contained words that he didn’t understand.

Consequently, alluding to my God-given common sense, I immediately, (if not sooner) adopted the (unorthodox) format of defining my words any time and every time I used a word that I believed my brother might not understand.

..and with the exception of one individual, (my friend David), I received hundreds of comments praising my (timeouts), my (Sidebars) and my (FYI’s), defining those words via Merriam-Webster definitions.

Which of course has not only allowed me to continue using pretentious, grandiose and interesting words, it has inspired me to use them.

Question: Does a word have to be pretentious and grandiose to be interesting?

of course not - black and white 1a 

Case in point…

Bill and Monica 1a

When Bill Clinton audaciously replied to Congress; “It would depend on what “your” definition of is,

Question: Can a single word have more than one meaning?

An example off the top of my head: Shakespeare’s infinitely quoted; “To be or not to be.” 

looking closer 1a

 ..(to), ..(too), ..and, ..(two), ..and, ..(be), ..and, ..(bee)?

Question: What do you think? 

Question: Can you give any other example of confusion in the English language?

Question: “Like are there any (single) words in the English language that depict (present, past, and future)?

Honestly, (as a disdained by society high school dropout) I’m not sure. However, if you hang in there with me and continue reading, ..and once you’ve (read) what I’ve written, ..and you pass on what I have written to a few of your friends to (read) maybe we can all put our heads together and figure it out?

Question: Have you read Barack Obama’s book, “Dreams from my Father?

Reply: No, however I intend to read it next week.

Statement: Actually, I would prefer that you read it today.

According to Webster: con·fus·ing, To cause to be unable to think with clarity or act with intelligence or understanding; throw off.

Question: Why on earth would any (Homo sapien), ..and/or, (Human being), ..purposely want to confuse, ..and/or, ..throw someone off?

Question: Aren’t we all “brothers and sisters,” ..and don’t all “brothers and sisters” love each other?

According to Webster: “love,” (in context) A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

According to Webster: “in·ef·fa·ble,” Incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable.

According to Webster: “so·lic·i·tude,” (in context) The state of being solicitous; care or concern, as for the well-being of another.

Question: How many of you reading this are growing weary of the box stock (off-the-shelf) rhetoric I’ve provided so far?


So let’s get down to business, ..and what business would that be he and she asked?

Why the business that matters to every working man and woman in America of course, ..the business of who’s been stealing and spending your money for the last 100 years.

Obama indulgence 7 (2)

Question: How many of you (with common sense) “American citizens ” currently reading this offering, ..(whether or not you own a business) ..would keep an “individual” in your employ, who you pay (four hundred thousand dollars) a year, ..when he (literally) spends “more time and energy” hitting golf balls, taking vacations, ..and promoting his (personal agenda) than he does providing the duty and service you hired him to perform?

Question: Have dead people ever voted in a U.S. election?


Absolutely! Dead people have voted in U.S. elections for more than 200 years.

Question: Does the U.S. government reward dead people with remunerations?

Dustin first 1a

 According to Dustin Hearst/…

The federal government sends an awful lot of cash to people who are six feet underground.

That is the key finding of a Government Accountability Office report released this week that revealed the U.S. Department of Agriculture sent more than $36 million in taxpayer cash to farmers who, because they lack of a pulse, can’t actually farm or participate in federal conservation programs.

The federal department sent the money, farm subsidies, conservation payments or crop insurance dollars, between 2008 and 2012, the report reveals.

But, even these numbers could be off. As noted by Bloomberg, the Risk Management Agency, which handles crop insurance, handed out more than $22 million to 3,400 dead farmers in the four-year people, but the GAO couldn’t verify that factoid.

“The GAO said the agency’s record-keeping wasn’t up to standards used by the government to prevent the three-headed hydra of waste, fraud and abuse, so it isn’t really clear who got all that money,” Bloomberg’s James Greiff wrote Thursday.

To recap, the federal government thinks it’s paying dead farmers, but can’t really say how many corpses might be receiving cash due to the agency’s sloppy record keeping.

Tad DeHaven, a policy analyst with the Cato Institute, a free-market think tank based in Washington, D.C., told the payments are only a symptom of a government grown far too big.

“This is what happens when you have a massive government cutting millions of checks to people each month,” DeHaven said, decrying America’s ever-growing welfare state.

To fix the problem, governments could spend more money on verifying payments, DeHaven said, or could go the fiscally sane route and cut welfare programs like crop subsidies.

burger and fries 1

In DeHaven’s opinion “Waste and abuse go with government programs like fries and a Coke go with a burger,”

Throughout the years, several governments across the country have provided evidence for DeHaven’s assertion.

Here are six more examples of governments handing out taxpayer cash to the dead.

BayState bodies…

A report released earlier this year by Massachusetts State Auditor Suzanne Bump showed her state paid out welfare benefits to residents from six to 27 months after they’d kicked the bucket.

The report details more than $2.3 million dollars in improper payments to the deceased. Because nature abhors a vacuum, friends or family members of the deceased stepped up to use the benefits. The report noted that several EBT cards originally issued to the deceased were still in use long after the funeral was over.

rest in peace 1

The audit knocked the state for issuing blank EBT cards, arguing that they lacked sufficient security to protect valuable resources.

Stimulate this, Social Security…

U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma, detailed in an October 2010 report how the federal government sent more than $18 million in stimulus funds to 71,688 deceased Americans. Coburn also revealed $40.3 million in “questionable benefit payments” to 1,760 dead people.

“In some cases, these payments quietly gather in a dormant bank account,” Coburn wrote in the document. “In many others, however, they land in the pockets of still-living people, who are defrauding the system by collecting benefits meant for a now-deceased relative.

I see dead people 1a

In the underworld, there’s no heating – or cooling – needed

Here’s another gem from Coburn’s report: the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, you know, the federal agency tasked with overhauling one-sixth of the American economy, sent 11,000 dead people $3.9 million to pay heating and cooling costs.

current GAO 1a

While bookkeeping errors are blamed for much of this, as DeHaven notes, these programs are ripe for abuse.

Coburn’s report details how an Illinois women lacked sufficient household members in relation to income to qualify for heating assistance. “She realized she still had the Social Security cards for her dead mother and brother and simply added them to her application,” the report says.

Nearly 50 years of improper payments…

what's new 2

The federal government spends a lot of money each year, so it will commit a lot of errors, right?


Question: have you ever heard a stupider question in your entire life?

I also spend a lot of money every year, ..and with America’s system of credit, (admittedly) I spend more money every year that I have.

Question: So what’s the difference, ..(if any), ..between me and the government?

Simple; ..correction, ..monumentally simple! The government has infinite access to the U.S. Treasury, ..I do not!

Of course, when it comes to access to the U.S. Treasury, the government and I do have something in common. Neither of us has direct access to the U.S. Treasury.

Question: what the hell do you mean by that?

I’ll explain later, ..because right now.

Jack Nicholson - the truth 1a 

But nearly 50 years’ worth of mistaken payments? That’s quite a feat.

A September 2011 report exposed the federal government’s Civil Service and Retirement Program improperly paid more than $120 million in improper benefits over a five-year span.

Those improper payments included one man, whose father died in 2007, who continued receiving payments until his own death in 2008, as reported by the Huffington Post.

Those checks cost taxpayers $515,000.

Texas-sized abuse…

 the state of Texas 1

We’re pretty sure SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, doesn’t cover embalming fluid. That didn’t stop Texas from paying out food money to dead people, though.

An audit of the state’s welfare program reported 4,096 recipients were dead, using a deceased person’s Social Security number, receiving duplicate benefits in Texas, double-dipping by simultaneously receiving food stamps from Texas and another state or previously disqualified from the program.

The improper payments, the Star Telegram reported, amounted to more than $500,000 a month, or about $6 million annually.

History repeats itself, even when bureaucrats promise it won’t

This 1998 newspaper clip revealed that four states, including Texas and Florida, paid out food stamps to more than 25,000 corpses, which cost taxpayers $8.5 million in 1995 and 1996.

In Florida, the state said it installed a program in 1996 to check food stamp recipients against death and jail records, which would weed out abuse.

Perhaps that didn’t go far enough.

silhouette poll dancer

In a 2012 report, Coburn noted that a Florida exotic dancer earned more than $85,000 a year in tips while also collecting $1,000 a month in food stamp payments. During that time, she also spent $9,000 on “cosmetic enhancements,” though she claimed the procedures were gifted her by men she met in clubs.

Truth forges understanding, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

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