The Mushroom People..

As a matter of policy, when “applicable,” I try to respond to those of you who make inquiries.

Thus, to those of you who responded to my 26 May offering, entitled; “Magnanimous,” which I introduced a graphic of a group of “Mushroom People” highlight (my opinion) of individuals who voted for Barack Obama in 2008.

To be honest, (in the moment,) ..the graphic was simply to provide a visual to grab attention. Albeit from the response I received, could make a good case that those of you who responded were more beguiled by the irresponsibility of the “Mushroom People,” ..than you were with the “feckless” behavior of “our” government.

Either way, your questions were good questions and since I appreciate response from my readers, I will do my best to respond.

After a considerable amount of pondering, ..I have decided that “Mushroom People,” ..are mostly, ..albeit not all, “academics” ..who have (lost touch) ..with their “God-given Common Sense” ..and (surrendered) to the “ideologies and opinions” ..of those (dedicated) the (ideologies and opinions) ..of preceding idealistic “Mushroom people.”

At one point in history, ..prior to man domesticating himself, we, i.e., human beings i.e., Homo sapiens were as “subject” to every aspect of nature “as” every other species of animal on this planet from aardvarks to zebras.



We, ..mankind, ..use to have the capacity to lick our own wounds. Then “we,” ..mankind, ..discovered medicine, i.e., (plants, tree barks, roots, minerals and herbs) to suffer the process for us. Accordingly, as anyone, (at least anyone with common sense) ..will convey to you; “If you don’t use it, lose it.”

Thus, “modern man,” ..has evolved to (require,) “Shaman, medicine men, doctors, nurses and physicians assistances (to maintain,) ..”not only our health,” ..but our sanity as well.

Until here we are? Modern man, (Homo sapiens) the 21st-century, ..without the (capacity,) ..or the (will) follow in the footsteps of our forefathers, ..even if it means starving to death to (maintain our manufactured value) ..that “we,” we Americans, ..have at some point, ..become to (fragile) ..or to (important,) harvest our own food.

Thus, “we,” (the collective we) ..have collectively closed our eyes to “our” Constitution and America’s immigration laws to keep from getting our collective hands soiled.

As simple as I can put it; “Obama” is a (product) of liberal academia, ..his mother was a (product) of liberal academia, as was his (estranged) father, ..whom he revered.

Barack Obama (is) a “poor choice” ..not only for the liberal (academic) ilk of America to carry their banner for change…


..he is and was a poor choice for every (brain-faded) man and woman that fell into lockstep with the (brain-faded) progressive liberal left, ..and/or (the mushroom people), (historically) ..the (brain-faded)progressive liberal left, ..and/or the (mushroom people) have always come up short.

( I’m a college graduate )

According to my “pearlsofprofundity,” unabashed dictionary: mush·room people; (in context) Any of a variety of individual i.e., (Homo sapiens) .. (who are kept in the dark and happy with progressive liberal doctrine, ..and/or, ..BULLSHIT.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

The Boxer Rebellion, USA..

The (original) Boxer Rebellion, (1889 – 1901) also known as (Boxer Uprising) or (Yihetuan Movement,) was a proto-nationalist movement by the “Righteous Harmony Society” in China opposing foreign imperialism and Christianity. (Source Wikipedia)

The Boxer Rebellion in China did not end well, for either side. But then when you think about it, ..”conflicts” of any description, ..never do.

According to Webster: con·flict, A state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests; a clash.

According to Webster: an·ti·thet·i·cal, being in diametrical opposition.

According to Webster: di·a·bol·i·cal, Appropriate to a devil, especially in degree of wickedness or cruelty.


Barbara Boxer – Congresswoman (D- California) 

Question: Why am I wasting my time and your time again this morning with meaningless distracting drivel?

Answer: Because the idiots that (can’t or won’t) play fair (by the rules) ..are again, (via cyberspace) ..i.e., (another, ..ya “gotta” forward this e-mail) circulate more meaningless distracting drivel.

This time… 

S 176 IS


1st Session

S. 176

To establish minimum standards for States that allow the carrying of concealed firearms.


January 25 (legislative day, January 5), 2011

Mrs. BOXER introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


To establish minimum standards for States that allow the carrying of concealed firearms.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Americain Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the ‘Common Sense Concealed Firearms Permit Act of 2011’.


(a) In General- Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 926C, the following:

‘Sec. 926D. Concealed firearms permits

‘(a) In General- Each State that allows residents of the State to carry concealed firearms shall–

‘(1) establish a process to issue permits to residents of the State to carry concealed firearms; and

‘(2) require that each resident of the State seeking to carry a concealed firearm in the State obtain a permit through the process established under paragraph (1).

‘(b) Requirements- In establishing a process to issue permits to carry concealed firearms under subsection (a), a State shall–

‘(1) ensure that a local law enforcement agency participates in the process; and

‘(2) at a minimum, require that an applicant for a permit to carry a concealed firearm–

‘(A) be a legal resident of the United States;

‘(B) be not less than 21 years of age;

‘(C) demonstrate good cause for requesting a concealed firearm permit; and

‘(D) demonstrate that the applicant is worthy of the public trust to carry a concealed firearm in public.

‘(c) Law Enforcement Agency Report- If a State establishes a process under subsection (a) that allows for an agency other than a law enforcement agency to issue permits to carry concealed firearms, the process shall require that–

‘(1) a local law enforcement agency submit to the agency responsible for issuing permits a written report that describes whether the applicant meets the standards of the State to carry a concealed firearm; and

‘(2) the agency responsible for issuing permits maintain a report submitted under paragraph (1) in the file of the applicant.

‘(d) Definition- In this section, the term ‘local law enforcement agency’ means a law enforcement agency of the unit of local government with jurisdiction of the area in which the applicant for a permit to carry a concealed firearm resides.

‘(e) Compliance- Not later than 270 days after the date of enactment of this section, each State described in subsection (a) shall be in compliance with this section.’.

(b) Technical and Conforming Amendment- The table of sections for chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 926C the following:

‘926D. Concealed firearms permits.’.

Disposition, i.e., status…

Introduced, ……………….………… January 25, 2011

Referred to committee, ……..…. (Not yet occurred)

Reported by committee, ………… (Not yet occurred)

Passed Senate, …………….……… (Not yet occurred)

Passed House, ……………….……. (Not yet occurred)

Signed by the president, ………. (Not yet occurred)

Prognosis: Just 3% of all Senate bills in 2009 – 2010 were enacted.

Cosponsor: None.

Personal Curiosity: Isn’t anyone out there familiar with the term; “RED HERRING?”


A red herring is a clue which is intended to be misleading, or distracting from the actual issue. For example, in mystery fiction, where the identity of a criminal is being sought, an innocent party may be purposefully cast in a guilty light by the author through the employment of deceptive clues, false emphasis, “loaded” words or other descriptive tricks of the trade. The reader’s suspicions are thus misdirected, allowing the true culprit to go (temporarily at least) undetected. (Source Wikipedia)

Prognosis: In (my considered, albeit “humble” opinion,) ..lying, ..via (misleading) information (Red Herrings) is unacceptable, regardless of your political affiliation or agenda.

The sky has been around forever, ..the sky is not falling, ..nor is it scheduled to fall in your lifetime.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow

Crusader Rabbit…

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