Questions of the “Forever.”

forever 1

According to Webster: “for·ev·er,” Everlasting time; eternity.

who are you - red 1a

Not only is my question a simple question, it’s a fair question and a question that anyone should be able to answer.

are you honest - white 1b

Another simple question..

are you an American - blue1a

If you can’t answer this one with a confident affirmative,

you shouldn't be here 1a

..and since were on the subject of people who shouldn’t be where they are, (in my absolute and unequivocal opinion).. 

Barack Obama on the phone

This “individual,” (note that I defer from referring to him as a (man), (in my opinion) the criteria for a man is to be both self-reliant, and responsible). Accordingly by no measure, or by no stretch of my imagination, is this person qualified to sit behind the desk in the Oval Office.

On September 25, 2012, Obama addressed the UN Gen. assembly and delivered these words: (The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.)

As not to be taken out of context…

(Pertinent text below).

“The impulse towards intolerance and violence may initially be focused on the West, but over time it cannot be contained. The same impulses toward extremism are used to justify war between Sunni and Shia, between tribes and clans. It leads not to strength and prosperity but to chaos. In less than two years, we have seen largely peaceful protests bring more change to Muslim-majority countries than a decade of violence. And extremists understand this. Because they have nothing to offer to improve the lives of people, violence is their only way to stay relevant. They don’t build; they only destroy.

(The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.)

But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.”

As an American, and a Christian, I am offended that the President of the United States chose to place Mohammed, the prophet of Islam before Jesus Christ, the son of God.


Fact: The U.S. one dollar bill features the image of the father of our country, George Washington, ..not Barack Obama.

one dollar bill back 1

 Fact: The U.S. one dollar bill is emboldened with the words;


…nowhere is Mohammed mentioned.

God’s first Commandment; “Thou shall have no other gods before me.”

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Adversarial Discourse..

adversarial discourse 8

According to Webster: “ad·ver·sar·i·al,” Relating to or characteristic of an adversary; involving antagonistic elements. 

adversarial discourse 7a

According to Webster: “dis·course,” (in context) Verbal expression in speech or writing.

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Over the course of issuing my daily blather (information and opinions) I sometimes, ..(or more correctly) ..often! ..strike a nerve with one or more of this great big blue planets 9 billion residents.

 blue planet earth 1

..and one (individual) in particular. A friend, who for the sake of his privacy, ..shall remain anonymous.

In an email I received from him yesterday morning in a retort to a reply from a reply, he wrote; …

“All you have to do is educate the bitch on conservative talk radio along with Ann Coulter.”

adversarial discourse 4

A definite clash of ideologies, as I prefer not to label women or conservatives as bitches.

A proud confession; I am, ..and have always been a person who has a special affection (loves) for animals, ..especially dogs.

My last dog, (Molly),  ..a 12 pound Pomeranian…

Molly - 1998 - 2011

..with a heart the size of Texas.

According to Webster: “love,” A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

Definition beyond Webster: “love,” A 12 pound Pomeranian with a heart the size of Texas.

According to Webster: “bitch,” 1. A female canine animal, especially a dog. 2. Offensive. a. A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing.

Another proud confession; “Being offensive to women, offensive to me.

Growing up I had four brothers and one sister, you could say anything you wanted to about me or about any of my brothers, albeit if you were “disrespectful or irreverent” to my sister, were in for a long day. I was my sister’s favorite brother.

My friend is not a bad person, nor to my knowledge, he (mean). To the contrary, my knowledge of my friend sets him apart from many as his work and compassion on behalf of mankind are exemplary.

According to Webster: “mean,” (in context) Selfish in a petty way; unkind. b. Cruel, spiteful, or malicious.

According to Webster: “ex·em·pla·ry,” Worthy of imitation; commendable.

Ann Coulter 2

As for Ann Coulter? To my knowledge, ..Ann Coulter is an American citizen born in New York City, gainfully employed and self-reliant. For those attributes alone, ..Ann Coulter is completely acceptable to me.

I have researched and critiqued Ann Coulter in past blogs and although I don’t personally agree with everything that Miss Coulter says, I do agree that she has the right to say whatever she wants to say, anywhere she wants to say it, any time she wants to say it…

this is America 2

wake-up call 1

..I appreciate the First Amendment.


Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Thin skin, and those packaged in it..

baloney 2

Once again, my (number one) candidate for thin-skinned politician of the week, (none other than) ..the underbelly of America’s favorite Commander-in-Chief, Barack, Hussein, (I wish my daddy had been a Rothschild) Obama!

Beyond the “fluffy” reports coming out of every “nook and cranny” that the mainstream media “delves into,” ..and/or, dumpster dives for, conjure up the tripe they deliver to their followers, to include the dust bunnies under their beds. (Rumor has it) from the conservative press, that B.H.O. sweating rutabagas from Michelle’s “Who Garden” over the current trilogy of scandals hanging over the White House.

 page break one 2

Doesn’t our baloney exporting Commander-in-Chief know what our founding fathers meant by…

give me liberty 2a


freedom of speech - red white a Question Mark 1a

page break one 2

Cincinnati protester 1b


Maybe not? ..because if he did, ..individuals who exercise their Constitutional right to free speech at (his) gatherings wouldn’t be accosted and drug away by large badge totin’ gentleman wearin’ Smokey the bear hats.

 criticism of Obama 2a

Factoid: Albeit denied with his every (fibbing) breath, ..every un-brainwashed (common sense) Homo sapien in America is fully aware that Eric Holder, Barack Obama’s hand-picked Attorney General (authorized) Operation “Fast and Furious,” even if it was (verbal) he could “exercise” his (plausible deniability) ..that no “worthy” Washington (politician) is ever without.

As the alternative would be that someone ( ? ) in the Justice Department was running the Operation without Eric Holder’s knowledge or consent.

In which case of course, every un-brainwashed (common sense) Homo sapien in America would be picketing outside the White House demanding Holder’s head on a platter for incompetence.

 you can't have it both ways 1a

I fully understand the plight of the of the poor, ..I grew up poor, but not because my father was disenfranchised, my father had a job, and when my father didn’t have a job, he had two jobs. My father had no formal education beyond the eighth grade, nevertheless my father was a self-reliant responsible individual with moral values that didn’t include taking charity from a neighbor or from the state.

I respected my father for his values more than any other person I can name. My parents raised six children, all of whom to my knowledge never applied for welfare or food stamps.

Our politicians, yours and mine, when vying for our votes, from the first day to the last, ..expound (family values) ..then they rob us blind…

(Sidebar). I know this is where you expect me to define the word “stupid” again, ..but I’ve decided that if you don’t know what the word means by now, never will.


Parting question: “How does a boy learned to be a man with a job, if he’s never met one?

Contrary to popular belief, one does not become a man by getting a woman pregnant.

One becomes a man by getting out of bed every day and going to work, – minimum – 30 years.

It couldn’t be any simpler, however for those of you who still don’t understand…

 Obama Butt Whoppin 1a

..sometimes education “requires” more than a progressive liberal university professor.

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

More Obama Abomination..

side effects of Obama care 1

According to Webster: “a·bom·i·na·tion,” A cause of abhorrence or disgust.

Part-Time Workers Losing Pay Due to Obamacare

Many part-time workers are getting slammed with a one-two punch from Obamacare — loss of pay and denial of access to employer-sponsored healthcare insurance.

The healthcare reform legislation passed into law requires large employers offering health insurance to include part-time employees working at least 30 hours a week.

Instead, a growing number of employers are cutting back part-timers’ work hours to avoid paying for their insurance.

An estimated 2.3 million workers nationwide are at risk of losing hours and therefore pay, according to research by the University of California-Berkeley cited by the Los Angeles Times.

The Times offered as an example the city of Long Beach, Calif., which is limiting most of its 1,600 part-time workers to no more than 27 hours a week.

Large restaurant chains and retailers are also beginning to cut back on employee hours, and colleges are reducing courses for part-time professors.

(Sidebar). Which of course, (in my personal opinion) might not be such a bad thing when it comes to the good folks in academia, as academia accounts for more than 70% of the progressive liberal ideology currently biting America in the ass.


According to the Times, the average annual premium for employee coverage was $6,540 in California last year, and family coverage was more than $16,000 a year.

Nationwide, employee-only coverage cost $5,615 last year, and family coverage cost $15,745, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported.

One consolation for part-time workers is that due to low salaries, many of them will qualify for government insurance or be eligible for discounted premiums on private policies beginning in January.

On the other hand, it’s expected that some businesses will drop health coverage entirely and instead pay a penalty of $2,000 per worker. (Source

Obama care abomination 2

(To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending).

The above placard was produced and distributed by the Obama administration, (not to dispel the myths) of Obama care, ..but rather to (sell the myths) of Obamacare.

According to Webster: “myth,” (in context) A fictitious story, person, or thing. 

fiction - red 1

Come on folks, (the truth) who among us didn’t grow up with fiction? Superman, the Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy, the Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and of course my personal favorite, …

 Bugs Bunny 3a

Question: So why is Bugs Bunny my personal favorite when it comes to fictional characters?

The short answer, Bug’s is one of the few characters I know whose older than I am and still above ground.

Of course if I were to expand my answer, Bugs and I have a lot in common. We both like carrots, ..we both have gray hair and neither of us could ever understand what Elmer Fudd was saying.

 Elmer Fudd 1a

..and of course if there’s one thing I’ve been a stickler about throughout my entire life, it’s being absolute about what folks say.

As one of the fundamentals my father passed on to me, ..a paraphrasing from Lewis Carroll, out of Alice in Wonderland;

“Say what you mean and mean what you say because the people that matter don’t mind and the people that mind don’t matter.”

 the mad Hatter 2a

From Lewis Carroll; …

“Then you should say what you mean,” the March Hare went on.

“I do,” Alice hastily replied; “at least–at least I mean what I say– that’s the same thing, you know.”

“Not the same thing a bit!” said the Hatter. “You might just as well say that “I see what I eat” the same thing as, “I eat what I see”!”

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Indeed, language can be confusing, especially when used by an “unscrupulous” politician.

My parting question for today: …

Obama care abomination 1

 …will Obamacare flatlined Health Care in America?


Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

A Bump in the Road..

a bump in the road 5

Words from the mouth of our caring “Commander-in-Chief during an interview on 60 minutes (September 23, 2012).

 Obama's bump in the road 1a

Four men, four Americans, by Barack Obama’s “progressive” analogy were no more than “a bump in the road.”

Question: What in the hell road is Barack Obama on?

Of course not to be completely unfair, Barack Obama did, without stammer or stutter, announce with resolve that it was his intention during his campaign to fundamentally change the way America does business.

Well, if this isn’t a bona fide change to the way America has always done business, ..I’ll kiss Nancy Pelosi’s “sagging” butt during prime time on MSNBC.

Hell, I’ll even throw in a Clinton or two…

..and why not? Hillary could have ordered our troops in waiting to jump in, instead of stand down, just as well as our cravenly commander-in-chief.

Come on folks, even George W, intellectually challenged as he is, George W., would have ordered troops in to protect our embassy.

But then, going with the fact that America is currently under the thumb of the dumb, and the indifferent when it comes to America’s heritage and America’s Constitution, we, “We the People,” will have to suffer the consequences of avarice and gutlessness for another 3 ½ years.

According to Webster: “av·a·rice,” Immoderate desire for wealth; cupidity.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

what difference 2  at this point d

Gee Hillary, maybe you should approach the question as to what you might have done, had Chelsea or Bill been in the embassy when the terrorists struck?

Factoid: I would have composed the question to Barack as to what he would have done, had Sasha, Melia and Michelle been in the embassy, if I had the slightest confidence that he would have done something other than what he did.

Which of course we all know now, ..was nothing.

 screw him there not my kids.1a jpg

..they were,

just a bump in the road 2a

..albeit from a poem received in an email from a friend a few days ago, the men who died in Benghazi were apparently “more than a bump in the road” an anonymous Marine Corps officer who penned the following…

The Battling Boys of Benghazi 1

 Semper Fi …

Obama  - 1a  just a bump in the roa

In (my humble opinion) America will begin to heal when both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are history…

remember Benghazi 1a 

Have a Great ” Memorial Day,” I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…


know it all logo

Origin of the lawnmower?

The lawn mower was invented in 1830 by Edwin Beard Budding, an engineer from Stroud, Gloucestershire, England. 

Edwin Beard Budding Lawnmower 2

(Edwin Beard Budding mower – circa 1830).

He obtained the idea after seeing a machine in a local cloth mill which used a cutting cylinder (or bladed reel) mounted on a bench to trim cloth to make a smooth finish after weaving. Budding realised that a similar concept would enable the cutting of grass if the mechanism could be mounted in a wheeled frame to make the blades rotate close to the lawn’s surface. He went into partnership with a local engineer, John Ferrabee, and together they made mowers in a factory at Stroud. Examples of the early Budding type mowers can be seen in Stroud Museum, the London Science Museum and at Milton Keynes Museum.

These early machines were all made of cast iron and featured a large rear roller with a cutting cylinder (reel) in the front. Cast iron gear wheels transmitted power from the rear roller to the cutting cylinder. Overall, these machines were remarkably similar to modern mowers.

Budding and Ferrabee were shrewd enough to allow other companies to build copies of their mower under licence, the most successful of these being Ransomes of Ipswich which began making mowers as early as 1832. The company has made mowers virtually continuously ever since, and is now the world’s largest manufacturer of lawn care equipment. 

Budding cieca 1850

 (Thomas Greene and sons – circa 1850)

By the 1850s, Budding’s early patents had lapsed and other companies were able to introduce their own machines. In the middle of the decade, Thomas Green and Son of Leeds introduced a mower called the Silens Messor (meaning silent cutter), which used chain to transmit power from the rear roller to the cutting cylinder. These machines were lighter and quieter than the gear driven machines that preceded them, although they were slightly more expensive. At roughly the same time, Alexander Shanks of Arbroath introduced its range of Caledonia mowers and Ransomes introduced the Automaton. All were available with either gear or chain drive, and grass collection boxes were an optional extra. All these models, in various sizes and with minor modification, were in production well into the 20th century.


The next major innovation in lawn mower design was the introduction of the sidewheel machines. Although invented in England, these machines were popular in North America where grasses are often coarser than in Europe. They had cast iron wheels at each side which drove the cutting cylinder directly by means of ratchets inside the castings. They did not have a metal rear roller, and were very light and inexpensive to make, which made them very popular all over the world.

Motorised mowers appeared in the 1890s as lightweight petrol engines and small steam power units became available. Although steam mowers were the preferred choice for a few years, by 1900 petrol engined mowers were winning in the market. Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies introduced a petrol engined mower in 1902, and led the market until the First World War, although Shanks and Greens also made petrol engined machines during this period. 

Another company which became incredibly successful in the 1920s and 30s was Qualcast. Models such as its E sidewheel and Panther roller mowers sold in millions, at just a few pounds each, to people with small lawns who needed an economical and reliable mower for a few minutes a week.

Side-whell reel mower 2

(Qualcast Model E – circa 1920’s and 30’s).

The period immediately after World War One saw an unprecedented growth in lawn mower production. Technology had advanced, companies needed to find new markets for peace time products, and customers were moving to new suburban housing with small gardens.

One of the most successful companies to emerge during this period was Atco, at that time a brand name of Charles H Pugh Ltd. The Atco motor mower, launched in 1921 was an immediate success. Just 900 of the 22in cut machines were made in 1921, each costing £75. Within five years, annual production had accelerated to tens of thousands. Prices were cut and a range of sizes was available, making the Standard the first truly mass produced motor mower. 

Qualcast Model E 1920 - 30

 (The Atco motor mower – 1921)

Surprisingly, seemingly modern ideas such as electric power and rotary cutting were all tried out in the 1920s and 30s, although they did not become popular until much later. Innovations in the 1930s and 40s led to lighter designs and smaller, more powerful petrol engines. By the 1950s lawn mower technology had advanced greatly and machines were inexpensive and generally reliable. The introduction of plastic components in the 1960s reduced costs further still, although traditional designs were similar.

hover mower for home 2

 Robo mowers for the home…

hover mower for commercial 1

 ..or the golf course.

The major innovation of the the last thirty years has been the rotary hover mower, made possible by widespread use of lightweight plastics and high-power, lightweight electric and petrol motors. The first ‘hover’ mowers were introduced by Flymo in the early 1960s. These machines were blue and white, rather than the more familiar white and orange designs seen today.

Sadly, many of the old lawn mower companies have disappeared, having gone out of business, moved into other markets or merged with each other. However, the machines continue to attract the interest of collectors and enthusiasts throughout the world, which is why the Old Lawnmower Club was formed in 1990.


Moving beyond the “Old Lawnmower Club” and the nostalgia that they provide the world. Lawnmowers today, keeping up with “the times,” ..provide those of us who “enjoy” the task of maintaining a lawn, well as those who “cut grass” as their occupation. The market place abounds with choices from…

simple power mower 1

 ..a simple power mower, to a…

professional riding mowers 1

.. Professional riding mowers, to …

current Sears tractor mower

 ..the in between.

Which is what I used to mow my lawns this morning, ..albeit my lawn tractor is not as current as the one pictured above. 

Have a great day, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…


Factoid 1

A factoid is a questionable (unverified,) statement presented as a fact, without supporting evidence.

As example: “Barack Obama was born in his grandmother’s house in Kenya, South Africa.

Of course, since I am one of the residence of this planet who believes that story to be true, for me it is a factoid.

For the rest of you, (or at least those of you who live beyond the next 20 years), ..I believe that it will become a fact. 

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The word can also be used to describe a particularly insignificant or novel fact, in the absence of much relevant context.

The word is defined by the Compact Oxford English Dictionary as; “an item of unreliable information that is repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact”.

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Factoid was coined by Norman Mailer in his 1973 biography of Marilyn Monroe. Mailer described a factoid as “facts which have no existence before appearing in a magazine or newspaper”, and created the word by combining the word fact and the ending -oid to mean “similar but not the same”.

The Washington Times described Mailer’s new word as referring to “something that looks like a fact, could be a fact, but in fact is not a fact”. 

urban legend urban legend 3

Factoids may give rise to, ..or arise from, common misconceptions and urban legends.

Freddy Krueger close-up 1a

 Like Freddy Krueger…

Jason 1


crocodile in toilet 1a

..or a crocodile emerging from your toilet.

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The following are “other” well-known examples of factoids.


The Great Wall of China has been described as being the only man-made structure visible from the moon.

In reality, no man-made structure on Earth can be seen with the naked eye from the moon.

 dogs and cats 1

Dogs and cats are color-blind and see the world in scales of grey.

Dogs and cats have color vision, called “dichromate,” albeit dichromate vision is not nearly as proficient as “trichromate” color vision that humans enjoy, and/or, red, green, and blue light.

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Texas 1

There are some that believe the Texas State flag is the only state flag that can be flown at the same height as the American flag, as Texas formerly held the status as a nation.

However, in reality, according to the United States Flag Code, all state flags are displayed at the same height as the American flag when on separate poles, with the American flag in a position of honor (to its own right).

State flags hang below the American flag while on the same pole, and should never be larger than the American flag.

In reality, Texas is not the only U.S. state to formerly have diplomatic recognition. 

Hawaii 2a

The state of Hawaii shares the same status. 

Hold a good thought, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

What’s more fun than C-SPAN ?

C-SPAN Television Logo 1

Where else in this great Nation of America, ..can you watch one group of government employees, ..lie to another group of government employees, ..while we, “We the People,” ..we (the taxpayers) ..pick up the tab.

According to Webster: “lie,” (in context) A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood. 

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The truth, (as sad as it is), I would wager without hesitation that there is not one human being on this great big beautiful blue planet of ours who hasn’t told a lie.

We all participate, some more than others, for myself, during my formative years, my “adolescent curiosity” often took me beyond the boundaries set by my parents for my well-being.

Question: Are boundaries responsible for lying? ..or is lying simply an innate attribute of Homo sapiens erectus?

Homo sapiens erectus 1a

  (Homo sapiens erectus).

black page divider

Or is lying a learned trait? Do we, and/or, children learn to lie by observation?

I was at the office 1

(I was at the office! ..I called your office, you weren’t there). 

black page divider Pinocchio and Jiminy cricket

Everyone loves Pinocchio, come on what’s not to love? He’s cute as a bug, ..his best friend is a bug, ..and he’s got one of the best stories ever. Come on folks, ..who can you think of that’s had more adversity to deal with in his formative years, than Pinocchio?

Nevertheless, being a (common sense) responsible adult, I could never consider supporting Pinocchio for public office.

Could you imagine Pinocchio in front of a congressional oversight committee being questioned by Darrell Issa?

Think about it, by the end of the day Pinocchio’s nose would be long enough to reach Moscow, or maybe even Beijing?

Can you also imagine how long Lois Lerner’s nose might extend if she were afflicted with Pinocchio’s malady and America’s Constitution didn’t contain a Fifth Amendment?

Not that I’m calling Ms. Lerner out as being set aside from others, to include our now retired secretary of state Hillary Clinton, our current Atty. Gen. Eric Holder, as well as Barack Obama’s mild mannered (puppet) and/or, (frustrated) press secretary; Jay Carney). In my (unlearnied) estimation, ..all would have noses that would circle the globe several times.


Yes, I am aware that (unlearnied) is by Merriam-Webster’s standards, not a proper word, however since the government has yet to deny “artistic license” and/or, ..(freedom of the press), ..I am (unapologetically) comfortable with “coining a word,” ..and/or, turning to (neologism) now and then.

According to Webster: “ne·ol·o·gism,” The creation or use of new words.  


Of course to be completely fair (a critical requirement thrust upon me by my friend April) I would be negligent if I didn’t include or at least point out that all 535 of our employees in Congress obtained their seats via one lie or another on their job application, and/or, their campaign to win your vote.

Question: So why is it that we, “We the People,” expect our employees who lied to us to get their jobs, wouldn’t continue lying to us in the performance of their jobs?

As a retiree from America’s workforce after 46 years I can speak with “aplomb” that I never worked for an individual or a corporation, (other than the US government) that wouldn’t have dismissed me for lying on my work application, or lying to them personally.

Point of clarification: The branch of the U.S. government I worked for where no one gets fired for lying, ..or anything else, ..was the U.S. Army.

But then America’s military is an especially confusing entity, subject to the whims and whimsy’s of a single individual who has been since the founding of America, ..known to (us), his employers, the Commander-in-Chief.

If the commander-in-chief of America’s military services decides for any reason, (tactical or whimsical), it is the law without recourse.

If the Commander-in-Chief decides to shut down, and/or, close a military base anywhere on the planet, it gets shut down or closed.

If the Commander-in-Chief of America’s military services decides to arrest and detain a corporal for providing classified military information to an unscrupulous website, (that corporal) is arrested and detained without recourse for whatever period of time the Commander-in-Chief decides.

If the Commander-in-Chief of America’s military services decides that a major who shot and killed 13 of his fellow servicemen in a rampaging act of lunacy, bellowing (Allahu Akbar), during his rampage, should not be denied his “pay” while awaiting trial, then (that major) will receive his monthly stipend without prejudiced or interruption.

So of course, (at least in my opinion), it’s a damn good thing that the Commander-in-Chief of America’s military services doesn’t command the authority bestowed upon the company commander of an infantry company.

Because I personally recall during my tour of duty, more than one “young soul” ..who received a (summary) judgment of (six and two thirds) for taking an extra day on a weekend pass, or simply being insubordinate to a thin-skinned second Lieutenant.

Clarification: A judgment of (six and two thirds) meant that an individual forfeited two thirds of their pay for six months.


And then of course, as another example, we have Martha Stewart who served a six-month sentence in a federal prison for fibbing to a federal agent.

Question: What the hell ever happened to the phrase; “fair play,” ..or “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”

Question: If an American citizen can go to jail for lying to an individual who works for her, (then why would it not be fair) for a government employee who lies to his or her employer, and/or, the American public, spend an “equal” amount of time in a federal prison for the same infraction?

Question: Does one have to be a politician in America to incur the authority to lie?

So many unanswered questions, what are we to do? A good start (at least in my humble opinion) could include dismissing our current (stock) of politicians, and/or liars, and replacing them with individuals as alluded to in President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, “people of the people”, instead of people who belong to the Rothschilds.

 the truth will come out 1b

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

Liberals and the law..

Obama Reed Pelosi storm

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.

illegal immigrants coming to Am

(Mexican citizens on their way to America).

Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as…

free and fair elections 1

Black Panther voter intimidatio

voter intimidation 1a

The New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case, sometimes known simply as the Black Panther Case, is a political controversy in the United States concerning an incident that occurred during the 2008 election.

voter fraud 3a

Melowese Richardson voter fraud 1a

Melowese Richardson of Madisonville, Ohio admitted to Cincinnati’s WCPO-TV earlier this month that she mailed in an absentee ballot, but also cast her vote at the polls because she feared it wouldn’t be counted. She said she did it to “fight” for “Mr. Obama’s right to sit as president of the United States.”

“Yes I voted twice,” Richardson, a longtime poll worker, told WCPO. “I, after registering thousands and thousands of people, certainly wanted my vote to count, so I voted. I voted at the polls.”

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civil rights 1a

As a white liberal running in a majority African American district, Tennessee Democrat Stephen I. Cohen made a novel pledge on the campaign trail last year: If elected, he would seek to become the first white member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

congressional black caucus logo

Now that he’s a freshman in Congress, Cohen has changed his plans. He said he has dropped his bid after several current and former caucus members made it clear to him that whites need not apply.

“I think they’re real happy I’m not going to join,” said Cohen, who succeeded Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn., in the Memphis district. “It’s their caucus and they do things their way. You don’t force your way in. You need to be invited.”

Cohen said he became convinced that joining the caucus would be “a social faux pas” after seeing news reports that former Rep. William Lacy Clay Sr., D-Mo., a co-founder of the caucus, had circulated a memo telling members it was “critical” that the group remain “exclusively African-American.”


Question: Wasn’t there a movement in America at one time to abolish segregation?


Other members, including the new chairwoman, Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich., and Clay’s son, Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., agreed.

“Mr. Cohen asked for admission, and he got his answer. … It’s time to move on,” the younger Clay said. “It’s an unwritten rule. It’s understood. It’s clear.”

segregation in Congress 1a

(Sidebar for clarification).

The congressional black caucus (to my knowledge) is in no way affiliated with the…

 CBC television 1 

A posting for a job hosting a children’s television show at the CBC “Canadian broadcasting Corporation” calling for “any race except Caucasian” was posted on the craigslist website for Larissa Mair Casting & Associates.

Just Thinkin’ ..wonder how long it’s gonna be now before someone suggests that America organizes a…

beautiful white guy 1a

page break - dark blue 1 - Copy

freedom of the press 1a

don't piss off Obama 2a

Our current administration also believes in freedom of religion, trade, ..and private property.

Unless of course you’re a Christian who wishes to display a nativity scene at Christmas, or you’re a small business trying to survive in the shadow of the Giants in America’s current failing “Obama” economy,…

Second Amendment with rifle man 2

..or if you happen to be a gun owner, ..and you believe in the Second Amendment.

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world.

 the age of Enlightenment 2a docume

(The age of Enlightenment).

A period, during the (17th. and 18th. Centuries) marked by nation building, government consolidation, organization of knowledge: ..and a decline in the power institutions such as the church and nobility, making way to provide greater rights to the common people.

Today, liberal political parties remain a political force with varying degrees of power and influence on all inhabited continents.

Etymology and definition.

Words such as liberal, liberty, libertarian, and libertine all trace their history to the Latin liber, which means “free”.

Which of course, (at least in my opinion) is the culprit behind Barack Obama and his ilk’s belief that one such as ( he ) can spend America’s treasury into oblivion and it’s okay because if you believe in “liberalism” as strongly as the lost children of Neverland believe in Tinkerbell, the bill will never come due.

animated Tinkerbell 5 

Think about it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…


elation 1

According to Webster: “e·la“tion,” To make proud or joyful.

Preface: I had a blog already to post this morning entitled: “Liberals and the law.” Albeit, when I put the power to my motherboard this morning and checked my email, there was a missive from my friend Tom.

For those of you who have been reading my blather for a time? You know Tom to be my friend who works for the VA on behalf of America. Tom is one of the good guys. For those of you who have not been reading my blather for a time? Now you to know that Tom is one of the good guys.

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Tom’s email:

“Mission accomplished. I got word that the Monsanto profit protection riders have been removed fro the farm bills in both the house and senate. HOOORAH thank you Sen Merkley Or. Congressman DeFazio Or. and Sen. Harry Reid Nev. They are also pushing for an investigation into the long term affects of dioxins. It only took us 45 fukin years.”

Editorial: Good news for Tom and good news for the citizens of America, ..and the citizens of the world.

dioxin is poison 1A

 Thank you Tom, America and the world are in your debt.

page break one 2

Elation is an emotion of happiness. (Source Wikipedia).


Not that this information has any tactical purpose here, albeit Wikipedia’s offering for the definition of “elation” is (without a doubt) ..the shortest I have ever encountered.


 happy camper 1

According to Webster: “hap“pi·ness,” (in context) Marked by pleasure and satisfaction. 

page break one 2

In an attempt to rescue myself from those who would criticize me for being one-sided, I dedicate the next portion of my blather to the losers…

Hugh Grant 1a

 (Hugh Grant – CEO of Monsanto). 

An individual, who I am sure is somewhat upset with Tom this morning, so to Hugh I offer my sincerest… 

sincere boo-hoo 1a

..which of course I also extend to any and all of our government employees who may be upset as well?

sadness 4

 (A government employee selected at random).

 According to Webster: …

 melancholy definition 1a

As much as it pains me to make people unhappy, under these circumstances I believe that I can live with myself…

why you dare ask 1

Because not only is my life in jeopardy from the products that corporations like Monsanto produce, your life is in jeopardy as well, and the lives of our children and grandchildren. Wake up America, Tom can’t do it all.

 American bandwagon 2

 (American Bandwagon)

Come on America, get on the bandwagon. You and every other individual in this nation that consumes farm grown agricultural products needs to understand and appreciate the dangers imposed by chemicals like dioxin, (a major ingredient in the defoliant agent orange) that was used on and around American soldiers during the Vietnam War. Men who risked life and limb to defeat the evil of communism and keep America’s citizens secure. Now the same company that produced agent orange, (Monsanto) wants to provide dioxin to you and your children, and grandchildren via a campaign to pass a bill through our Congress. A bill, that according to my friend Tom’s email this morning was just defeated.

According to Webster: “de·feat·ed,” To prevent the success of; thwart. 

victory 1a

According to Webster: “vic·to·ry,” The state of having triumphed.

Of course, to anyone with common sense and knowledge of our government’s (less than honest) practices when it comes to catering to “Corporate America,” understand that a victory today doesn’t mean that the politicians and money mongers aren’t already plotting a course of action to expand their power and increase their profits.

Accordingly America, is my “fervent” advice to those of you who love this country and appreciate the freedoms “our” Constitution guarantees you and I, (be aware), stay vigilant to protect your freedoms and your families.

Do it, I’ll be back tomorrow


Crusader Rabbit…

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